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Tukey should be divided
Brody Butler
Noah Gonzalez
Divide it in half between Greece and Armenia, what the fuck are Brits and Frogs doing there
Brody Evans
>what the fuck are Brits and Frogs doing there
economical/technological support
Bentley Morgan
You absolute RETARDS miss the fucking ginormous Italian zone
Nicholas Ward
>Italian, Greek and French zone
This subhuman gay Mediterranean wogs and their pedophile culture should not get a single inch of land, they are enough of an embarrassment for Europe
Turkey should have been nuked into oblivion, together with all of their apish creatures
Maybe some smaller areas for Armenians
Blake Peterson
Give the East the Georgians, not the filthy Khazar Jews that call themselves Armenians.
Austin Hernandez
>meme flag
of course
Henry Lopez
>economical/technological support
Fuck imperialist cunts. Turkey is more rightful greek clay
Cooper Morgan
t. ratfaced half-semitic wog with zero honor
Oh how I despise your culture and history, Medshit
Christopher Martin
Why Italy, and why France?
Carve it down the middle and give Greece territory all the way to Lebanon with a corridor for Armenia.
Kikes love corridors.