User needs help with girls

how do i find a clingy qt gf
how do i become worthy of such a gf
how do i keep her happy

Attached: someday.jpg (653x490, 95K)


but why

You wanted help and I provided it. Feel free to ignore it if you'd like to.

i thought 'mentally/emotionally stable' was a given


>wanting a clingy gf
No you don't.

>worthy of one
If she's clingy, you don't have to be worth shit.

>keep her happy
By literally devoting your life to her. She will control everything about you eventually, if she's that clingy.

Dunno man. Getting girls seems like a crapshoot depending on what type of person you are. Luck of the draw and whatnot. Then again I’m lazy as fuck so....

I mean, why do you need a girlfriend right now? I was in Walmart and saw a black dude with his hot white girlfriend and she was cussing him out. I mean, do you really need that kind of hassle? And I bet you’re a good enough guy, you just don’t really believe in yourself or you think most girls are out of your league. Man, don’t worry so much. Accept you’re a flawed human being and live the way you want. People have opinions but fuck em. If you want a girlfriend it’ll happen just relax and enjoy the moment.

This, unironically.

Not OP, but would you recommend me to keep lifting if I actually want a cute girl ?

The thing is I'm not really handsome, but I'm sure getting a better body will help improve my chances.

It sounds way better than being a fat slob.

Not that guy. I'm a Jow Forumsizen and have been lifting for 5 years. Lifting does not help you get a gf. It doesn't. Go on Jow Forums and see for yourself.
But lifting does help you in any normal social situation; it makes you more noticeable and more respectable in the eyes of most people. This itself won't help you get a gf, but it'll give you an edge over other guys who don't do anything. The least it does is get you laid more often, but doesn't extend to relationships. Work on your personality, dress well, take care of yourself, and stay informed.

but what about also id like a more normie gf

no harm in trying

Wow, your advice sounds solid, I'll keep this in mind.

Thanks for the help !

This. I’m in the best shape of my life but girls don’t throw their pussies at me like they are down to fuck. Getting a woman requires you putting yourself out there and risking rejection.
It’s like saying I want a million dollars and instead of following simple advice like invest in yourself, save your money, invest your money, have a budget, etc you’ll not commit yourself because it’s “too hard”. You know what it takes to be good with women. Women like sociable guys that can read social cues and aren’t socially retarded. They like guys who aren’t going to kill them in their sleep. They like guys who are self assured, confident, and goes for what they want. They like clean guys. They like guys who are put together well. They like organized guys. They like cocky guys who take charge and get what they want.

You just have to start embodying those qualities. It’ll take a lot of failure but if you do it you’ll get to the point where getting a girlfriend is a no-brainer.

Fucking virgin central here
When you say 'I want a clingy gf"
You mean "A gf that I find very attractive that wants me"
Fuck off
You can have your "clingy gf". Just find a fucking obese woman
Fucking retard virgin

You want her to be emotionally stable AND clingy? Good luck with that.

That being said, there are some girls on /soc/ who are totally mentally sane. And it's the normiest board there is.

Look, unless you have a very extended social circle (but I bet you wouldn't asking for advice on how to get a gf from Jow Forums if this were the case), it's either /soc/ our you go out in the streets and start cold-approaching girls. But good luck finding a clingy one that way.

lol you don't want a clingy gf user

i think theres a miscommunication. i want her to be clingy, but not THAT clingy.

AKA I want to be normal
Fuck off you fags

Clingy isn't normal.

Retard detected
Woo woo retard alert

He wants a regular relationship. Not clingy not aloof. Just... Get this... Normal.
Fuck off you low IQ faggot