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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't forget-
>Stop Oyster-slurping!!

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Fuck you, op.

I have no intention of doing a damn thing on your list. mainly because your disgusting, and deserve to be silenced as violently as possible.

The left deserves death, the end.

if you're oyster slurping you're a cuck
you're a beta cuck licking a cock sleeve
simple as that


So same shit as last year, got it

>Free Palestine
one of these things in not like the other

Nazi lives matter most!
Rape Culture is real!
(In the black/brown community!)
White Sharia Forever!
Not ALL Men!
Unite the White Supremacyl
Locked borders!
Free Palastine!
Protect innocent life!
Audit the mental health system!
Take women under advisement!

> free Palestine

>abolish borders
>rape culture is real
Do they realize the irony?

>Free Palestine (sarcasm)

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This. Eating oysters should mostly be silent. Have some fucking self-respect.

>sex work is work
if you pay taxes
>trans women are women
can't have children
>black lives matter
not in the grand scheme
>nazi lives dont matter
not in the grand scheme
>rape culture is real
yeah black culture is bad we know
>yes all men
all men what?
>fuck white supremacy
>abolish borders
only if the immigrants pay taxes and work
>free palestine
>protect mexican rights
>support mental health
>believe women
unless they lie

link to where this is from?

New Year New You!
>vegan keto (you're gonna love those pea powder blends)
>/fast/ 2 days a week
>meditate 30 minutes a day
>read 1 book a week
>quitting neetdom
>quitting e-jew, vidya, and all corporate western media made after 1963
>/sci/ and /lit/ your way back to school in a STEM degree and minor in philosophy
>Church every Sunday; even if you're an atheist do it for cultural and communal value. We are reactionaries after all
>GF? No problem. 7/10 super loyal, 130 IQ, sex 10 times a week nerdy/anime girl is fucking happening in 2019. (she's half Japanese too)
>driver's license, yeah you're getting one
>its time for suits, bucko. no more jeans. No more rags. Our closet is now Jordan Peterson's closet
>"drugs are for degenerates, Onii-chan."
>study the great samurai texts, Buddhists mantras, Christian hermits, and Greek stoics to finally achieve absolute moral superiority and zen
its fucking happening this year. We're all gonna make it!

Attached: He'sRightTho.png (1086x286, 106K)

Whenever I see sick messages like OP and pic related, I am always reassured when I look at who says these. Ugly, short red haired STD ridden low value hateful mentally ill delusional whores.
There is some justice in this world.

Abolish borders!
Palestine should have its own nation state!


Should a free Palestine have borders?

Steam that vag hole; it's starting to give off a peculiar aroma.
Steam challenge !

They're just making shit up.

>support mental health

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psychiatry could start by recognizing the cigarettes ARE the gateway drug.

>sex work is work
I agree with this one. Prostitution needs to be legalized so these insane prices can come down. Hookers cost 5x more here than they do in europe.

trans women are MEN.

Protecting indigenous rights and abolishing borders are literally opposite things.

the only thing i can really agree with is free Palestine.

>ill refer to them as women, but they're not women.
>black lives do matter. niggers lives dont
>nazis lives matter if theyre not being a dick about it
>rape culture isnt real
>yes all men????
>white supremacy is fine just dont be a dick about it
>borders should be abolished
>case by case basis


the oy vey is real

this ugly cunt will never hear this noise unless walking next to a normal woman

Trans woman are barely human
Sex work is taxable work
Black lives don't matter lol
Rape culture is real in majority leftshit places
Yes all men need to stop giving a shit about women ''''''issues''''''
You can't do shit about it shitskin
Abolish leftshits
There is no such thing as Palestine
Indigenous don't need your bourgeouis ass to 'help' them
Leftshittism is mental illness

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Two of those are the things that the jews don't want you to support. The other 10 are there to de-legitimize those two. Many good goys ITT.

>rape culture is real
Why are whitoids so racist towards black people?


>yes all men
>mental health
>believe women
These directly contradict each other

this, is the fucking worst thing i ever read, you absolute fucktard

>Trans women are women
If transwomen were women, we would just call them women.
>Sex work is work.
Sex work is work, subject to taxes, moral judgments, and free market conditions.
>Black lives matter
Correct, all lives matter.
>Nazi lives don't matter
False, all lives matter.
>Rape culture is real
Yes, in Muslim countries and parts of Africa. Not in Europe, USA, or Canada.
>Yes all men
What is this?
>Fuck white supremacy
Okay, when you're rebuttal to something is "Fuck [it]," you come off sounding like a petulant 19 yr old with no perspective on the world. Either way, what are you favourite things about civilization, and what colour of people made them happen?
>Abolish borders
No. Without borders, there are no countries and the globalist, corporate elite win.
>Free Palestine
Okay, I can get on board with this.
>Protect indigenous rights
Equal rights, not equal outcomes.
>Support mental health encouraging children to stifle their natural biology and later mutilate their bodies...that promotes mental health, right?
>Believe women
...who have evidence.

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I support indigenous rights... the right to exterminate them

>Free Palestine
I've never felt more confident that the liberal agenda is crashing and burning than I do after reading this post. Which means it's a leftist op to get us to lower our guard! Sneaky bastards.

What happens when these issues come into conflict with each other?
Like what happens if an indigenous nigger rapes a white tranny?

>Protect indigenous rights.
Except for when their white.

If the right ever actually become religious and it wasnt just a larp I'd immediately start helping the left and supporting them. Even the most degenerate leftist is better than a Christian.

THIS so much THIS

>Sex work is taxable work
Hahaha fucking this

>support mental health
>trans women are women

>he is going to get justice!

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>Protect indigenous rights
I have this sneaking suspiscion this doesn't apply to indigenous Europeans.

no, they are too stupid and brainwashed by their jewish professors

>vegan keto

Sorry, but I like keeping gains.

wtf I support Israel now



Nobody is hitting on that “woman”. And that little beta faggot isnt dispensing “justice” to anyone.

which ones

2019 is Do The Opposite Year.

Attached: Meanwhile in OP's mouth.jpg (300x300, 40K)

>abolish borders
>free Palestine
>protect indigenous rights
How can these three exist simultaneously? If there are no borders then there are no indigenous people and Palestinians don't exist.

Everything besides Free Palestine I disagree with

The ass whooping is coming

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Let's enter 2019 with the right energy:

Trannies are mentally ill and should be locked up and drugged for their safety and those around them
Whores should be locked up
Niggers aren't people
National Socialism is a legitimate ideology
Rape doesn't exist because women are property
Yes all men are fucking based
Glory to the European Race
Abolish borders, bring back Imperialism
Retake the Holy Land in the name of God
Protect the indigenous rights of Europeans
Kill the mentally ill
Ignore women

That is the face of a broken man, a man who knows he's failed as a father.

kys cuck faggot

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