Is it normal to go a month without a single girl swiping right on you?
Is it normal to go a month without a single girl swiping right on you?
Shitty profile or you’re being too picky
Delete your account and start a new one, you’ll get matches for the first day. Also Tinder has become a huge meat market there’s a million more guys than girls on there.
Are you swiping daily? The app tends to show people who were recently active. I can usually get a match a week and I'm a 4/10 guy.
Show us your profile. I'm like a 4/10 and I get decent matches. I even super liked an attractive girl so I didn't take a chance on losing her, and she liked me back and now we're having a great conversation. You just gotta know how to play the game.
If I get ~2 matches per day using most of my free swipes does that mean my profile is good?
>Show us your profile.
too insecure
nobody will recognize you from real life pussy
This is why tinder is a meme
it is even worse in the UK
still, you guys might track my identity down or turn me into a meme out of disgust or something
Turns out, that super attractive girl was really a guy. #catfished
If you're not white, then yes.
Yikes. This is why women dont swipe right.
I heard "attractive" and "having a great conversation" and thought as much
they can't tell if a guy's insecure or not without knowing anything about them
I can tell this guy's profile reeks of red flags. And i dont even know his profile or how he looks lmao
Landwhales and trainwrecks dont count.
Those are the only ones who are available though.
>Is it normal to go a month without a single girl swiping right on you?
If you define "normal" as being just as bad as all the other failures who don't know what they're doing, then yeah this is normal. But I think 'typical' would be a better word.
Time for advice-seekers to ignore the same immutable truths again!
1: Your do-nothing photos are worth NOTHING. You need photos with verbs, people, places; this isn't a fucking mugshot. If you are terrified of learning one of the easiest skills in the world, then hire someone who has already studied photography in depth. You probably don't even have a good facial expression in your photos.
2: Online dating is a numbers game, and Tinder is no exception. You need to have ZERO pickiness at this stage of the game, just do like Homer Simpson and get a drinking bird toy to enter the commands for you. Reject women after you actually know something about them. Tinder is to the woman as the anime picture harem is to the man; they just sit at their screen flipping through pictures to trick themselves into feeling loved. Get on every damn screen just like a japanimation character.
3: If Tinder is your primary route to pussy then your world probably looks like other people's idea of hell. Do you live in a place with ZERO significant gathering places for singles? If not, then at least you're not me. Shut off Tinder, open up your maps app, and start scouring your shithole for places to find other people.
Raise your SMV!
Who can you hire to fix a dating profile?
I would pay a lot to get a conversation with a woman.
A professional photographer, and while you're at it hire a reading tutor too.
Did people know there's an actual SKILL involved with using a camera? Not all pictures are taken by teenagers with iPhones.
/soc/ has a tinder thread and Jow Forums is always decent
It’s becuase you’re probably gay
You gotta pay for unlimited swipes if you're a normal lookin dude. 30 or 50 swipes a day is nothing. I paid, i probably got 50 matches for every thousand swipes.
One day i did like 20,000 swipes and matched with so many fucking girls.
When i didn't pay i hardly got shit.
I get a couple matches a day despite having an empty bio.
I'm autistic though and never talk to any of them. Virgin.
I was surprised to find a lot of guys on tinder wanting a relationship.
>tfw you only wanted a nice juicy cock to suck on
How to what?
Why not do both?
Because males are too much work for me.
My 3/10 asian friend (in a white country) gets two or three matches a month, so probably not.
I've gone several months without it.
But then I'm not on Tinder
it's ok, user. showing your face on such a site can be overwhelming, but if you show us what you wrote in there, we could maybe help you improve it. just if you want to, of course
People post their tinders for advice all the time on a bunch of different boards and this literally doesn’t happen. We can’t tell you what’s wrong with your profile if we can’t see it.