Why is the media so against DC what the fuck is their problem?
Why is the media so against DC what the fuck is their problem?
DC characters are all super chads -- this doesn't fit the PC narrative that men need to get in touch with their feelings and be subservient to women and minorities.
Someone write a straight faced article about how Nazis used toilets, and vaccines were developed with holocaust expirimentation.
>fake comic book movie world
>based on fake sunken city in real world
>justified fake 6 million murders by real world nazis
>You know who else thought Atlantis was cool?
Got em
> hitler drank apple juice once in the summer of 1937
every fucking time
bix nood ma nigga
Dey wuz nazees n shiet
They originally turned against DC because Zack Synder is not a Jew.
They can't allow Simona Americans get ahead.
>is not a Jew.
you sure?
DC comics have typically been more in line with classic ideas of justice and chivalry. Marvel is more in line with Jewish kvetching about antisemitism and hate. Even though both comics are Jewish, marvel is more Jewish
Because "we wuz kangz"
(((zacharaiah schneiderman)))
Critics hate this movie simply because it isn't pushing anything politically correct
Eating healthy is nice and all but you know who else promoted a healthy eating lifestyle????? NAZIS!
Because they aren't bending the knee hard enough.
Niggers can't swim.
Disney owns the media?
Fairly obvious.
>jamie seidel
sounds like another concerned jew
fanta was invented in nazi germany though
>it was embraced by the Nazi's
no editor?
they probably have a strong, proud african american woman as their editor, who was definitely not pushed through school with little to no actual education.
That's true though. Niggers don't drink apple juice.
>the ocean is racist
>DC characters are all super chads
>Superman is Lois's bitchboy
>Batman gets quipped down to by Diana
>Flash is as beta as it gets
The fuck nigga
The movie was based af, the only 2 nigs were villians.
Aquaman is too much of a Chad for soiboy to handle
also nigger villain.
They don't have a problem with DC in general. They have a problem with the guy who started this iteration of cinematic DC. Every Zack Snyder movie has come under scrutiny and criticism for racist, sexist, anti-gay views. Dawn of the Dead literally has a scene where a guy says zombies are roaming because of gays and degenerates and sin. 300 is a film about a bunch of muscular white chads killing blacks and middle east people. Batman v Superman does a decent job portraying the fake news media trying to sway public opinion, etc.
Yeah actually. He was raised Christian and he and his wife were married into a Christian church
Dude that was fucking Joss Whedon though
stop stealing names of Romanian tripfags. get your own name.
journalism needs to collapse. These people need to lose their jobs and be forever locked into a position at mcdonalds.
On kikebook a girl in a relationship (with a kid from another relationship) made a post about that actor making her panties wet. How the fuck is that acceptable I would slap the shit out of her
Can’t have them doing better than the marvel Jew attack and silence typical Jew tactics
73,137 This figure was reported in The New York Times on March 3, 1991 and was based entirely on the wartime German concentration camp records that had been captured by the Soviets and just recently released. According to this figure, of those dead, 38,031 were Jews. These records state that the total of all persons who died in the ENTIRE German prison camp system from 1935 to 1945 were 403,713. To repeat: a total of 403,713 persons of all races and religions was officially recorded to have died (of all causes. typhus, old age, measles, etc.-and execution) in the entire prison camp system over a 10 year period. Of those 403,713 a total of 73,137 died at Auschwitz. Of those 73,137 who died at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews.
Bad guys here are literally ethnonationalists, but left is still triggered. Cringe.
Shouldn't it be Nazis without the apostrophe? There is no possession just plural.
((( i think it might be a shoah)))
notice anything?
a future gay shipping from tumbler?
Total le 56% fairy tale
Capeshit is gay but what the fuck?
Still isn't as bad.I think they went with Momoa cause his Polynesian
He also looks whitish and seems like a ok guy.
Still better than niggerwashing.
They are both covered in ink?
That... is actually nonironic talking point of fat acceptance movement.
Not bad
DC movies are shit so I don't really care.
>that pic
brb going to see aquaman!
>also nigger villain
Fuck the left, Manta is a great villain.
He is the perfect asshole and it's hard to not love him.
> Automobiles have a dark side as they were embraced by Nazis. We really need to have a sit down conversation about this and WHITE CIS GENDERED MALES NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE. Lest we forget - it was primarily women who suffered at the hands of Nazis, losing their sons and fathers to the war.
>movie about magic man who can talk to fish is evil because it doesn't explicitly condemn adolf hitler
what a time we live in boys
Based mutt
>Mutt saves Atlantis from the evil good-looking blonde white man
>Gets the smoking hot redhead
I thought this would be right up their alley.
Johnny Cash's "America for White, Africa for Black"
Unlike Marvel, DC has not yet learned how to be multicultural. We will teach them.
only if the red-head was a man.
No. Even David Irving acknowledges at least 2.2(?), 2.5(?) million or so, killed in the Operation Reinhardt camps. It's somewhere in his 2009 'Speaking Frankly' video, on YouTube.
Yes, Polish bro. Even English-speaking flags fuck it up, whether because they're low-conscientiousness brown people or just dumb, it's the most common mistake. /Everybody/ likes to put an apostrophe before an 's', needed or not. I've given up being a grammar nazi about it. It's not such a hard rule though.
>Atlantis was the justification for Nazis killing people, so Aqua man bad.
There's reaching, then there is searching the sea floor of the Atlantic for a reason to tie an Aquaman Film to the Nazis.
And there it is.
Wasn't hitler a onions-boy vegan too?
WTF fuck this place!
>not jew
Oh sweet youth of summer.
I like how Dolph Lundgren is so chad that him even being in a supporting role gets the media to oy vey
homestly i think the casting was ok, but like usual trash movie. he doesnt need a backstory he can just be there.
Wew, lad. The popularisation of comic book movies is an admission by Hollywood that they're fresh outta ideas, and that somewhat subversively it constantly pushes the idea that only exceptional individuals can defeat evil in fantastic circumstances, rather than people banding together...
Also, ok, premise is he's a NEET who got Monster Energy spilled on him in a sun storm, he can do xyz, has a lot of funny one liners, a hot racemixed female counterpart, a sassy LGBTI supporting character we're hoping to sell lots of toys of...blah blah blah... no story, just escalating scenes of buildings being knocked over by a guy made out of boulders...glowing, hot boulders...
Pleb tier.
I unironically have liked Jason Momoa ever since Stargate Atlantis.