Execution of a Chinese landlord, circus 1949.
Execution of a Chinese landlord, circus 1949
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WTF I love communism now
The 1949 circus was the best circus.
That's what communism is. Killing off every wealthy and educated person living there. Except when they are Jewish, of course.
Wtf I love circuses now!
This movie should be required viewing for all would be commies. The hospital scene is particularly enlightening.
It's a clever movie. On the surface it feels like a melodramatic family drama. But on the inside it's an attack on Maoism.
Most Chinese actually despise Mao, but they have to claim in liking him, in order to not piss of authorities and to not lose "face".
Good thats what he deserved for being a (((parasite)))
Landlords dont earn the money with work, they just make money because they leech of the land
>Landlords dont earn the money with work, they just make money because they leech of the land
Yeah that's what your Jewish ancestors told the Chinese and Russians. Which then led to Genocide, Brain Drain and Bankruptcy.
God I wish I was being executed right now
Yet your party leaders do the exact same thing and arnt killed. How about you go fuck yourself asshole. Unlike like you I love Starbucks and having a fucking pool. Kys.
Im not a jew, im a white nationalist strasserite
>Unlike like you I love Starbucks and having a fucking pool. Kys.
You love neoliberal capitalism for than your nation and your race
>REEE stop having a low time preference
You communist monkeys make me sick
Circa you ignorant cunt flap
based chinese circus'
Sad. A free market rewards your hard work, motivated by your desire to make your children’s life better. Imagine a system that attempts to destroy human’s natural tendancy to secure survival for his family.
Welfare capitalism=/=socialism
Socialists dont want to give handouts, they only want WORKERS to own the means of production, people who refuse to work arent given anything
When can we start this in the West?
Did that land magically assorted itself under their ownership?
Obviously not, whats your point?
Don't forget to tip your landlords Americucks.
how are you going to steal the property withou killing the owner?
communism 101
all fucking kulaks must fucking hang
I have reoccuring dreams about the horrors of apartment rental
>tfw when no chicom surplus
Why should the workers own it? If I buy a printing press for my magazine why should the pressmen now own that piece of the equipment? Or my business? It's just dumb idealism.
>Why should the workers own it? If I buy a printing press for my magazine why should the pressmen now own that piece of the equipment?
Im a market socialist and I believe that if you acquire means of production for personal use only you should own it but if you acquire it for other people to use only they should own it because they are the ones creating value not you
>It's just dumb idealism.
Its no dumb, you just dont like the idea of workers owning the means of production because you have the mentality of a parasitical kike
Then what's the incentive to buy the presd in the first place?
That was the last time he raised rent for his shithole poorly maintained apartment complex
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
You should kill yourself then commie, for leeching of off other peoples work.
>if I can’t kike someone over, why do it?
Why should ther be incentive for parasitical behavior kike?
If you don't want to pay rent then gtfo my land. Or, kill me for squatting rights and pray nobody does the same to you. Or, we can come to an agreement where you act like a reasonable tenant, rent the land, and I as landlord maintain it.
>being a commie
>stealing from other without working
>not kike behavior
>circus 1949.
Kys feudalist kike
Socialism is pro worker
>maintain land
Oh no no no no no
Communism is for stupid people who can't understand how smart people got nice things. Just fucking chill out, let brains do their jobs, enjoy your rental, and try to educate your kids above your level. Don't be a jew about this and poison the fucking well.
Pure, uncut anecdote and non-post. Gg.
death to Tavistock Niggers
I'm 43 mins in and it's blatant communist propaganda.
Literally every nationalist is a coward and no-good lout, meanwhile literally every communist is a mighty and merciful warrior and PoWs "are treated nice" (stressed multiple times in dialogue and scenes) and are sent home with all their belongings.
>I'm not a Jew I'm a Jew
Okay lol.
>Communism is for stupid people who can't understand how smart people got nice things. Just fucking chill out, let brains do their jobs, enjoy your rental, and try to educate your kids above your level. Don't be a jew about this and poison the fucking well.
Im a landlord myself and I know its theft and If the goverment became communist it give it up because im not a kike like you
Suspected landlord is put on trial. Date and location unknown.
Communism couldn't take over a fuckin bowl of jello, it's for Jews and brainlets
Based chinks
socialism is a jewish invention
that they earned it one way or another dipshit
china without landlords
china with landlords
Probably from the same set actually because the executioner in the first pic seems the be same guy as the one standing behind in the second one. Guy being executed could be the same too if the hair being different is just from sunlight.
China abandoned Maoism in the 80s. Landlords made a return. As a landlord, you technically lease from the government when you purchase land, but you can still charge rent and flip properties.
Nah, most landlords are slumlords. They don’t do shit because they have no incentive to. People will keep renting regardless.
Socialism wasnt invented by marx, proudhoun a counter semite invented it before him
China wasnt perfect but atleast they executed parasitical landlords
And yet they defeated Nazi Germany. Really stirs my rice.
>With a rifle that says made in the usa
Oh say can you see
Wrong pic
>china destroyed itself, its identity, the worker, everyone starved and 60 million died but hey the landlords were killed as well!
fucking retarded self-destructing ideology
Zionism destroyed national socialism. But hey, I'm sure it'll be mighty white to you and yours, so by all means continue to prop it up.
Right cause landlords always follow the law and never take advantage of poor or ignorant tenants
are you describing yourself?
The SOVIET UNION, the worlds first communist state, rekt your little Bavarian corporal. They sent men to space and became an industrial power in 15 years.
Really makes me think
Bolshevik jew=zionism, the fact you think communism is even a real thing proves that the brain conditioning works fine 100 years hence
People always die when they want to change society, germans died for trying to create a fascist ethnostate, some colonists died for revolting against the brits & chinks died for trying to create a communist china, everyone dies for what they believe is a greater good and there is nothing wrong with that
then kys retard
why do they tie the upper arm? it's pointless
>guy owns his own house
Landlords are parasites.
Those are some super sized jew caps
Inscrutable celestials
People farmers btfo!
>t. Poorfag
Lol might up the rent on my properies to piss of the wagies
nice self portrait, jew.
Based lol