Has the fame gone to his head?
Has the fame gone to his head?
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Is the subject of a clinical psychologist being thrust into popularity and controversy not one of interest?
I wish someone would ask him this question.
I wonder what his response would be.
"Clean your room bucko!"
Does he feel he was put on Earth for a reason? He has a mission he must accomplish?
that response would answer the OP question in the affirmative.
It actually paid for that hairline.
I'm sure.
Have those thoughts changed since his rise to fame?
If so, how?
and why?
Please expand on this.
Yup. It would go to anyone's. He is not a god.
Provides uniariate analyses for Jews statistical impossibility of over representation in positions of wealth and influence. iQ.
Disregard Highest IQ of Asians
He’s just a Jewish shabbos goy shill.
Look up pictures of him before he became one of their anointed ones.
He was a fad, and people should remember he's on (((anti-depressants))) which he shills and speaks no ill off
Wouldn’t you do the same? If I was going bald, I certainly would.
Canadian men always have had a proxy Father.
Is that guy famous?
Is the answer now obvious?
He must ask realize and ask himself.
hiim and his side piece Lindsay Shepherd are almost for sure mentally ill
I think it's his all meat diet, he is literally having a mental breakdown
shit effort
low energy, NPC response.
the day of the rake approaches.
found the "Hair Club for Men" shill
I think we can guess at his mental illness. He is
- agitated
- quick to fly off the handlebars
- talking nonsensically
- making bad decisions
- drastically modifying his look (botox and hairplugs)
- acts as if the world is against him
I think he might have alzheimers, be suffering from alcoholism withdrawal, or perhaps be bipolar and manic
like from the start
is this projection?
Spastical impossibility
The guy is a charlatan.
no just trying to understand why he acts like basically not at all a normal person. you ahve to admit he seems messed up
>The guy is a charlatan.
maybe, but the point of the quote in the top image is only reinforced by the irony introduced by the the bottom image
>you ahve to admit he seems messed up
that's sort of the point of the thread
your idea is incorrect, fame did not go to his head, I believe he is mentally ill
mental illness is an objectively subjective proposition.
you have not backed your assertion with any evidence or even a definition of "mentally ill"
>clinical psychologist
he barely had any clients at all. he's just a shitty professor.
Humanity has gone to his head
i did though, i suggested how he behaves are a symptom of someone that is not functioning as a mentally healthy person
Only Shapiro can destroy the ring of power
He's started to drift way outside the realm of thought he has been living in for the past 20 years or so. When he is in there he has amazing insights and ideas, but when he steps out he's just making a fool of himself.
the coke sure did
he was in a court case once, the judge threw out every single thing he did b/c it was fucking trash lol. he was officially reprimanded for his clinical practice as well.
>he's just a shitty professor.
sure, let's go with that.
"Dr. Peterson, it wasn't all that long ago that you were nothing more than a shitty professor. How do you feel that your recent fame has impacted your life?"
Stop shilling this neoliberal jew
>suggestions are now evidence
nice link
legit not shilling
i find it interesting
no, his head has gone to the fame
what did he mean by this?
I just hate his eye squint of petulance
Gate keeper for the kikes...
Its not what the guy says, its what he doesn’t say...botox hair treatment....charging hundreds of dollars for a ticket to his show...the guy is a faux intellectual gatekeeper...he keeps white men of the west from noticing their cultures destruction and their genicide
>0/10 post
>meme flag
checks out
His only use is destroying extreme sjw/femnist arguments
I've never met a JP hater that was not one of the following:
- a christcuck who hates that JP doesn't promote Christianity
- an American with a mental illness who has a mortal fear of SSRIs, probably owing to actual mental illness
- anti Semites who hate that he is much more popular than them
I mean really guys, these threads are a procession of losers. Do yourself a favor and criticize yourselves.
He avoids the hard questions on purpose....intellectual self proclaimed dark web...the motherfucker is only edgy and smart if you go to clown college....i fall into the anti semite section but im not jealous.....he is a fucking snake
>He avoids the hard questions on purpose
Which questions? Oh, the Jewish question?
Yeah why would anyone smart and successful avoid that
He won’t say if he beleives in god or not...he helped write agenda 21 dood...
I hate him and i'm neither of those, but i'm closest to SSRI guy. Never really listened to any of his stuff, just a few excerpts, worst thing was i just saw his autistic fanbase praising him like some kind of god. Felt just like what happens when normies discover a meme, so i decided to watch something else. It had this reddit atmosphere to me, i don't know how else to describe it
that's pretty reductionist and simplistic. but if that were true, what's the problem?
I honestly wish he never became popular. My best mate started listening to him and now he's an insufferable cunt that believes he's insanely intelligent because he listens to Jordans interviews. Its ruined our friendship.
All my mate does now is go on autistic tangents about how Jordan is the worlds greatest clinical psychologist and he's never been wrong about anything. Christ he's now started watching random youtube videos about psychology which makes him even more of an insufferable faggot since now he starts virtually every sentence with "I'm really well read on this subject and..." he also ends nearly every statement with "It's nice to be as smart as I am, you just feel so much better than people".
>6 million
>you have to ask yourself why you don't know about this
What did JP mean by this?
>being a juden peterstein shill
the asian high iq thing is a meme, they're bug people with shit cultures.
fuck this faggot
>implying that shit flag of yours is not a memeflag.
he is like the rick and morty of public figures, not exactly terrible, but a lot of his fans build an echo chamber around him
Jordan Peterson is literally mentally ill, he says so himself. It's why he's on 2 SSRIs and why one of his 12 RFL are "take your pills"
What mental illness does he suffer from?
Why do you look for guidance from mentally ill people?
Do you believe mentally ill people are good people to follow?
no I'd say that would be morally reprehensible, roughly speaking.
show him that jbp is not really that smart
>there are people saying he isn't a kike
The stress has. But hes made it so far. Also the golden handcuffs are on. Same thing with Rogan. As you realize how famous and successful you are you limit yourself to be safe.
More rogan then Peterson since the later has been watching his ass from the start.
he looks like richard nixon in this photo
Pretty much this. The only people I've met who dislike him are losers in their personal lives, guys who have seen every marvel movie and who buy toys.
I've watched his lectures, read his book and taken his advice to heart. My life is so much better it's almost laughable. I don't really understand why people want to destroy this man unless they don't like the idea of thousands of young white men getting their act together.
David vs goliath
Does JP believe in God?
He likes to think really hard about it... everytime... 56 years old hasn't come to p with an answer yet. Somehow people will still say he's Christian.
Also wears capes..
I saw an interview with him the other day and he was asked how much he makes. He actually answered the question... >$300k a month!! Suicide inducing amounts
Did you really not know you should clean your room faggot?
he is literally becoming Hitler. in one of his videos he said that hitler ended up telling the crowd what they wanted: he'd say more things which got a reaction last time and less things that got no reaction last time. so hitler was guided by the crowds.
peterson is effectively falling into this role too. he started with a good premise and decent ideas, but he is surrounded by fanboys and sycophants and so is being guided by feedback into saying what the crowd wants to hear. he even says himself that he can see the reactions of the crowd when he says something that has impact. he is searching for those moments.
he used to be a man under attack and is now a man on a petal stool, and he wants to continue on that trajectory.
so in short, the fame is going to his head, but the fame always goes to people heads, so i guess he is just fulfilling his archetypal role in an archetypal story.
maps of meaning classroom lectures will remain based and required watching no matter where jbp ends up.
My friend did the same shit, and not long after pol started hating on JBP he went MIA. The guy never had a job or has accomplished anything, just a rich kid man child. He’s come down on me for trying to mentor a friend to be more alpha with women. And he’s judged me for fucking sluts. “Cleaning his room” and “sorting” hasn’t done shit for him other than make him an insufferable faggot like you also described. Once daddy’s money runs out he’ll an hero.
definitely. but i still like him
He's one of the most obvious gatekeepers in recent memory. The fact that people here unironically think he's some sort of against the grain revolutionary thinker really cements how retarded you actually are.
He admitted that was a mistake and apologized for this, very sufficiently. He definitely retracted from that position and explained his thinking. It satisfied me, though I initially immediately threw him in the toilet as a retarded turd. He vindicated himself enough for me with his apology and explanation. It’s on PooTube, look it up and see for yourself.
I latched onto him initially, but once his family made it onto the scene some skepticism crept in.
Why are we getting his daughter rammed down our throats all of a sudden? Maybe she should focus on her child and not shilling a beef diet on JRE while posting slutty pics on Instagram.
Just look at JBP’s wife. Who the fuck would marry that beast? And why does that old woman dress so slutty? My dick retracts like I’m swimming in ice water.
He’s got a hardon for communism. Dude has paintings of Stalin and other commie shit on his wall.
And why was he dressing up like a woman? We’ve all seen the pic of him in makeup.
There’s a million other places to find good information, fuck JBP. He’d be irrelevant if there weren’t so many manchildren and muh pronouns.
No he is not, he refuses to read/admit he read solzhenityen's other book, despite saying he would read it after receiving a translated version at an event.
He used to talk about Solzhenitsyrn very frequently, but now does it almost never.
Also updated the picture.
I am going bald and I shave all of it with a razor.
It's the only way.
I don't think he has a hardon for communism, I think it's the opposite.
I thinks it's an opus dei like self-hurting. I think he legitimately fears communism and is traumatized by reading about it, particularly as a depressed low excercise teen.
I mean it's just speculation on my side, but I think it might be a kind of memento mori for him. A reminder of the dangers and the seriousness.
Though I honestly don't know why he is such a cuck to judaism. Probably because of ambition.
hmm, i dunno.
yeah what a surprise
He was moving in bottom pic, not even that bad desu.