Welcome to 2019

Welcome to 2019
>is this the future of america ?

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Modern paganism is an excuse for progressives to dress up their stupid bullshit in new clothes.

The "religion" part is just progressive bullshit, the "pagan" is the clothing, not the religion.
It's fucking pathetic (but also a little funny) how many pagan churches or whatever they're called shilling about how anti racist they are or some other bullshit.

Amerifats can't even get paganism right.

Paganism isn’t Kabbalist. Stupid ducking Americans

mexican paganism mabye

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>trading one religion for another
Why even bother? Do you really need someone there to tell you what to do all the time?

I knew all the memeflag paganlarpers were Amerimutts

It appears the founding fathers set it up as a civic religion.... just waiting for someone to come and claim the religion... age of Aquarius could of been what it was set up for... the evil powers are fighting to get a chance to “pull the sword from the stone”...

Praise Jupiter!

>Freemasonic Gnostic Christian memes
Pic one.

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as if America needed more larping atheists

deism is in americas roots
study plato and stop LARPing as Jews and Vikings

This is Stonehenge in 2018

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This is the entirety of christkikery Jew LARPing in 2018. What's your point? Paganism isn't a religion, but your pedophillic gay worship is.

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No. Paganism is spiritually atheist, and culturally bankrupt

I'm sure Buddhists wouldn't appreciate to hear you say that, Jew LARPer.

Triggered much?
It's all larping faggotry unless you keep your beliefs to yourself

No, Orthodoxy will.

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I’m ready, Wotan we are ready for your return.

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