Why have Jews been booted out of everywhere?

Are they a parasitic race that subverts their host nations or a convenient scapegoat for society’s ills?

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>Are they a parasitic race that subverts their host nations or a convenient scapegoat for society’s ills?



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Ever since Jews rejected Christ they have been revolutionaries. This is what their only goal is. Subverting and corrupting the morals of every civilization and they will continue to do this until they are eradicated or converted.

St John said the Jew is the enemy of the entire human race and he's right.

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Jews are poor simple victims of jealousy. The Talmud is the most beautiful thing ever created by human beings. Anything bad said about Jews is anti Semitic. Jews created everything good in this world.

Because monarchs through ages have loaned money from the jews(for some nutty reason christians can't loan money from other christians lol), but when it came to paying them back, the kings just booted the jews out and accused them of eating children or poisoning the wells or some other bullshit.

for eating christian babies.

>Because monarchs through ages have loaned money from the jews(for some nutty reason christians can't loan money from other christians lol), but when it came to paying them back, the kings just booted the jews out and accused them of eating children or poisoning the wells or some other bullshit.

That's called usury and blood libel, sacrificing children to Moloch, annihilating the canaanites etc aren't exactly fake news, kike.

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I don't believe what meme flags say.

Because they are a group dedicated to keeping themselves seperated from everyone else.
Many actually do go up in the general population, but their progeny isn't Jewish anymore. I'm not talking about Jews that blend in but remain Jewish. No, many of them marry a non-Jew and don't raise their children with a Jewish identity at all.
The ones that keep indentifying as Jewish make a statement with that: we are not one of you.


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But all those average jews that got corralled by the nazis: the butchers, bakers, shoemakers etc. weren’t they just average schmoes trying to make a living? Or did the nazis see them as potential fifth columnists?


Potential fifth column, yes. True or not, they were socially still outcasts amidst the Volksgemeinschaft mostly (fate of every diaspora population). It was an easy answer to a complex problem.

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Jews only know how to settle in urban areas. They, like niggers, have a hard time existing in nature.

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>What is bacon?
Fucking retard

Doesn't even make sense. Niggers have survived in nature from 100k years ago until today.

They are antagonistic and subversive towards all peoples and nations but their own.

top notch post here

Their numbers were negligible in the times they were left to their own devices. Who knows, if left on their own they would be outcompeted by chimps or hyenas or something.

Same shit that will happen to the mudslimes eventually.

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Now count the times they were kicked out for no reason. The verdict is clear: antisemitism.

It's a matter of record that Judaism instructs its followers that the moral law only applies to other Jews. The moral code that Jews must keep in their relations with non-Jews is something closer to animal husbandry. Christians eventually get fed up with this oppression and they exclude the Jews from their community.

Reformed and Orthodox Jews obviously employ many subterfuges to keep you from learning this reality. But all you need to do is read online copies of the Talmud to discover what the rabbis really taught in the past.

And not all of this is in the past. In the Chabad-Lubavitch movement you had this rabbi, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who taught that gentiles have a "Satanic soul". His followers believed him to be the Messiah. They believed he would rise from the dead. He's still dead.

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