
>not white
When did the meme start?

Attached: Khazar.jpg (1080x1920, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kikes are semetic Levantines from the Middle East, they aren’t white. Just like half black half white niggers like Obama aren’t white.

(((NOT A MEME)))\

Even if they are, does it matter? A guy trying to kill you is your enemy either way

Stay mad, Muhammads

Attached: 740full.jpg (740x817, 120K)

Kikes deserve to burn

Yes the JEWISH scientist I linked is obviously unhinged. Thanks for confirming the Slav IQ meme though faggot

I thought they were a bunch of inbreds from Kazakhstan?

She's 0% Nordic, keep raging Ahmed

Attached: 35166359_256559518422270_7479700140282871808_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.89M)

Khazars are of turkic origin. Converts. Fake jews

This is what incel poltards want you to believe

Attached: jud.png (935x598, 786K)

Not jewish.

Ask them, they started it. (2005)

Russians aren't white either.

shes russian

She has Jewish features.

Attached: 21-mark-zuckerberg-cnn.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 87K)

When they were first expelled from Judea and came to Europe
With they long hooked noses and anemic skin

She looks exactly like Mark Zuckerberg.

All Europeans are white

nice try

Attached: 1507491916546.jpg (974x928, 281K)

(((They))) say it themselves. Go look on Twitter, you'll find lots of (((them))) saying "I'm not white though," when asked about white privilege or white whatever. (((They))) are white when it is convenient.

Wow, the swedes must have raped the fuck out of her ancestors when they visited khazaria back in the good old times

Attached: 1533384590107.gif (600x400, 3.54M)

This makes so much sense, Amir.

Attached: j.png (481x600, 647K)

>0% Nordic
>has blue eyes and blonde hair
Some Viking raids in the past BLEACHED her ancestors good

>Jews bad
>Jews not white
Ah, I got the meme.

Attached: 1519334645479.jpg (1066x600, 77K)

>blonde hair blue eyes

Attached: 15419025884470.jpg (552x615, 73K)

>liberal campaign sign in the background
We need to get rid of these kikes

Not a meme.

Attached: actually.png (628x302, 34K)

Good Lord, you niggers stop replying to an obvious jewish thread, OP is a Russian Jew

Sage goes in all fields

you tell me shitskin

Attached: 1540624545657.jpg (725x499, 93K)

Also it is widely known that jewish girls prefer the Big Muslim Cock.

Attached: Anwar Hadid Nicola Peltz.jpg (590x590, 294K)

Stay mad, shitskin

Attached: k.png (1265x699, 1.28M)

I have changd up my thoughts on the jews are not white thing. We should always make use of the jewish victimhood status when also discussing white people. Remind everyone that the jews are white so hating whites is actually anti-semitic. Then say the jews deserve a home. Whites deserve a home. Jews deserve a home. Whites deserve a home. I think that heavily mixing jewish-ness with whiteness will confuse the enemy. They won't know what to say.

>Blue eyes and Blonde Hair
Guess those few shitskins in Pakistan with blonde hair and blue eyes, who had zero contact with Scandinavia are full blown Vikangz huh?

Attached: cmon.jpg (650x400, 27K)


Attached: 1546359950170.jpg (533x615, 46K)

Пoшёл к чepтy, пидap длиннoнocый.
Eвpeи этo пoтoмcтвo caтaны.
A тo чтo oни тыcячeлeтиями пepeмeшивaлиcь c Cлaвянaми в пoпыткe быть пoхoжими нa людeй этo фaкт.
Кaпля дёгтя пopтит бoчкy мёдa.

Attached: WE.jpg (284x177, 14K)

When did this meme start?

Attached: shlomo.jpg (300x354, 12K)

Jews are white, keep being retarded.

Synagogue of Satan.

never forget the 6,000,000 whites

This is like saying someone isn't white just because he's Slavic.
Familiar, huh?

Hitler should have focused on nigger genocide instead of killing fellow white brothers.

Attached: Goldberg.jpg (1024x1567, 200K)

She looks slavic, not Jewish. Jews on their own look pretty swarthy. Some mixed with Euros and spawned women who look like they could be from France, Ukraine, Italy, etc

Dont down-vote my comment

Attached: 1545909123558.jpg (660x716, 53K)

white = European
jews aren't European

here's the thing shlomo. At the end of the day nothing you can say can take back how much everyone wants to gas your entire race lmao

Attached: white1.jpg (1024x513, 93K)

No understanding of genetics.
Slav IQ
Thinks he is white
Thinks Jews are white
Thinks Canadians are arab
>Every time I read about a Jew somewhere identifying as a white person, I cringe. As an Israeli Jew, who like most other Israeli Jews, is completely foreign to the concept of Jews being “white” I would like to address this article to my Jewish brothers and sisters in America.


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Vlad, you're drunk, get the fuck off Jow Forums

Jews say they're white when it's convenient to them. And they say they're jewish when someone accuses them of being white.

When they started making it clear?

Jews started the "Slavs are not white" maymay.

Dont forget that even Satan looked like an angel of light.

With faces like this.

Attached: sacha-baron-cohen-297414-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 194K)

Probably when they were born along side Arabs

Canadians are asian ofc

>Believing people from the desert are as white as the people from snow
You are an idiot.

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Payback time now. Enjoy white genocide/replacement.

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Look, I can do it too.

Attached: italian.jpg (331x480, 80K)

>Jews started the "Slavs are not white" maymay.
The absolute state of your brains.

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Vladimir, ti zaebal, srsly go sleep you dolboeb

Southern Europeans don't have snow either.

i say we take over this kike shill thread and make it a hate thread

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Greeks are not white, Italians are very mixed due to proximity to Africa are you done yet Vlad.?

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hit the watch later button

Attached: Black Sun Cymatics.jpg (720x720, 69K)

Without Jews, you'd be living in mud huts now.

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Attached: dearwhites.png (1024x3977, 1.89M)

>not white
>When did the meme start?

implying jews were not arabs that mixed with europeans or converted them

Didn't say they were white

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All Europeans are white. Iberians don't have snow either.


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i got a feeling there are nothing but retards in this thread. IM out

Attached: Vacuum Density of cm3 of space.jpg (720x540, 71K)

All Europeans are white, and so are Jews.

Attached: 22554852_124659224915356_4693845619405730591_n.jpg (960x947, 104K)

Pretty sure housing would not require 160iq maybe it seems that way from a Slav sub 100IQ perspective but I assure you my ancestors had no problem surviving without kikes and in fact kikes have been expelled in 109 countries due to their subversive fuckery

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Canada, 2019, without Jews.

Attached: 1024x689.jpg (1024x689, 161K)

They hate white people so they aren't white

You don't believe your own eyes?

Attached: goldberg.png (637x503, 112K)

are sephadics jews?
are falashas jews?
do you even know what those are?
are they white? lol

Attached: Clipboard01.jpg (1344x593, 195K)

Look, user, just ignore Vlad, he drunk too much on Noviy god. Normally hes a nice anti-semitic guy, just ignore him for now

Attached: Без названия.jpg (921x606, 36K)

you're all unhinged. What a stupid discussion.

Whites are israelites/shemites.
Kikes however are the esmites that lived in judea and were forced to convert to judaism shortly after which we get pharisee that follow the (((oral law))) which we know as tal mud.
Edomites come from essau, who waged war with his brother jacob, the father of the 12 tribes, of israel. To do that essau joined the amalek which are known as the israelites nemesis. Amalek in turn are a canaanite tribe, and canaan comes from ham. Ham is traditionally a nigger and i believe the curse of cain made him the first nigger meaning hamites still bear this curse, and cain is the seed of the serpent.
This is the line of (((them))). You may then bring up ashkenazi jews, but ashkenazi run through the line of japheth and not shem either.
Tl;dr: kikes are whiteskinned niggers and and only very losely related to any israelites

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>You're not white because I don't like you

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Ashkenazi Jews are God-tier white people above all else.

>not white
I can play that game too, Russian kike
Just because someone has white features or pale skin does not make someone white

>Jewish features.

Attached: 1496374525417.jpg (600x400, 42K)

>Person is actually white
>it doesn't mean shit because I don't believe my eyes

Attached: nM4yXhJN_400x400.jpg (400x400, 44K)

White jewish women are the ones we need to breed

they are the synagogue of satan and their fate is to burn forever in hellfire with their master lucifer
they are khazar/slav usurpers who pretend to be jewish but are nothing but trash

We are not white. the reason we have so many blonde women is because we fucked many european babes.

about 30%-40% of ashkenazi's have european look. 90% of russians in israel look like ethnic russians.

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You're in denial now.

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