There was a thread about fat women being more "healthy" and giving birth to "healthier" children than skinny women.
Which bodyfat % range is ideal for most women?
We need to decide which is best for women
I think 20-25% is good. That isn't based on your picture though.
18% - 22%
17 to 18 percent can be obtained naturally by all women so I'll go with that
There’s a difference between phat and fat OP
25%+ for me thanks
Below 15% increases infertility rate (higher as you approach 0%). Above 25% is gross, and your dick will go limp.
20-21% looks best here.
all except middle two
I think 17-26% is good. It honestly depends on her body shape, and size. If she's tall a lower percentage for sure (but not
can't be too skinny and can't be too fat
which is ideal for reproductive purposes
so between 25-30% it also depends on how she holds said weight.
Agreed. She can't be anorexic and she can't be an unfuckable lardass either.
there is only one bodytype that is acceptable for women, and that is wheyfu mode
show 22-24%
the wheyfu is the peak of female performance
the thicker the better
Between 17% and 25% is the generally most sought-after ideal. Nobody takes fetishists outside that range seriously.
higher is getting fat
lower is getting too homosexual
2016 looks like a delicious slut
Natural, they are all beatiful you know.
2017 Is ideal to me
What the fuck has she been walking in
Her toes have been forced into her feet, that can't be healthy
hahah no
I don’t even care anymore I’m so lonely I’m going to kill myself soon.
Ideal body fat
only acceptable one
that very clearly used to be a man, fag
Awe damn user that's sad
Sir you posted the wrong pic, that's a bag of bones.
>cannot into anatomical physiology
U wot m8?
>anavar whore with fake tits
lmaoing at you if this is your wheyfu
anything past moosefix is pure jewish degeneracy
The body in 20-21% is obviously the best here and the only acceptable.
The next step upwards you can see she has a big belly especially for a woman and she is obviously overweight which is a health risk and looks bad. If she stored her fat less in her belly she could look OK but she would still be disease prone and would also probably get a gestational diabetes.
I'm a 34-35% man, myself.
I fattened up my girl from 20% to 35% she might be a bit more, only took me a year to do.
>18% - 22%
That's the best age too
17-18% is prime
20-21% is optimal
>fake tits
30-45% with chubbies, you always win
With more meat
Imagine marrying that and 2 years later...
>Honey want to come camping this weekend?
>Yeah just throw that shovel in he back with the tent.
>Just incase we get bogged don't worry about it.
17-18 is my type
17-21 seems healthy
Those heels look like they would impale the ground if it weren't made of metal
this, 30-45% body fat child bearing women that are always faithful
patrician taste
Or this one
30-45% fertility goddess
Love from France brother, I know that feel, stay strong.
all those are too small
>fat landwhale
~17-21 based on that picture with retarded gaps.
Literally obese. kys.
That's morbidly obese, not "chubby".
I like extremely curvy women who are 4'10" or shorter.
Greedy fat pigs are the way of the future. Do you want to be left behind?
Miscarriage waiting to happen
Fat girls are perfect
18-23% need birthing hips and feeding tits.
Go figure
14 to 18% range is hot as fuck. Nothing is better than Jow Forums honeys.
I like my women to be 100% woman.
Why do you post a picture of a 500 % woman, then?
We can see your flag
Cant we just have different opinions user? Or are you a bitter man? What does being Canadian have to do with it?
Luck with your anorexic girl and your future basedboy son, i will be fine with my whale
>What does being Canadian have to do with it?
finnland is based again since lauren left the internet. thank the gods
The world is huge user, you need to relocate and find a good community to live in. Don't let the negativity get to you fren
No they're not, fat whores are the whoriest whores of all whores. Do you live in reality or in porn world?
This is the ideal female form, peak performance, etc
20% - 26
Pig women are meant to be indulgent at home while the man does the work
Imagine having to feed this hambeat
Achmed pls
girl in pic related is no where near lean enough to be in miscarriage range.
she looks great and healthy
This Venus was the based and redpilled female ideal body, that's the ideal of hunter-gathered and primitive societies because they know that a chubby girl is healthy for the women and the children's development during the pregnancy. The anorexic women ideal were bringed by jews and homosexuals on the 70s-80s decade (and we actually see the negative effects on the genetic), men's need to be strong, wide-hipped and have a fast metabolism to hunt and fight, women need to be chubby to tge pregnancy and to protect from cold on times without all the modern commodities (there are the reason of women slowly metabolism), I'm not talking about obesity, I'm talking about 30-45%, all the anorexictards could accept this biological truth or could fuck your bag of bones wife and bring more cucks to the world
Anything below 15% is danger zone
Why would anyone prefer an Asian womanlet over a tall Aryan Goddess?
seems a bit excessive, i would go the 25-30%, looks really cute but not disgustingly fat
Reminds me of this
Why deal with an anti Trump roastie like Taylor Swift?
>leftist stick woman
No thanks.
The bigger the tub, the more to rub.
20-30% depending on build. Some women just gain weight like men and look like potatoes. My wife is probably like 23% based on OP pic but it's all butt and thighs
Can I get some actual answers to OP’s question based on statistical facts of body fat percentage and healthy births instead of anons spouting their subjective opinions on what they think looks sexy?
21-24% is peak figure. I like a little squish, but 25% is too much. Pic related is pretty much idea for me, but I prefer slightly smaller tits.