Am I attractive, Jow Forums? Some people say I am and some people say I'm just average or slightly below

Am I attractive, Jow Forums? Some people say I am and some people say I'm just average or slightly below.

pic related - I'm 19, 6'7", and I've had one girlfriend so far

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Yes. Clean up that face blemish as best you can and that'll help. Being 6'7" is a HUGE boost to your "score."

Go to This isn't asking for advice

Red rid of the blemish. Also cut your hair a bit

You could look like a rock star if you wanted. I'd work towards accentuating your otherness as a 6'7" demigod: razored haircut and dark but flashy clothes.

This so much. Become the darkly handsome devil and you will obtain big tiddy goth gf in no time

If you want a girl who really loves you, looks shouldn't matter. A girl who loves you will find beauty in everything, acne or whatever. If You're looking to just hook up, go for the goth thot kinda girl. They tend to like tall/alternative looking guys.

>If you want a girl who really loves you, looks shouldn't matter.
Hahahahah, listen to this guy!

Beyond your presumed misogyny, I do agree. It's silly to just say "looks shouldn't matter" and expect some pure of heart virgin to fall for you anyway.

Don't limit yourself, maximize your attractiveness and more people will want to get to know you. The more people you have access to, the greater the chances of finding someone compatible.

Can you post another pic? I do find you attractive.

For some reason, you remind me of Onision somewhat. That's not an insult, though, since I think he's handsome even if he gets tons of hate.

You look like a skinny dork. Visit Jow Forums

My GF said she she wouldn't date you

Well of course not. She's dating you, lol.
-t. not OP

I'm a girl. I found my boyfriend based on a personality I love and blend with, not how he looks. I love him- all of him. Even his back hair and acne. Someone who really loves you loves all of you.

>If you want a girl who really loves you, looks shouldn't matter.
amazing that in the information age this myth is still popular.

You have an average face at best and you're very scrawny. However just by virtue of being tall some girls will find you attractive.

average looking

Yall just dealing with the wrong girls then. Not every one of us is a self centered asshole. If a girl doesnt like you because you have acne or your under 6 foot shes not worth it.

you are fine, this is not adivce tho so fuck off.

You are average-good, take care of that spot on your face (you know which one), get a more stylized/modern haircut, get a shirt that fits nicely, hit the gym and for the love of god get a good pair of shoes, don't go around with fucking sneakers unless you want to look like a fuccboi.
Do that and you'll be swimming in pussy, or maybe not, who knows?

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a girl who's "not like the other girls"


no one's saying people with flaws can't find girls who love them. you're just bettering your odds by looking attractive.

yeah but I think your hair makes you look really 'alternative' like i'm sure someone who's into weirder kinkier things would like it, or someone who loves anime boys with wide poofy hair. I think to the average girl they may think you as a little creepy though for it

He did and he was told that that was the wrong board. So he came here instead

You love people DESPITE their flaws. It doesn't mean you have to love said flaws, or not encourage them to fix them if possible.

You look goofy as fuck. You look like that friend that's fun to be around but doesn't really offer growth. Like a, "I'd get drunk and push you in a shopping cart in an empty parking lot" type friend, but I offer nothing wholesome. Might be the hair. Get a hair cut

Honeymoon period sweetheart. Guaranteed.

What do you do to your hair, I want to steal your hairstyle

Actually I think people are usually attracted to shortcomings as much as they are virtues.

I know i tend to like people who meet a certain standard, but I'm attracted to their vulnerabilities and imperfections.

This is the post of a kissless virgin man.

You're not that bad, but get a haircut.

you the noodle arms you fuckin s oyboy

build your neck up

You look like a snarky faggot