Humans were not meant to drink pure water by the liter every day. Water dilutes nutrients, enzymes and hormones in your body turning you into a weak, ineffectual zombie. In the past, humans got hydration from food: Fruits, vegetables, and the blood of animals. We would take an occasional sip from a cool stream if we were dehydrated, but we didn't drink water constantly all day. Have you given up the water jew Jow Forums?
The Water Jew
Other urls found in this thread:
And of course OP is american...
Spoken like a true water head
Do you watch Sv3rige user?
So what's your point?
First, one needs to be on a perfect diet. After alcohol, coffee and all sorts of toxins body needs more water.
In Europe they barely drink any water... As an American i had to twist waiters arm to give me water. They drink beer, juice and occasionally sparkling water. I remember thinking to myself "why do they push drinking gallons of water daily in America?" this post is on to something.
:thinking emoji:
In the past, men barely made it to 30.
That's not true. Average life expectancy has increased mainly due to reduction in infant mortality, along with prevention of infectious disease, which was almost non-existent prior to the development of agriculture and resulting overpopulation.
Enjoy your kidney stones
Kidney stones are caused by diet, the worst culprits being soda pop (which contains phosphoric acid), and high sodium. Yes, drinking massive amounts of water to dilute the toxic shit you put in your body will prevent kidney stones, but why not just remove the toxic shit?
I hardly drink anything and get frequent head pain.
Moral of the story, keep hydrated
You probably eat garbage food. The key is you don't need to flood your body with water if you eat properly.
Haha nice try
next thing you tell me i shouldn't breath because humans aren't meant to inhale huge amounts of air
They don’t drink much water in Europe because they have shitty cold weather. Try living somewhere hot with an active lifestyle and see how much water you drink
it's cold here too sweatie
This is fucking retarded. You are retarded.
just drink snake juice instead
and fast
>wake up
>now 2019
>water is now Jewish
What haven't (((they))) co-opted according to Jow Forums now?
this board is good at convincing you of things that deserve absolute skepticism, makes me wonder what other campaigns you guys push is disinformation. Maybe the Jew is innocent or maybe they’re isn’t a black guy standing out my door waiting to strangle me
OP is a genius I just threw out all my bottled water and ate an apple, my penis just grew four inches, I lost 20 lbs, and I read War and Peace in ten minutes.
>Water dilutes hormones
you drink distilled water when you are thirsty until you are not thirsty anymore.
We have a real-time natural measurement which monitors needed water in the body; it manifests physically with thirst when it needs to be filled again.
if monkeys can do it, we should be able to do it as well.
>Eat whenever your body craves food
>don't drink water, drink only coca-cola, pepsi and industrial grade milk
Imagine my shock when I see mutts talking about diets
There's a difference between eating when you're hungry and eating when you're bored, you fat fuck.
WTF why do you buy water on bottle? I only do that if I am holiday in a third world country
I'm serious
90% of people have mediocre diets that are high salt.
Drink the damn water
Most all bottled water still has vital minerals (calcium & magnesium) in it. Bottled water is bullshit because city tap water is fine.
I work in a city water plant and add fluoride to the water.
This is confirmed, a 19 yo wife holding 10 extra years of life just flew over my house.
Imagine being this retarded
Because we got water on the tap, so buying water outside seems retarded
I only drink pure grain spirits and rain water.
Good post OP keep trying to get the word out there. Have you considered sungazing?
>Absolute retard answer
Our tapwater is not polluted by kangaroo piss so we don't need to buy it in bottles0
water also flushes shit out, like this thread.
>he doesn't drink spring water from Texas
Wim Hof
>implying americans drink lots of water
>implying americans don't have an IV drip of mountain dew going straight into them at all times
yeah maybe if you weren't so fucking adamant about it being COMPLETELY EVIL people would listen.
Here's the truth:
We're not supposed to be drinking JUST that much water. Staying hydrated is definitely important, but your only source of hydration shouldn't be water. Diversify by drinking nutrient-dense liquids or mixtures, not just water. Try milk with whey, tomato juice or other naturally made/occuring beverages. If that's not your alley you can try nectars, although I'd advise not having too much of the stuff. Keep away from diluted, sugar-laden beverages such as sodas, as well as many pasteurized juice products.
You can also get the liquid your body needs by eating foods with an inherently large amount of moisture, such as fruits and vegetables.
Drink water often, but not too much.
America is the coolest 3rd world country around.
>drinking beer, juice, and occasional sparkling water is better than drinking just water
nigger what
Ground water is God tier
River/lake water is okay, if its filtered before drinking
Rain water is pointless it has no minerals,
Tap water fluoridation and Autism tier,
Bottled water is expensive tap water,
your body literally dehydrates in 2 days and can kill you, especially if you're active
If you eat real foods (fruits, veggies, meat) you get all the hydration you need. The idea that you must drink water every day or you'll die is a complete lie. Why would they tell this lie?
>distilled water
distilled water has no minerals etc. It will leach these things from your body. OP is actually referring to this and not standard filtered water.
rekt OP is actually american, that means he's le dumb!!!
>Walk for water every fucking day for thousands of years
>Humans are not meant to drink water
I don't chug 0ppm water but I do drink it regularly. I'm smart enough to get my electrolytes though.
>using tap water
>using bottled tap
both you are fools, distill your own.
They use water mostly for washing and cooking. If they drink that water they will get malaria.
This is so true. I only eat homemade soup and get my hydration from that as well. Loaded with veggies meats and beans.
you need H2O or you'll die. there's no adverse affects of H2O. no one is telling us lies lol.
why dont the niggers move closer to water sources. they've had thousands of years to figure this out..
You're a fucking idiot and the people who listen to you are bigger idiots. Off yourself.
Sauce and story on pic? Genetic engineering?
And when we were canve men we also only lived until the age of 22. Try living like an idiot wil little water and see how you're going to start becoming ill and have all sorts of body pains and after 10 years of doing that you're going to start falling unconscious and die when you're 60.
Distilled water and filtered water are not the same thing
We didn't used to use computers. When can we expect you to stop doing that as well?
you need to start drinking blood, user, listen to OP
People don't drink straight up water in Europe often because it's bad. That's why they boil it and usually make tea.
lol jesus christ. that girls gonna be a psycho
You dont know things about stuff
How much is PepsiCo, Royal Crown, and the Coca-Cola Bottling Company paying you?
Indeed. But only the finest vintage from free-ranging Arya...err, cattle.
>infectious disease, which was almost non-existent prior to the development of agriculture
stupid is as stupid posts
water jew Lmfao
ITT: Jews won't even defend this.
because that's where the lions live. idiot.
Water flushes stuff out, good and bad. That's just how it works. However, you should, ideally, be replacing it with more of the stuff you need, instead of the stuff you don't. All the stuff they put in first worlders' water makes that rather difficult, in certain respects, while the literal shit water the third worlders drink presents different problems.
If I were a Jew and knew how much I was hated I would take anything good for the got and say it was Jewish. Good leader? Secret Jew. Food? Jews. Water? Jews.