If you don't know what to write, then just copy and paste the following and send it:
Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs
Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor's SJW beliefs.
Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor's SJW beliefs:
Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don't know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.
His twitter handle is kieranravib if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him.
I'm sorry your parents are probably being assholes about this and you're trying to do this to signal to them that you're not at fault, but you don;t have to take it out on us
Nathan Johnson
Fuck off Kieran.
Robert Wright
Based mods nuked last thread. Befriend jannys, befriend mods.
Isaac Sullivan
My friend. Don’t prepone - do the needful.
Jason Perry
I like jannies until they ban me. Then it's FUCK JANNIES for 3 days.
Henry Watson
It's done and dusted Kieran - it's not even entertaining at this point. Just sad - a need attention seeking mentally ill man seeking validation for his immature behaviour from some of the worst people on the internet.