My life has been a roller coaster train wreck of a neet life. My friends think I'm not going to measure up to anything, especially them. Haven't been so angry in my life, since I thought they actually respected and liked me. Now, I'm doubting what I thought were their true feelings. The same thing goes for my family.
So Instead of MURDERING EVERYON! I want to take a sllightly different path and prove them wrong. Do a complete 180, and shove it in their faces, and stop feeling sorry for myself.
It does depress me a little that all of my problems I've had in life are dismisses as just "excuses" to these heartless assholes I thought cared about me. Instead I'm just a joke.
It side swiped me when one of them was honest with me about how everyone felt.
Is this a healthy way to motivate myself? Feels like I'm might burnout having this feeling motivate me. It feels like betrayal almost. Kind of want to cry.
What's the best way to go about these feeling?
I want to go Count of Monte Cristo on these condescending pieces of crap!
All these years they could've helped me out get over these problems, and keep me on their level. Instead they just watched like it was a comedy.
Doing things out of spite is not a healthy or productive approach. You reference the Count of Monte Cristo, perhaps you should consider rereading it and pay special attention to the themes and lessons it attempts to convey.
Kayden Gutierrez
Your problems are no one else's responsibility. Not your friends, not your mom, not your teacher, not your girlfriend. Parents assholes? Girls won't fuck you? No money? No opportunity? Nobody else's problem. You have to find a way to overcome all of that.
Maybe your friend does care about you, but wanted to give you a wake up call. Consider that your buddy did you a favor by opening your eyes. Now focus on improving yourself, not worrying about petty revenge. So your friends don't like you? Screw them and get on with it. That is my heartfelt advice to you, neetOp.
Noah Kelly
Please elaborate Are you studying or something? do you have a job? because if not getting a job would be a good start, then use the money to buy clothes, shoes, whatever and try to improve upon yourself
Nathan Lee
right attitude bro, respect, prove them wrong!
Grayson Torres
They are not your friends.
~the end~
Jonathan Brown
(OP) A wise man once said hate is like drinking poison while hoping your enemies die.
Focus on you. Fuck everyone else, your life is only your own in this world. Be stress free, but focused on what it would take for you to get better.
Im in the same boat op. It gets better.
Parker Gutierrez
I've always to become a concept artist, have a lot of knowledge on the subject. But, the past 10 years after College, I've been just staring at a blank page. The main reason is because I am terribly socially awkward, or just shy rrather and i have a hard time thinking in the moment. Sort of a performance anxiety that makes me look stupid. Thought my friends understood, but instead they would mess with me. I admit I was a bit gulliible. And, that's what scared me the most. Have this idea that talent is nothing, if I'm not good at schmoosing. Witnessed too many times that because someone is just good at kissing ass it will net them oppurtunities. Figured I was screwed. No one would listen to me about this matter, and they would just take advantage of it. Being lied too and messed with really discouraged me.
Also, I feel, if I try to live up to these expectations of everyone I'm going to turn into them. That doesn't sit with me well.
But, maybe the reality is I have to take the punches to learn my lesson instead of avoid them.
Don't know how to put it any other way. I understand my life is my own responsibility... But, when you have people you thought cared about you use that excuse or 'I'm busy" because they think I'm not worth the time to help, is what really gets to me.
But, I'm willing to do the work now. Just wish I had a priest teach me the shit I didn't know, so I wouldn't get screwed over.
Ironice thing is, anger doesn't play well with learning and being creative. So I have to find a way to relax, and move this shit forward.
Leo Hernandez
Was any of that English? Maybe your friends just get frustrated because they have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Blake Johnson
Maybe. But, then again, I have no clue how it is confusing.
Connor Lopez
If I had the ability to connect telepathically to the minds of others, maybe they would actually understand what I'm looking for from them. All I have are these words, and it's a jumbled mess at the moment. Just frustrated at the moment myself. Tired of looking stupid to the point that, that's all anyone perceives of me. Every time I feel like I'm going to get answers it gets derailed and wires get crossed. One of my problems in life.
Matthew Hill
Do you currently have a job?
Zachary Bell
Hell, I guessed I'd just be grateful if someone would lookover what I've written ,and tell me why I'm not making any sense.
Isaiah Powell
post your art right now or i'm going to dismiss you as another of millions of dipshits who think being a concept artist is "cool" but they never fucking paint anything
Nathaniel Reyes
No, I do not. I'd like to get one. I'd rather have a career going, and work on that. But, I have a hard time finding these opportunities. So what's left for me... a retail job again? It's very disheartening.
Jordan Gray
I feel ya man. But you have to get a job so you cab be on your own, unless youre like my uncle and he stay at home until my grandma retired and now he pays for the house. And he will eventually take it over. But even still you should get a job to contribute. If you lime art, maybe look for inking jobs, something entry level but related. I want to make video games so I get shitty 6 month contracts, but I just got a 12 month contract to hire from a company I worked for previously. Get your foot in the door.
You're right I should just get something to save up. My father has advanced prostate cancer, and I'd just like to become something that he can be happy about. He's a great dad, and would be happy about me no matter what, but I really want to give something to him after all these years.
I'll get one. Just a lot of pressure overall.
Alexander Ross
shit, dude. you got a long road ahead of you. I gotta tell you though it's not a glamorous industry. hours are long, pay is low, employment as a whole is uncertain. even the big names just drift from gig to gig because they got connections. if you wanna make it you really gotta commit a few years to learning this, it will only work if there's something you wanna show the world
Logan Davis
Anger and hate are the emotions that drive us when kindness and love have failed.
James Fisher
Also want to add, that the art industry is filled with far leftists and they expect you to tow the party line like a good comrade.
Josiah Bell
There is and I feel that I have something of worth to provide everyone. I just missed out on so many years of developing the skills I need. There has to be something there, if I'd just work at it, but time is running short. I'm lucky to have been around during the early days of I learned a lot then, but no practice due to this doubt. Now, I don't care, I want to see if I have what it takes. It's seriously the only thing I'm good at.
Hell, I'm considering heavily getting a job as an English Teacher overseas. But, seeing as how I've been criticized with my English ability on here, not so show. Haha.
Isaiah Wilson
Henry Cox
That won't be a problem.
Lincoln Bell
everyone tried to help you multiple times and gave up and stopped talking to you because while they probably love you it's a really unpleasant experience to hang out with your whiny neet friend who's really negative and brings other people down with him and makes them feel bad, is probably argumentative and critical, and does nothing interesting and has no money to do anything, and you can't hang out with them in a group because everyone in the group is annoyed if you bring them along because you do the same thing and kill the vibes. and no one really wants to confront you and tell you all this because they think you'll go into an autist rage
Ethan Wood
sorry your friends don't want to spend all day listening to you whine about the same problems you've had for years that you still havent made any effort to fix or listened to their advice on. that's not helping. you're a joke, that's why they laugh at you. go get a job and a life and stop wasting everyone's time and then people will want to hang out with you again
Luke Cook
I agree, it's possible. And, I'm willing to change all that. Cynical maybe, but I'd never do anything intentional to cause them bad vibes. I do think they were cold about it all, though. I do blame myself, but I did the best with what I knew at the time. Just wish I knew exactly what I was doing wrong. Depression sucks, and it's hard to be around a depressed person, I get that.
The only answer I see is to forget it all, and move on with where I left off. Hope things will fall into place, and create some bounderies to not trigger and perpetuate my old attitude and feelings.
You know how people get once they have you in a box in their mind... Even in the most subtle of ways they treat you like the old you. Can't be around that anymore. .
>I haven't had a job in over a year *Click* Yup, that's going in my insecurities list
Carter Brooks
If having a job will solve all of this fine. Even when I did have a job, I was still treated the same way. Just one less problem. Seriously think there is more to my issues with others than just being fiscally respsonsible with my life. Maybe people are that shallow.
I have a lot more to offer than what others have let me give them. Always feel like there are making fight an upward battle of approval before they will let me in. It's a lock I haven't found the key too yet.
Levi Harris
If your true worst nature is murder, then kill them and stop shit posting this board
Nolan Morgan
What I'm saying is that your post made me insecure that my friends laugh at me too for being jobless
Evan Mitchell
Sorry about that. I understand. It's just on my side of things, I think I need more self-respect. Life gets difficult when your friends start growing to be more competitive, or shallow, or judgemental, what have you... I'm happy they are doing well, but some have developed a condescending attitude, society is no different, one their hard work pays off and they also get lucky they forget how hard it actually was... Just inadvertently shit on those who they see as less than. Fact of life I guess I have to accept.
I'm just mad about my circumstances. Maybe I would do the same thing if I were in their position.
Christian Jackson
Starting on a new leaf today. I'm a blank slate now. Calmed down since last night, and trying to figure out where to get started laying the foundations.
John Powell
You should kill yourself and get the ultimate revenge on all of them