Peter Pan syndrome

Why exactly is this happening to modern adults. You have people going childless and unmarried into their 30 and even fucking 40s now where all they do is play video games, with toys, go (((traveling))), or just wait for the next Marvel/DC/starwars/Harry Potter movie, or circle jerk it on social media.

Why is this happening now and not before? Is entertainment just that immersive or that much more "awesome"? Is it economical purely because they keep blowing money on said things above and have no more money for anything else?

Why aren't people growing up?

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Bung bang bong ding dong

No idea about you but getting a woman pregnant in my country means she has a vice grip on your balls and a single emotion episode can collapse your entire life and everything you worked for.
I am honestly happy fucking hookers and NEVER being held prisoner by a woman.

Marxism happened.

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We have already become effectively a post scarcity society.
Most people are now unnecesary to maintain society.
They work pointless jobs to justify feeding them


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>Why aren't people growing up?
Why should I?

>why do people want to enjoy their life?
Because barfing out screaming shit-machines and enslaving yourself to them for decades is a boring, pointless waste of time.

because the government has systematically destroyed the nuclear family by design

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>letting women handle guns
no man wants a women that isnt feminine
unless you are a submissive cuck

Make something more difficult and less people will do it. Simple as that.

Marriage? Less likely to be stable, financial commitment never been higher.

Employment? Higher competition, greater requirements, wages aren't growing.

Home ownership? Land more expensive, dwellings growing smaller, employment making it more likely that you will need to move from your family.

Basically every aspect of 'adulthood' has become harder to obtain, less rewarding and more risky. This has coincided with a growing abundance of cheap escapism. Of course you're going to see greater numbers of people abandoning the former for the latter.

This won't stop until someone legislates against it, but 99% of legislators profit from this system and are insulated from the negative consequences.

I literally saw Peter Pan as a role model as a kid.

I am waiting until I am 40. Then going to enroll in local community college for some fun and credit courses. I do look younger than I am from a stress free life. I am well set with a home, car, no kids and no debt.
Basically I will be shopping for younger women. I did this when I was in my mid 20s and worked well, but didnt want to get serious at the time. I know gold diggers and how to play them so I am not worried. Might start going to church groups as well if selection isnt enough.

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Based Dad! Interesting choice of weapons.

>Why arent people making money for other people and instead doing things they want to do?!
>Work goyim, use that one life you have by working it all away!
>You'll be able to retire

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I earn above average wages, but it'd still take 35 years to pay off a below average home, and in my reckoning owning a home is the baseline for starting a family (unless you're a nigger)
the financial strain of living in this mess has just turned our wymynz into predators - first question always 'what do you do' followed by the obligatory 'oh does it pay well'...
honestly so fucking lonely it hurts, despite being tall, fit, and relatively well-off (by millenial standards at least) i can't find someone who isn't just a fucking parasite
so i bought myself a convertible and a horse and a gaming pc instead and basically just jerk off instead
shit's meh

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Dude, is this for real.. its a very convincing argument. Genuinely looking for someone to CMV that this isn't wrong

For those of you thinking it is crazy for male 40 to hook up with female near 20 hear me out as she would win in this situation.
1. She would have kids as normal in her 20s but have a stable living condition reducing added stress.
2. Kids will be 20 when I turn 60. I figure I will live at best to 65-70.
3. She will be 45-50 when I die. At which time I'll have a 250k insurance policy and she will start having grand kids to deal with. She will also have a full on paid for house/car/etc.
4. Her yearly expenses at age 50 will be under $15k.
5. As long as she held a job before or after they turned 15ish she can have a decent retirement and stashed savings. Living the good life.

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puer aeternus is our preferred pronoun you fucking BIGOT.

Mods delet this now.

The world is overpopulated, and nature is dealing with the problem.

What happened is that women turned into umarriagable THOT roasties, banks forced people into dept slavery, governments taxed the income out normal people, and large masses of muds invaded White countries all giving the average guy Little incentive for anything.

Because the world is so shit depressing.

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are you talking about yourself?

This all happened under patriarchy.


Prepare to be disappointed.

Join the rebellion against the welfare ponzi user...

The time has come to stand or become serfs

Join or die

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Oh dont worry I am picky as fuck. Not rushing shit or doing midlife crisis deal. Well.. maybe I'll get a 1978 T-Tops Trans am. I have good genetics so I could easily sport a mullet.

mass extinction in progress.

LOL you’re gonna die at 70? What a fag

It was intentional don't forget that. Jews ARE the reason I didn't succeed in life

there is a shift going on with humanity right now. men and women are not getting along for some reason.women are becoming men, and men are becoming women. perhaps the vast amount of information that we have received over the past two decades has caused a negative impact on our psyches? strange times, and even stranger times ahead.

(((Go your own way, goys. Everyone knows a woman with 3 kids and no husband has a totally easy life. She will be easily able to protect herself from home invasions and will be capable doing the man jobs around the house. Also she will have a big selection of guys who want some 30+ year old with 3 kids of baggage. She could literally just flip out emotionally at any time and divorce you, don't get yourself into a position to have more white children whatever you do.)))

A baby is a fucking huge commitment, women get them for 18 years and can’t pay their ex money to take the kid and go raise it somewhere else like men can

This society is not worth continuing, so why should I bother doing anything more productive than maintaining my own house?

whats the point? I only want job to pay for food, bills and vidya
I dont want anything else

You aren’t even white you stupid inbred racist pig fuck. You are probably half aboriginal.
>muh white race
Hitler wasn’t even a racist you stupid fucks.

yeah, but he was a german, therefore shit tier

Figure I would die at 70. Here is the thing; I wont die in diapers and I wont die in the hospital. I die how I die, be it in a cabin in the forest or running naked through the desert high on some shit.

>hur hur my inbred European country is better than that one
You’re all a bunch of cousin fucking weirdos. Eurofags bow down to the eternal mutt master race.

surely it beats being artificially kept alive by your "loved ones" while you shit in a diaper and listen to their complaints about how you dont die already


People arent dropping out of society, they are rebelling against it. People born in the 80s and onward have been flat out lied to their entire lives. We were basically told not to have sex because it was a dangerous thing. From older people abusing/molesting us to some how a teenager ending up with every std known to man, the idea was planted in our brains from middle school and onward that sex was fundamentally bad. Well, unless you wanted to get ass fucked by a homosexual.

And it's not just about that. Society has lied to us about what is healthy or safe. We've been surrounded with plastics and sugars its wrecking our bodies. I can still remember all the bullshit pseudo-scientific explanations that use to be broadcasted on tv and the radio about how to lose weight and what a healthy lifestyle should be. It was a completely made up corporate message of consumption that put all responsibility on the consumer while literally telling us the exact opposite of what we needed to hear all under the premise of protecting profits. And that's what our life has been for the past 20 years. Lies to protect and project the big money of faceless corporations. Food, sex, college, even politics. Immigration and refugees have no business in our country, but they are here not because of human rights or progressive liberalism, but because they dilute the work force and drive down wages. They stole our life savings twice in the 2000s and then pushed us into a debt ridden mess of a college system.

Why are these things expensive? Because of government freebies and collusion that allow corporations to jack up prices and stifle competition. Nobody is encouraged to be self sufficient anymore. And when we call society out on this, what happens? They make up bullshit words like 'peter pan syndrome'. A 'failure to grow up'. Real Cute. Take responsibility for the monsters you've created.

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This is the American problem as well. Title 9, alimony and family courts are all Feminist laws.


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I found your video faget
did you stand up by now or are you still rolling on the floor, confined to the bottom by your own mass?

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>fight the welfare ponzi with a literal ponzi
yeah no i trade, don't have much left in crypto any more but made a decent amount in 2017
been playing with derivatives lately, albeit not for real money (yet)

If I get good shit and head to the desert 40 years from now, you guys want to come with?

Im old, exactly this. The media is lying saying older folks blame the youth. Yeah maybe some believe the media but those with kids and grand kids know the truth.

In the US many of us are Trump supporters but know when we are being lied to about the economy. If he does not fix this shit he is done in because of us 40+ folks are the majority that are voting for him.

1. Women will just use you via kike judges.
2. There is nothing to gain by doing anything.
3. Nobody wants their kid to be the last taxpaying White person on the planet.
4. Western Civilization has peaked. No space exploration, just feeding niggers now.

You do not need to be married or have kids to be an adult (or succesful). Simply having kids and buying a ring is not a measure of success you fuckin' jew. Fuck havin' kids let's just take our shit back from the rich people.

Peter Pan didn't want to grow up because of the adults around him right? I think that's it. People are used to video games and movies and don't see anything exciting that 'real' adults are doing. So they just feel like they don't want to sacrifice their nice stuff for that.

What did you just fucking call me?

33 yo here I never had a gf and live with my mom. I'm not a neet I work a low wage job, love weed and vidya. I was never a normie. So I really can't help but be a manchild. I've given up at this point.

Women are alluring but scary. :(

sure, why not although I wanted to die on some bigass hill and get eaten by eagles but desert and scorpions are fine by me as well
maybe we can arrange our dead bodies somehow so scientists will have problems with explaining how it happened, like in Dyatlov Pass

why, you dont have schools in greater muttistan or do you just have reading comprehension?
should I formulate my insults in form of iphone emojis?

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Yeah sure.

Can't read shit.

I simply do not trust women. Also, they don't genuinely love you, they love you for your money, status and how much you benefit them. So why even bother?

get a mid tier hooker, fuck her while sober, bam you are not a manchild anymore and you know that sex is terribly overrated (but still very fun)

because the modern man is too pampered by technology

who else wishes the had been born 100 years ago?
sure, the living conditions were less but atleast europe and america were still mostly white and people could actually think and women knew their place.

try 10000

We'd have to get some ocean existing dinosaur bones and then current fishing spears and scuba gear.

Here's the redpill to becoming a man

Cut out vidya

Full time job in trades or manual labor

Work out

Move out

Make your own healthy food

Make your own furniture, mend your clothes ect

Do sports

Beer occasionally is fine, absolutely do NOT do drugs

Eventually, you get tired of how crazy, childish, and entitled women are and you stop giving a fuck. I'm not saying that I wouldn't love to be married, etc but I have yet to meet a woman worth that effort. There's something seriously wrong with them.

I was trying to get my money situation squared away before I had a family, both so I wouldn't be stuck with an unsatisfactorily hot wife and also so I wouldn't have to deal with kid stuff and money stuff at the same time.

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Only a stupidest fucking nigger would pump out children while being poor. I personally think if you have nothing to pass to your child (like wealth/property/business) you should not breed. Otherwise it's just fucking cruel towards your child. Think carefully - do you think your child would thank you being born in a poor family in some third world shithole? I'm a poor faggot so I'm mot planning to have any children.

this is 100% spot on and someone should be doing speeches with it. its so "right" its not even funny

>who else wishes the had been born 100 years ago?
Just in time for WWII.

I've seen to many men within my own family be ruined one way or another by the Marriage/house/kid meme.

No way I will take a gamble on that gauntlet, I get my endorphin releases else were.

>Get discouraged from taking part in politics
>Raising a Family is a 50/50 Risk of becoming a slave after a few years and your own children hating your fucking guts
>Friendship becoming a capitalised venture, where People who are poorer or dont give you expensive shit arent worth it
>basically turning Society into such a vile creature, you would rather befriend forest animals
Dunno, you tell me

here is redpill how to not be e retard
>dont be a redditspacing leaf
oh no you failed!

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We need a Thanos event... humanity does not grow when its all comfy and cosy.. there is your problem.

30, not married, no kids.
I never wanted to get married or have kids in my 20s - why throw away such a good time in your life? Young, healthy and full of energy.

1) At 20 you can go out and party, it's a new fun experience. Everyone your age is doing the same thing, it's a great time to enjoy life.
2) My friends who got married in their early 20's are either divorced or telling me they feel like they've missed out on fun.
3) Id rather establish myself financially and career wise. I don't want to be financially strained or suffering from lack of sleep.

I broke up with my long term gf a few years ago, thank fuck I didn't have kids. Got a new gf who is much better, probably be buying a new place and doing all that other stuff in the next couple of years.
I can financially sustain myself now and had a ton of fun in my 20s. It was the right choice.

>heh.. this generation
>*glug glug glug*
>they can't do a damn thing

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>one post by this ID

Sage, hide, report

Have you read this mate:


Basically, the average wage would have to be around $80 for a worker today to have to same chance of owning a house as 26 years ago. We're completely fucking raped.

You know what would be nice? If I could read it. Pixels.



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250k life insurance is nothing. And no one i dont care how old your are can live off of 15k a year. Only niggers living in a fucking dump can. Your good life sounds like sitting around on your fatass all day. You're going to look a fucking retard going to community college when your 40 just to try to meet a young girl dumb enough to fall for your bullshit. You might find one, but its ain't gunna go like you think. Hope she marries you then divorced you and kicks you out your own house. Maybe then you'll die even sooner lol

Cataclysmic, you goddamn retard

Look up "Behavioral Sink"

There's your answer.

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>You have people going childless and unmarried into their 30 and even fucking 40s now where all they do is play video game
That's fucking based. Fuck marriage and fuck you roastie enabler

I don't care about any of that. I live for my enjoyment. Your move.

>Why exactly is this happening to modern adults

Before you had benefits for acting like a man.
Today you get ridiculed. On top of that "acting like a man" today basically implies that you go to your 8 to 5 job and work your life off for someone else.

Why participate in society that gives us nothing?

>Hitler wasn’t even a racist you stupid fucks.

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He shook a hand with a black man. true story

superb post

Good luck m8. Hope you can handle being looked at as a creepy fuck by everyone.

I dream about fighting for the Reich. Maybe I would be killed, but it would have been a life well spent.

> Democrat
> Phone posting

Why am I NOT surprised? Use a laptop at least a Desktop preferably faggot -- then you would be able to read what was posted.

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If you don't have kids no one is gonna take care of you when you get old. In the future there is not going to be any "Social Security" or nigger welfare, but that means you better hope you don't live past 60, or can still work.

>Is entertainment just that immersive or that much more "awesome"?
We never used to have on demand entertainment like this. It's crazy.

yeah.. jesus fucking christ can we burn it all down already

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based and calhoun pilled

It gets promoted through the media nonstop since decades, to make people dependent on daddy state and thus more controllable. Also manchildren a way more easy to control than millions of Hitlers. Surely the banking barons learned from the mistakes of the Weimar Republic against the National Socialists.