Because they are covering up lack of grocery stores in black communities, and they have no fresh produce, i.e. healthy foods.
>>Dollar stores have succeeded in part by >>capitalizing on a series of powerful economic >>and social forces — white flight, the recent >>recession, the so-called “retail apocalypse” >>— all of which have opened up gaping holes >>in food access. But while dollar store might >>not be causing these inequalities per se, they >>appear to be perpetuating them. The savings >>they claim to offer shoppers in the >>communities they move to makes them, in >>some ways, a little poorer.
>racist They should just say it’s “predatory” or something.
Aaron Anderson
Haha I go to dollar store for cheap sunglasses and beer - but their prices aren’t great for what you get.
Logan Foster
So do they want white people to live near them? I thought they hated that because “muh gentrification”?
Robert James
In my state they just built a brand new grocery store about 5 years ago in a heavily white area. It was beautiful, clean and always had what you needed there and then just last year they started building bus stops from the city to it and now it’s full of niggers who destroyed it by leaving trash everywhere, mixing shit up on shelves, destroying the fresh food by throwing them on the floor, etc. so now white people dont go there anymore.
I don't usually ever try to shop at these places, because all of them have that Chinese factory chemical smell, which makes me nautious whenever I smell it. These places always look like 'retail wreckage', like it's been pawed over hundreds of times before you had a look. It's depressing to see this shit.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Niggers would scream about racism of dollar stores if they closed every single one of those in nigger populated areas.
David Reyes
As much as I would like to run my own business, I can't stand dealing the 'the public', especially if it's a bunch of filthy stealing apes.