I. Am. Doing. A. Terrible. Job. Of. Not. Falling. In. Love.
ITT: What Can't You Tell Them?
What advice are you looking for?
You might see it as a "Get It Off Your Chest" thread if you prefer.
There might be things that you're pretty sure would fuck everything up if you said what you felt deeply inside, though.
There might not be. If not, no worries.
But sometimes you just have to shout it into the void and hope that others who know what you're feeling will comfort you, or that others seeing something relatable will be comforted.
I don't know.
Must everything be so object-oriented?
I pretty much tried and told her everything and then she said she loves me like a brother and then I cut all contact. Sooooooo yeah
I'm bounding my head off the window trying to break through into the universe where you love me like I love you.
Sometimes, there's bruising, but sometimes I think I see little cracks in the glass.
My only fear is that if it ever broke, it might just cut us both beyond repair.
At this moment, however... it feels like it's worth any risk.
Also, super-edgy bruh gonna write sadboi lyrics with that
I still haven't forgiven myself for cheating and basically I want to die
I used to drop hints that i was suicidal. At times i made it really obvious just to make someone acknowledge it. But now i don't want to do it for attention because I'm afraid someone will stop me. I'm trying so hard to improve myself and want to want to live but i just can't shake how easy it would be to make all my problems go away. Plus it's pretty much just guilt over what it would do to the few people that love that keeps me alive. I've thought about moving across the country, burning every bridge with everyone i know to make them hate me, and just take a small boat and a gun into the middle of the pacific to just disappear.
If you think you understand what it is that gives you control over me any more than I do... I swear I have no answers.
I guess this is what I want to say:
I love everyone, and I think I'm in love with a few people... but I'm in love with you the most.
I love everything about you. I know we can't be together right now, with me being your boss and everything, but I hope that when you leave that you message me more. You're charismatic, strong, cute, everything. I love just talking to you, being near you. Remember that time you were training that new employee and I just stood behind you, saying I was monitoring how you were doing? I was really just taking in your cologne. You're really too much. I know you probably don't feel the same way at all, but I can just dream, can't I?
I can tell everything.
I have no fear.
The only problem is that nobody wants to listen.
You're not the same person you were when we first met.
Every time I see you, though, it's like you're aligning yourself with everything I love.
Am I aligning you to my dreams? Am I realigning myself to yours?
I've stopped caring which it is long ago, I think.
If you're a dream... don't wake me.
the truth is that I don't know if I am really Bi. I told you because at the time I needed to talk about Adam and everything that was bothering me about it then. it seems there is this endless trial going on in my head except the jury never leaves to deliberate. It's just two or even three lawyers endless arguing and shouting at each other. maybe this is just a result of built up sexual frustration? if only I could just fuck and get all of this behind me. I am growing weary of worrying about this. I am weary of constantly questioning myself
I can't tell my parents or anyone that I feel like a creep because I genuinely do creepy And perverted stuff on impulse.
I feel sad, guilty and alone and It fucking hurts.
Honestly if I could erase my mind of what I did, I'd be fine.
I'm. Doing. The. Right. Job. Of. Falling. In. Love. With. You.
I dont know i cant fall in love
I can't tell you I'm bored and sexually frustrated.
Every time I fall in love with someone it makes me vulnerable and whoever I'm with attacks that vulnerability to the point that I retreat into a hardened shell that makes me a bitter asshole that eventually attracts another person who opens me up and destroys me again and the cycle repeats. I can't allow myself to open up anymore because everytime it happens it hurts a little more and I feel like even more of a dumbass
You think she's going to break your heart, and you want her to. You can't stand not knowing if you have one. But it's not going to fucking happen, she's going not going to leave you broken, she's going to leave you a husk of yourself. You're going to be hollow and no one will want to fill that void when she's done with you.
Your ass-cheeks are like the limits of a universe into which I want to birth myself.
I love you so much but I'm starting to think you just liked the attention.
Father I'm sorry for being weak but your son is born flawed.
Yet you still take your time to teach me in my dreams, how much hate I directed towards you when this must have hurt you more than it did me.
Please let me set you free so the people can bask in your greatness
desu i love you
Origin and consequence equivalency unlocked
Of course, they hide from each other.
I'm a loser and noone will ever love me
I’ve never had someone describe that so precisely.
All I ever wanted to know was what you think of me. It doesn’t matter if I was really the one you dreamed about or if you thought I was just a creep. But you leaving and never just telling me the truth is what kills me whenever I look back on the time I spent with you.
Oh wait youre serious..