Today is the 20th birthday of the Euro.
In 1999 it appeared, valued at $1.18 each.
It has since traded from a low of $0.82 to a high of $1.60
Its 20-year average has been $1.20.
Today it is valued at $1.14
Happy Birthday!
Today is the 20th birthday of the Euro.
In 1999 it appeared, valued at $1.18 each.
It has since traded from a low of $0.82 to a high of $1.60
Its 20-year average has been $1.20.
Today it is valued at $1.14
Happy Birthday!
wake me up when your sister turns 18 faggot
What did he mean by this?
Fucking shit currency.
David Wilcock has been indicted for espionage.
Do us a favor and crash it without survivor.
Maybe people will end up to understand what's like american baboon money to federalise us into a big shithole indexed on the kikes intellectual wanks.
He wants to fuck your sister. Post bobs now
Kek the last time I was in France they still used francs.
The euro was introduced to make people too scared to leave. If they were serious about introducing a single currency they would have waited until economies were much more integrated. Britain was allowed to stay out because their vote to leave was planned from the beginning
I want the Euro to crash and die and have our old currencies returned
the euro is s a shitty currency and doesnt really work
R.I.P. Euro 2021, no one will miss you.
>valued at US dollar
>not in terms of gold
The Euro has been devalued by 300 percent since 1999.
I actually found a 1999 dated Euro in my house today
I have one from 1996.
It has been 27 years ago that Papa Blocher rallied up the swiss people to keep Switzerland out of the EU. Thank you Papa Blocher for keeping the EU-Jews out of switzerland.
Isn’t Blocher a billionaire who went into politics to make sure taxes and regulations on his chemical waste companies stay low?
Hokay, so? He still kept us out of the goddamn EU :^)
Isn’t Switzerland bound to most EU laws, even the awful freedom of movement? I think you even pay money to the EU...
We can negotiate every EU law that is trying to be forced upon us :^)
also: CHF :^)
You all Europoors should just use the Deutsche Mark instead. Germany is the only country and economy there that really matters anyway.
>greece posts a thread about eu currency
>ironically, he has none
Such is life in greece
But the EU doesn’t negotiate...
Who needs money when you have this?
Based Gulden
They have to if they want to get these sweet francs :^)
also: D I R E C T D E M O C R A C Y
>euro at 1,6:1
>masterrace currency
>jewish americano turbokike:"oh vey goyim, that is like anuda shoa!"
fucking kikes
go away David
>papa im so hungry
>but son, look at that glorious architecture!
>calls the dollar the jew currency
>yet uses the euro to enslave other countries
>invites over 1 million “refugees” into europe
>makes other countries also take migrants
>herp derp its da jews
Pick related
I don’t believe a word you say. Switzerland is cucked beyond belief. A country which adopts EU laws AND the freaking freedom of movement... for what? So that Swiss banks can take in rich Europeans’ money?
Close your borders, put your militia at the border, deport all non-Swiss and become self sufficient.