Is 'cold approaching' random girls a meme? It's talked about a lot on the internet...

Is 'cold approaching' random girls a meme? It's talked about a lot on the internet, mostly by guys trying to sell a product. And when it's done these guys sound like they have Asperger's. It's very hard to watch.

Attached: direct-opener.jpg (240x210, 22K)

If you go to 6:24 it's a 'dating coach' critiquing how these guys approach girls. But there's way more wrong than he actually says. There is no right way to do this, is there?

Yes, it's a meme and it usually doesn't work out.

Yeah it's really weird. If you're the clueless about how the outside world works just go outside, buy a snack and sit on a bench.

>sit on a bench
Ok Tails.

I'm not one to cold approach women, and I don't go to bars/ clubs, but the understanding these guys have of female attraction is pretty spot on. I've seen the concepts they talk about play out in my on life and other guys I observe when they hit on girls.

>the understanding these guys have of female attraction is pretty spot on.

It's the most basic of concepts sold as miraculous snake oil to desperate incels. PUA are more harmful to men than prostate cancer.

Here’s the redpill

Cucks who claim women don’t want to be approached are liars

Dudebros who claim you should just charge all women blindly are liars too

Most men are too autistic to understand this but women give off subtle mating signals to men they want to approach them

I myself have autism so it had to be taught to me, but now I can actually recognize them and respond appropriately

Cucks never bother and creeps just chase them around

Attached: 9DD786EA-A477-4FD2-BD91-06E134F35592.jpg (225x225, 18K)

>Is 'cold approaching' random girls a meme?

Can you enlighten us or point in the right direction?

Yeah paying money for that shit is fucking retarded, but they wouldn't be able to sell it if people weren't willing to buy it. They put out hours upon hours of free content tho, and even if its basic hit, there's plenty of men who were never given an opportunity to learn those concepts, which is why we have the incel problem in the first place. At least these guys are making videos for them to watch instead of insulting them on Jow Forums.

It's not a meme per say. It's definitely a skill you can improve on. There is no way for it to work everytime though. Women are people, there is no secret formula that will work on every single one of them. So even the experts get rejected a lot on a daily basis, but it's all about ratio.
Some guys actually pull it off very well and get to a point where they can spend 1 hour approaching random pretty girls in the streets, it's not much effort to them, and they will get from that session let's say 15 numbers, 5 of which will turn into a date or more.

These are random numbers but you get the idea. If you master cold-approaching, you can actually get laid with great looking girls on a daily basis. It's just statistics. If you don't have a major default that makes you absolutely unlikeable, then surely even if you're not good at small talk, after having asked 50 girls you'll have one that's interested in you. That's the one truth you want to focus on : the guys who get the girls don't get them because they " deserve " them or whatever bullshit, they're just the ones who have the balls to go talk to them.

Most of what these PUA guys teach is common sense, but sometimes they're insightful. The ones who do hidden cameras and analyse it are always entertaining to watch anyway and you can always gain something from it.

All that being said, depending on what's your personal situation and what you are looking for in women (just sex is not the same as wanting to find your future wife), cold-approaching might or might not be the right approach for you.

Not him, but the big one is eye contact and smiling. And she will "smile with her eyes". She will give you this look, you'll know it when you see it. Unless you have autism.



I think I need to make a copypasta to save time eventually

>Looking at you, looking away or down, then gazing back one last time
>Orienting her body/feet at you
>Bumping into you
>Primping herself before looking at you
>Seeming to randomly plant herself in your personal space until you’re forced to speak or remain awkward
>Walking near you, pretending to look for something in your direction
>Asking you an easily answerable question
>Waiting around and sighing near you, as if she wants you to agree that the line is long and spark conversation

I was mostly talking about stuff like the hour plus long lectures by the RSD guys, or even full infield breakdowns like OP posted. But keep doing what your doing, you're really helping those incels out m8. It's not like learning real social dynamics is a form of improving yourself or anything. And it's not like it's something that could have a direct impact on your interactions with women or anything.

I can never tell if posts like these are feminists, or angry tradcucks who want women to think 401ks & golfing are sexy

Seriously. I realized long ago that if I have a high IQ then there’s no reason to skip mastering social skills & seducing women too.

Guys who ramble about “self improvement” usually just mean “work hard like a good goyim at the office and become some aging woman’s meal ticket”.

Can you give me a quick rundown?

>Guys who ramble about “self improvement” usually just mean “work hard like a good goyim at the office and become some aging woman’s meal ticket”.

That's not what self improvement means at all, man.

Self improvement isn't bad. Usually it is a good place to start for most incels / NEETs because it can help them build basic self esteem and confidence, and pull them out of depression. But lifting will never make you good at talking to women.
I think they come from insecure Betas. They manged to get laid once, and didn't need any PUA tips. That's why they wont shut up about incels, they are the only men they can feel superior too. His girlfriend may be a landwhale, but at least he has a girlfriend, unlike those incels!

I used to have autism (okay, not autism, just low confidence and social inexperience). I used to have women give me signs all the time (even pretty blatant ones) and think "nah, I'm imagining it". But it's true, women do let you know somatically when they want to be approached. I think the big hurdle for a lot of guys is that they just don't believe in themselves. Then they decide to study pick up artists who tell them to just approach random women who don't show them any signs, get shot down, and lose confidence.

It’s not. I’m just referring to the tradcucks who define self improvement as “make yourself into a bigger beta provider”.


>Primping herself before looking at you
Does this include randos on the street that adjust their hair before you pass them?

Do they look at you? If they seem to just be randomly walking by fussing with something, then no. If they look at you and start primping then yes.

woke af

I only notice the ones that do if after we've made brief eye contact or they notice I looked at them.

Best answer in the thread goes ignored despite the dubs.

Not a meme, just start up a conversation and if she seems friendly then ask her out. No need for magic or goggles.

It's really very simple

Just cause no one replied doesn't mean it got ignored.