What's your excuse for not having a cute wife?

What's your excuse for not having a cute wife?

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Is that Ana Kasparian?

Bitch in picture isn't even cute with make up on

How does Alex do it?

She looks fat. Atleast 160lbs

Shut the fuck up. She's a goddess and one day I will cuck McNabb and steal her from him.

I have a cute gf. Can't marry her, though, I'm poor as fuck.

Been with my gf for eight years.

> Bitch in picture isn't even cute with make up on

t. 200kg neckbeard fatty.

There are very few of those here and most are already taken by age 18-20


dont make over 100k a year, not 6'00" tall, not fit, dont own a nice new car, not great socially, dont have a large social network

I'm still a cute gf, I haven't evolved to cute wife yet. That requires a shiny stone.

I don't want one.

I’m ugly

cope. she looks good especially considering how ugly he is.

Be confident, intelligent, alpha, paramedic who knows what he wants in life


He ugly AF

You must have some low standards if you consider that good looking. Thirsty fuck.

God you TRSodomites are gay

looks dont matter for men nearly as much as you think they do.

Because I took the MGTOW red pill

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Not wanting to be married. Better to fuck sluts.

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I hope your bf has more sense than to do that.

Cute? She looks like me when gender swap in faceapp.

Why does he look twenty years older than he is?

my dick does not ejaculate money, unfortunately

sour grapes

True, but it depends

He’s still ugly, bad genes

Save the white race, and nail Ana Kasparian, living the dream Sir.

Ana is a mid eastern gypsy

Then again, maybe I would look good as a girl.
Pic related since it's me with faceapp gender swap.

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small, unsatisfying penis

Because I have two cute girlfriends and that guy doesn't have a cute wife anyway.

He gives her the Big Black Gauges

lol you look like a girl, faggot

For a middle-aged wife-material American woman she's quite attractive.
You can't expect everyone to be a supermodel.

That's kinda the point with the gender swap future.

You on the other hand like shit no matter what gender you have.


if you really are from Taiwan I know for sure it's true

A wife like Tzuyu how many $$$ is worth?

I'm ugly as fuck.

White women are completely subverted, it's best that you don't marry and go whoring around or marry a chink and breed manlet children. Women are a waste of time goy, they'll take your money and children away in a divorce anyways! Women are born whores and evil, they aren't systematically subverted like men!

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> Thinking whether or not other men finding your wife attractive is important.

Whoopty fucking doo, don't you see, everybody, I have an attractive wife and what an amazing life accomplishment she is for me! Some people climb mountains, some start businesses, some write books, me? I married a cute wife!

People irritate the shit out of me right now

but, I do have a cute wife

t. asian dude

I'm an incel

Spandex for bike riding.

Please be my redpilled flickvän (male)

my girlfriend is not old enough to get married yet

Alex pls stop nobody cares

why not find one old enough, then you'll be married

What’s her excuse for having such an ugly husband???