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Aren’t you bored of posting these twitter threads?

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2019 has started off on a high note

What does this mean?

The Fuck. Most commonly used as a shortened WTF. However, TF is used in instances when WTF takes too long to be said. TF is also used in a more exclamatory sort of phrasing.

>we both going to hell
No, just you. Partaking of a sex worker is not a sin.

when an encounter with a prostitute/escort turns into a religious conversation, you have to ask yourself: why did I choose to bed my sister?

titty fuckin!

wasted :(
sorry faggots


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>wash feet

because its easier to go across the hall than it is to go across the street

>Partaking of a sex worker is not a sin.
Fornication; sex outside of marriage isn't considered a sin in the Quran?

but in a trad muslim community, wouldn't that be his aunt or cousin?

I stayed up for this fucking bullshit? Goodnight.

based and redpilled

Is whoring legal in Canada?

night, fucker. see you tomorrow.

Im an atheist but sometimes I wish there was a hell so kikes could burn in it

You will get the rope after the niggers.

She's right.

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Leaf using a proxy.

yes you're going to hell for the n-word

>paying to bed your own sister
obvious proxyfag detected

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going to hell because your both muslim

fuck you guys I laughed


All explosion-people must hang

AllMuslims go to hell. This is not news.

wasted poo in ur face

How do you know he's married, retard?

i liked it

People sin, but someone should be patrolling this whore.

Muslims can have 4 prostitutes as temporary wives at a time regardless of their marital status lol, she is wrong, he isn’t going to hell according to the Quran and Hadiths, she definitely is though lol



So, you're smoking then.
Meaning you're ~hi~

you're all right user

Oh shiet
Didn't realize this was posted by a prostitute.

Well, that's why you don't drag goyim down to their own moral standard.

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The faggot.
Used like tf OP posting tweets again. Obviously this sex worker is a tranny

>thots and prayers

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Get cucked Achmed.

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Western degeneracy ultimately gets to everyone.

Isn't prostitution totally leagal in Islam ? Muslim dude I worked with showed me temporary marriages he made to prostitutes to fuck them .

It's actually a pretty nice system if you can get the immams to regulate the sex work industry and keep standards up

well done morocco, pat your shoulder while you are decapatitating those white thöttis that travel your country

too bad we don't have it here, I think it's only in Iran (shia islam), here we have the downsides of islam and the downsides of the west (new marriage law when wife can take half etc...) fuck this shithole

I'm so glad her thuggish retard ape boyfriend beat her half to death

technically speaking no, since that prostitute can count as a concubine. and you can have an unlimited number of those

Its a Shia (degenerate) thing. And ,yes, prostitution is illegal/haram/whatever. Both parties are under adultery. If any of them are married, stoning is the only way.

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>be Muslim
>Go to prostitute
>Still call yourself Muslim

Top kek

Shockingly true, but instead of Muslims it should be Muslim Arabs, those folks are on another level I tell you

holy fucking this

Sad, but such is the modern times. Not eating pork is basically equivalent to virtue signalling to these people. Alcohol and gambling, two of the biggest sins, is rampant in the world; and muslims are not without partakers in both of them. ISIS might not had the brightest minds, nor the most just of goals. But their stance against degeneracy (at least ones that they did not partake in themselves) I respect. They had the balls, though sadly not the brains, nor the correct religious teachings.

And also Brave

This honestly