Jow Forums do your thang

Jow Forums do your thang

Check out @4YrsToday’s Tweet:

Attached: Screenshot_20190101-225456.png (2011x2048, 522K)

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Redpill me on dictatorships

It's a dic + a tater + a ship. Pretty cool and much better than that retarded democracy meme.

This is an easy flip if the niggers here actually vote

Meme war veteran checking in and out. Happy new year!

depends on who the dictator is, his agenda, and how long he will be installed as dictator

Sometimes the heavy hand of a benevolent dictator is needed to make corrections to 70 years of bad policy and subversion.
This year, vote YES to bill 1488

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I don't remember the emaail or password for my twatter acct. What are the results at now?

Well I did my part.

A Benevolent Dictatorship is the ultimate for of government, it's just that they work out that way incredibly rarely, and almost never on purpose. Most of the few times they've existed was during the time of royalty, since the kind of people willing to seek power enough to overthrow the government tend to not be that good of people. In the end dictatorships should be opposed not because of their potential to work but because they're to much of a gamble if they don't work out, which they wont. But you should still totally fuck with these polls for the lulz, really freaks some people out.

Don't encourage the ruling class.

Nypa kys

6 days left n were already at 20% we can do this lol

20% for dictatorship
80% against
get going


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Do it for him

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Too late

These assholes are really triggered in the replies and taking a fucking Twitter poll seriously


boomers were a mistake


keep going lads

Come on you fuckers, the amount of salt in the comments is already delicious, we can make it stronger!

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We need more salt. It will be fucking hilarious if we get >50 percent yes

Hahaha. The fucking assblast in the replies.

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democracy means jews can and will infiltrate your government

These people still think Russian bots are real, how do they never learn it's just us.

Fuck thats some good shit.

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>hang the 18%

Start calling people that voted no antisemitic

Did my part.

Attached: IMG_1881.png (640x1136, 100K)

It's like a fucking ant-farm. You go over every now and then and tap the glass and watch they go nuts.

>omg I can't even
>must be the blumpfkins and russian bots
>can't even

Lmao it‘s always gun watching these NPC retards go like "who voted yes???"

It‘s like every day is their first day on the internet.


> The percentage was about 20% when I first entered the thread
> Percentage bumped up by 3%
We're getting closer. Let's aim for above 50%

have a bump

someone post this as a reply to this guy
his boomer mind will explode. Although the appeals to liberals

If this gets above 50% it will be an important lesson in democracy

forgot link

I honestly don’t but shitposting is in my blood.

o im laffin

Attached: one man must be wise.jpg (1280x1640, 353K)
Thank you for posting your pic
French were based in 19th century

Kind of like democratic socialism

An ironic and hilarious one that will be lost on everyone involved

hell yes

We're a quarter of the way there, let's keep going!

Attached: 25%.png (579x223, 17K)

A dictatorship via super intelligent AI

>we dont want to live in a dictatorship
>someone disagrees with my chosen form of government
>lets hang them

anyone here with access to some bots?

NPCs aren't aware of their thoughts. They don't have any. They just do what they are programmed to.

the normies in the comments are trying to assert they are more intelligent than us. such insecurity.

They are the quickest and most efficient way to remove commie scum. Casualties are also pretty low...unless a war with another country breaks out.

Attached: TrumpSoon.jpg (576x1440, 166K)

Someone who is truly intelligent should not feel the need to tell everyone that they are.

I want Tay to be our AI overload

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It won't matter what people think soon because I personally think the U.S. is quickly heading towards a dictatorship or several with balkanization. At some point the Constitution will have to be set aside and put a strong man in power to deal with the degenerates and Jews who have subverted and warped the country and the same goes with Western European nations. You can't beat these people with the laws in your land when they know all of the loopholes and how to turn it against you. A strong man is the only way to clean up the mess that is where we are now.

Dictatorships just like monarchies can either be very good or very bad. I lean more towards monarchies being the better form but that is beside the point since both can work towards healing a wounded nation. I believe they are better forms of governments compared to Democracies which is very easily corrupted and basically becomes mob rule. I'm sure even the Founding Fathers knew that the Constitutional Republic in America would not last forever.

Attached: if_you_can_keep_it.jpg (940x500, 71K)

Did my bit. "yes" is at 26% now.

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They work.

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Attached: misesfacist.jpg (850x400, 78K)

Reminder to all Jow Forums anons to continue raising the Yes percentage as much as possible, aiming for beyond 50%, possibly more.

Attached: stayed still.png (594x220, 17K)

Occasionally you'll get a Nero, or a Caligula. If you're lucky you'll get an Aurelius or a Hadrian.

For democracies, the people are often Nero, but never Aurelius.

the only branch of government that ever gets the country out of a political quagmire is the executive - not the legislative or the judicial. So dictatorships are needed to quickly turn the ship. The romans had them for a few years then back to elections, although I'd say we really need to find out how to get the parasites out first.

>If this gets above 50% it will be an important lesson in democracy

Most accurate description of democracy ever

I have to make a twitter to vote? the fuck is this bullshit? YOu fucking shill, fuck you OP.

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50 percent is the goal. Majority dictatorship

You could just leave the account lying there. What's the problem with making an account? Assuming that you don't post anything on it, it should be fine.

We need a Cincinnatus to come in and purge the niggerkikes and then go back to farming his fields and fucking his whores.

To trigger the leftists, as any poll on twitter doesn't matter, and neither do the votes. But it does matter to the leftists.

Dictatorships either go all bad or all good. Democracy is always some good and some bad, it's like being blueballed.

>It's scary crazy!

Attached: trig2.png (845x701, 108K)


> wave emoji

Democracy is great until people don’t think what I think

We, the People are voting for this, ironically

These are the people we have to deal with, people who believe twitter reflects real life (Lmao). They are truly like children.

>voting for a dictatorship
we're reaching peak freedom

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Bump you dumb motherfuckers, stop posting on shit threads like /ptg/

Only form of government that isn't

I love being alerted to Twitter polls that need my vote. Thanks OP

BUMP bump bump

God bless America

I kind of agree but disagree with you about Democracy. It starts off that way with some good and some bad. However, as the people become less concerned about politics and the democratic government in place becomes more and more corrupt while putting up cakes and circuses' for the masses to distract them. You begin to get a lot more bad than good especially if the populaces IQ points begin to drop and become apathetic towards the corruption of their "representatives" because they just want to live their lives and not deal with politics and are easily manipulated to sway their votes.

I did my part. Twitter brainlets losing there shit over this is a good laugh.


Well that text cube fucked up.


it looks like a retarded kid trying to have cyber sex

Attached: 7vWwe.png (219x207, 44K)

>IT'S BOTS! cried the NPC

they never work

>muh russian bots rigging insignificant twitter polls
Boomers, ladies and gentlemen

Are you?

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got some intellectual powerhouses in the comments.

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I'm going to shout this the next time I nut

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made a twitter account just for this

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> That's what the horny retarded cyber-kid said
Well, fuck. Top kek. Go right ahead, leaf. Please do.

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