Looking for some medical advice...

Looking for some medical advice. Recently I've been having minor chest pains across my whole chest as well as small pains in various part across my body. These are more like small but noticeable aches.

Just a moment ago I felt tingly and my heart rate went up. I'm assuming a felt like fainting? There were heat flashes and my vision felt weird. The whole process lasted maybe 3 minutes and now I'm fine but spooked.

Does this sound like anything serious?

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It sounds like something you should have a professional look it. Depending on age a few minor aches, twinges, or pains isn't a big deal. Fainting and impaired vision are pretty sure flags that something might be going on. Good luck.

I'm 28. I feel a little better now just weird and tired suddenly. Does this sound like anything in particular?

I know when I eat a lot of sodium. It raises my blood pressure and I can get weird sensations and aches. Fainting and heat flash, hmm maybe a panic attack? I went through chest pain issues for many years and determined it was anxiety related. But if I've learned anything in life it's to get things looked at and pay up as it's worth it in the long run. For your safety and your mind.

To vague and the symptoms match to many things. It wouldn't be productive to speculate. Just go see a doc and get a check-up and mention this stuff to him/her.

Does the pain become more intense with intake of breath? Are the pains related to eating (e.g. just after you've eaten, an hour two after you've eaten, only after eating high fat or high sugar or high protein foods)? Does sitting/standing/lying down/any position lessen the pains at all?

The small aches/pains in your chest, can you tell me exactly where they are?

What about your lower legs, do they hurt at all, any slightly tender spots?

Recurrent chest pains are a bad sign and you should definitely see a doctor, especially if you're experiencing fainting episodes.

Do you eat a decent diet? Plenty of water, fruit, vegetables, and lean meat?

I've just never felt this way before and its scared the shit out of me. I'm setting down and all at once I feel hot and a short wave of tingles goes over me. Since I've been having these chest pains I've been trying to be more active. Did some light cardio and jumping jacks and stuff. I didn't that much exercise so I figure it couldn't be that as it was hours ago when was jogging. I feel tired now and my arms and legs are weak.

I'm just terrified that was a mild heart attack or that I'm gonna have one now. My chest or left arm didn't feel weird but I dunno. Fuck man.

You REALLY need to be specific if you want help dude. Chest pains can be caused by anything and everything from totally harmless muscle pain to call-for-an-ambulance kind of shit.

Sounds like a standard "panic attack"

Believe it or not but you might actually be having a panic attack. I thought I was having a heart attack with similar symptoms to yours and went to the er and it ended up being a panic attack

Have you been feeling increased stress in your life? Be super honest with yourself.

Standard panic attack.
Get some Valium from your primary physician

Thanks pains are noticeable but very mild most of the time. At it's worst it's just a pressure. I've never felt pain while breathing and I get heartburn alot after eating. The aches happen pretty much anywhere. Left, right and center. My legs feel fine but the other day I had a small ache in my ankle. I definitely don't have a great diet. Random meals throughout the day and some days I just eat one large meal. I'm 6'4 and about 285lbs if that helps at all. I'm pretty stressed right now and I've been worrying about these pains for the past few days. As I'm typing right now I still feel light headed and warm but my heart rate is down from before.

I wasn't stressed about or even don't anything when I felt like I was gonna pass out. I was playing Metal Gear Solid on the couch. Can a panic attack come on without... panicking?

Past couple of days be been screwing myself by googling my symptoms on WebMD..

>Can a panic attack come on without... panicking

If you don't have any pain in your thighs or calf muscles it probably means you don't have an embolism, which is good. The pain from those is pretty unmistakable if they're actually managing to block blood flow, and it would be happening in the same spot consistently.

Feeling light headed after a fainting episode is normal, even if you didn't go all the way out, but it should clear up quickly. How long ago was it now?

Tell me how frequent the pain is and how long it has been going on for.

Man, I'm not against going to the doctor but I really don't wanna have a bunch of tests taken and then have to wait for the results.

I've had these exact symptoms before. At first I thought it might be some kind of venereal arthritis, and my doc was really good and checked my vitamin D levels as well, and that was it. A couple vitamin D gummies a day and I was fine.

If you don't get a lot of sun its worth a shot, I'd say.

As someone who nearly died because I was too stubborn to go to a doctor I can promise you that wasting a day in the ER is better than wasting a week in hospital because you waited too long to get help.

I felt faint about 30-40 minutes ago. After it cleared I gained color in my face again and was over it about 3 minutes. As I was setting here typing my arms and legs felt weak and I got tired. Eyes were heavy and I was yawning alot. I only got maybe 5 hours of sleep last night. The chest pains aren't constant and the last spell I had of chest pains was, like, months ago I think. But when they come back I get several small pains across my chest. Maybe a dozen or so little aches throughout the day. I don't recall having any while I sleep or lay down.

The fainting feeling, aches and all? I used to have panic attacks when I was little but had surgery that solved it. This whole ordeal just freaked me out, ya know? I don't know what is stress from almost fainting or just something else.

Man, talking to y'all has made me feel a little better. I'm just scared to go to sleep tonight, ya know lol

I don't remember if I had the fainting feeling exactly, but definitely aches randomly and anywhere.

Do you get much sun? If so it's probably not vitamin D deficiency.

I am concerned and you should be too. Fainting can be caused by lots of totally innocuous shit but if it keeps happening it's bad. It can be totally normal to feel tired and weak in the few minutes after fainting but it shouldn't persist for nearly an hour afterward.

I am confused though, is the fainting related to the chest pains? Or do the pains just occur separately.

Either way I recommend you go to the local ER. Skip going to the GP because he will just have to send you elsewhere for testing but the hospital can do it all in house. Not sure what time it is where you are but go tomorrow during the business day if you are confident you're not in any immediate danger as shit will happen faster when more staff are rostered on, but if the weakness continues much longer I would honestly get someone to take you there now.

Not recently, no. I mow mine and my parents yard about once a week but that about it. It's been like that for several months now...maybe 9? Is that long enough to have a problem?

Mmm, could be. I was playing tennis outside a few hours a week when I had it, and I was like severely deficient. I suspect it builds and you need it more at different times.

I think it also depends on your skin too. I'm sort of an olive colored skin tone so I need a little more than if I were super white I think?

I'd give some vitamin D supplements a try, or if you don't want to do that, just lay out in the sun for a bit each day.

im not weak in my arms and legs now but just kinda sleepy. It's 3am here. I have no clue if the fainting and chest pains have anything to do with one another. I've had these same mild pains in the past but this is the first time I've ever felt this feeling before. Light headedness, weakness and high heart rate. Like I said, I'd been stressed the past several days because of the aches and reading shit online always freaks me out. I'm much better now just worried.

>hurr durr I'm tired but it's 3am

Go to sleep jesus christ that's how your body fixes itself.

No, you're completely right. This is all just new to me so I'm just trying to feel it out right now.