>friends with girl from work
>play dnd together
>occasionally give her rides because she only has a bike and has to travel through a bad part of town
>give her a ride one time and lean in for a kiss
>texting the next day about stuff and she drops the "I'm not looking for anything serious" bomb
>don't know if it's because she's too scared or if she doesn't know what she wants
I don't know if I'm just being manipulated or if I'm just thinking too much or what. I've already let her know that I want to give her space, and to make sure she gives me mine as well because she wants to keep showing me affection despite her not wanting to get too attached. I just don't want to be a part of another lineup for some girl I thought was decent.
Should I run?
This is the bomb drop. Please ignore me(green) I tried being as neutral as possible. I know how passive I was acting.
Oh man...
Judging by your texts, you sound like a colossal bitch and are most definitely in the friend zone.
>>don't know if it's because she's too scared or if she doesn't know what she wants
Uh, how about she doesn't want you
Sounds like she wants to keep you around like an orbiter to fuel her ego. Plus she will have free rides to her house.
I noticed the creepy weirdos always write haha. Is that a thing? Like a warning signal?
K, next question: how to not be a colossal bitch/weirdo?
as a girl, id never date you. I actually dated a guy that texted this much when something happened instead of just talking in person and I hate that you're also like this. I'm sorry, grow up.
Not OP, but I do that relatively often. It's an attempt to relieve tension, like smiling. Saying "haha" is like saying "I'm not angry and I don't want this to sound dramatic". Same goes with the :P smiley face, which I don't use.
>girls on Jow Forums
I actually don't change the volume of text from how I normally send messages. Hers are bigger. Take note, you can see the size of my texts aren't as wordy once we both set our boundaries. Unless you prefer low word count brainlets. Which is fitting, seeing as how roasties don't want men to do the thinking.
She trying her best to tell you to get lost without being a bitch about it but you keep on and on and on. Plenty of hints you don't have a chance so hello she's not into you.
She's not sure what she wants and that's normal. Women are often worried about entering relationships and making it "serious", so they do the while "I don't know what's gonna happen, I'm not really looking for something serious, blah, blah" routine. Literally just ignore everything she said and continue as planned. Flirt, kiss, whatever. Just don't ask her "what are we?", etc. Casual no-pressure dating.
Grey is her, green is OP. Not sure if you figured that you.
>Grey is her, green is OP. Not sure if you figured that you.
was meant for
Ignore these virgins.
Well I already friend zoned her. Basically I told her before school that I can't do the affection but no attachment thing, and that I was still willing to be her friend but I'm not going to be in a "lineup". I told her to me it sounds like she doesn't know what she wants, which is fine, and I'll be there as a friend for her, but I'm moving on if she can't decide.
Jesus OP, i find your way of texting very beta and way too pussylike. You are telling her you enjoy hanging out and talking to each other about random stuff. Later on you even mention to her you are possibly getting too emotional.
With telling girls stuff like this, you are basically asking her to friendzone you. She might like you somewhat, but thinks she can get someone better. Or she just doesn't like you enough to have a relationship with you. And by your way of talking to her you are probably confirming her assumptions.
You are not presenting yourself as a high-quality, confident male. You are presenting yourself as a needy pussy who is desperate for her affection. Nothing gets a girls vagina dryer than that.
>t. kissless virgin
I already friend zoned her. Plus she knows I work and go to weld school full time plus I'm Jow Forums
Forgot to add, I do admit I'm a big ol softie.
Don't be friends with this girl, it's a recipe for disaster. How will you react if you are hanging out with her as friends and you find out she is talking to/dating other guys? Because I promise you that is what's going to happen if you stay friends with her.
Idk. Leave the state. I'm done with school by December and I'm breaking out in Houston. I legitimately enjoy hanging out with this person, it probably wouldn't bother me too much.
She has said she's not interested, so move on.
Chances are she spent a long time writing that text so it was just non-committal enough, with the right level of innocence and selflessness, to make you continue to pine for her, while not expecting anything from her.
Ultimately, you should see this text for what it is - a rejection. If she had any real interest in you, she'd drag her vagina over hot coals to be with you.
Stay friends with her, but make sure it's just friendship. Don't flirt, don't compliment, don't give her free rides or take her out for dinners.
Again, I gave her rides because I legitimately don't want her to get gang raped by niggers. And friends don't let friends get raped by niggers.
Oh yeah I know, but chances are she's now aware of this and expectant of it. So if you have other things on, I'd probably just stop doing it. It's a nice offer though.
You kissed her man. That's it. What are you doing, shopping for a wedding ring already? This bitch pretty clearly told you she is just going with the flow. You can either make the flow something she wants to go with, or you can fuck it all up by trying to force something or label something that it isn't time for yet.
So what if she doesn't want to date you? Make out a little, maybe get your dick touched, maybe don't. Stop getting twisted in your head and just live a little.
>set yourself up for ruin because a girl doesn't know what she wants
Who knows? She could have her eyes on someone, just not you. She probably did that cause you know where she lives and she doesn't want to get raped and/or killed because you asked her out and she rejected you. She could really not be looking for a relationship. She might be crazy.
No one knows what is in the mind of another except for the holder of the mind, all we can do is make assumptions based on the info they give us
Was gonna say keep going for some pussy at first, but clearly you aren't getting any, and definitely won't.
You remind me of myself when i was younger, and it sickens me. But hey, you live and you learn.
Stay away from her
Friends is fine if you really want but no, do not date her even if she comes around
It's not going to be worth it. Not now and not ever
Why do girl
s write like tha
t? Is she retarde
I guess that ha
s something to
do with messa
ge length limits