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You Rage, You Lose (YRYL) thread
Nolan Stewart
Other urls found in this thread:
Joseph Martinez
already lost. I need sauce
Nolan Morris
David Brooks
Liam White
Oliver Gutierrez
Right of the bat fuck
Carter Phillips
Michael Roberts
>don't breastfeed
>breastfeed is essential for a child's growth
Can't you sue this website for promoting child abuse?
Ayden Miller
>napalm death
Yes please.
Christopher Ward
Carter Taylor
>trying to get extra clicks for a feminist source.
>still needing proof that feminists are worthless murderous cunts
It's there, faggot. Learn to use duckduckgo. First fucking entry when you do a query for the title of the article
Chase Perry
Brandon Brooks
Charles Reed
it's fake, but there obviously are feminazis who think like that
Camden Nelson
I wonder what effects of such a degenerate practice could be.
Ian Phillips
Josiah Barnes
Dylan Gutierrez
Jace Reed
Dylan Gutierrez
Oliver Peterson
Eli Jenkins
What's wrong with the three stooges?
Tyler Diaz
Grayson Hernandez
it isn't real. the author is angus..
Hunter Watson
Is this true
Brody Roberts
Nathan Lopez
Bentley Flores
Carson Diaz
Without Jow Forums hyperbole can you tell me what the fuck happened here? Was it some weird loophole where the Jewish dad had custody or something?
Jose Flores
females don't like it so it shouldn't exist
Colton Turner
Gavin Hall
Cause aborting a kid based in gender isn’t abuse. It’s literally advocating murder.
Carter Ward
Cameron Perez
oh now i know why
Christian Davis
Austin Johnson
Of course she doesn't care. Women enjoy it.
Elijah Morales
what's wrong with this, mates?
Camden Butler
Anne Gus' father should have been aborted.
Jaxon Bennett
Elder God tier taste
Ryder Phillips
Anne Gus, or Angus is an example of Poe's Law.
Isaiah Ortiz
Nathan Flores
> Why can't I find a GOOD MAN
This much of a whore.
Jason Walker
How it's fake?
Henry Jones
Looks comfy.
Aiden Phillips
This article is fake.
Nathan Gray
Read more of Anne Gus's stuff, its a fucking parody account. Easily offended Idiots.
Owen Cook
calm down, It's actually satire, scroll down and see that it's actually anti-femenist.
Josiah Moore
John Hall
Christian Bennett
that's a nice girl's room.
Angel Perez
Nicholas Ross
Isaiah Bell
Andrew Robinson
Are the showers still open?
Jayden Watson
Oliver Myers
>trannies can now breastfeed infants
>women relieved they no longer have to do it
>women's fw white race becomes stronger from increased male hormone intake
Jaxon Perry
Okay actually looked at her other stuff. It's satire.
Landon Morris
Anne gust is a male satirist
Matthew Scott
Anne Gus is a parody troll from the Misc at Hes been around since like 2012.
Jayden Peterson
Jackson Fisher
Blake Russell
Aaron Richardson
why would this make me rage you fucking retard?
Jeremiah Martin
Christian James
Oh, good, this cuck is here to remind us that it's really us who are the weak ones
Samuel Young
Leo Gomez
I laffed
Grayson Cox
Is that Leonardo Dicaprio?
Jackson Robinson
Jacob Scott
One of the all time great yryl
Asher Evans
Jayden Hughes
Nathan Allen
Benjamin Perry
I made it funnier.
Camden Baker
When your entire ideology only exists because your incel of a founder was supported by his capitalist uncle
Easton Gonzalez
If you read the article you see it's actually a troll
Carson Flores
>Gurkan: I saw a case where a Swedish newspaper had retouched the skin color of a "criminal" so that he looked like he had white skin color. Isn't that a serious journalistic mistake, and how much reaction we had not seen if a newspaper had done the opposite. But here other newspapers let it go without any reaction whatsoever. This damages your credibility on the issue.
>Thomas Mattsson: So-called "white pixel" should not occur in the media, I believe. I became responsible publisher for Expressen on March 11, 2009, and since then we have a policy of not "white pixel".
>SINCE THEN has his paper this policy
which makes one think that other papers had it or continue to have it
William Clark
Jason Barnes
just jewry.
Charles Gray
Connor Peterson
Joshua Smith
Luis Hall
keeping your distance from other races makes you less likely to hate them. leftist are stupid for thinking diversity solve and don't cause more hatred
Isaiah Torres
Like pottery
Cooper Allen
Elijah Cook
Why are there two pairs of headphones?
Jason Martinez
Xavier Brown
Are you all retarded? Article is some low tier satire from 5 years ago
Jace Flores
Joseph Foster
Tyler Sullivan
Good thing I don't bother to read those tabloids.
Nicholas Hill
Jace Foster
It isn't.
Camden Reed
Because the white working class want to be paid a liveable wage as opposed to the migrants that will come here and happily work for pennies.
Of course a capitalist would prefer migrants.
More profit.
Chase Miller
Oh, you got me. I guess I'll just have to become communist now, since clearly you have the number of this right-libertarian. After all, is there any reason to want a strong leader besides being sexually submissive? Obviously not.
Blake Evans
>men like the three stooges
I...huh. I don't even know how to take that.
Samuel Scott
I'm already angry.
Ayden Adams
I didn't come here to get sad.
Jeremiah Green