Guys answer please be honest

So I'm in my mid twenties and have had two kids. My body isn't what it used to be although I'm not "fat". I'm not super toned though and since I had a c section my tummy has stretch marks and a scar on my bikini line. In a dress I'm like a size 8 mostly because my chest is a D cup and my bum has gotten larger ha. But I've always had nice long legs (I'm 5"10) and I guess I have a somewhat hourglass shape going on. My question is do guys really care if you aren't super toned? Picture isn't me but it's the closest I could find to myself on the internet, except my chest is bigger.

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I think guys would care that you have 2 kids more than how fat your bum is.

I personally don’t give a shit at all. In fact I would personally prefer pic related to a girl that’s more “toned” or fit.

I'm too lazy to read all that shit. I saw mid twenties, two kids. You aren't desirable to 90% of men. How your body looks doesn't matter.

>My question is do guys really care if you aren't super toned?

No, they mostly care that you have 2 kids in your mid 20's.

Well damn. I wanted honesty and I got it haha. Yeah having kids is obviously extra but I wouldn't be interested in a guy that isn't ready for kids anyway.

I'd never date anyone with kids, that's literally the biggest cucking imaginable

It's not about being ready for kids, but being always second to someone else's kids. Most guys wouldn't put up with it.

Yeah that's understandable

You should have gotten married twice you dumb slut

Any guy who looks at you knows that you're not going to be a good mother or a good wife

the first two guys who knocked you up knew that you weren't going to be a good mother or a good wife, that's why they didn't stick around

Why do you expect to find a man to pay half a million dollars to raise two children that don't belong to him, that don't carry on his genetics, bloodline, and legacy?
What does he get out of it?
The chance to date a fat whore who two other men wouldn't marry?

Rather than ask a anonymous board, using a photo of somebody else which probably doesn't look anything like you, why not just focus on improving your body?

Squats, cardio, lifts. You'll soon improve your stomach. You'll probably never be super toned but at least you'll look the best you can.

Seething eterna-virgin detected.

To be fair, you don't know the circumstances around why the OP is no longer with the father of her children, or whether there are two different fathers involved. You're assuming a lot based on your existing prejudices of single mothers.

I don't understand why you have to be so horrible. You're right that the vast majority of men without children wouldn't choose to date somebody with children, but everything else you wrote just came across as bitter, angry and nasty.

Are you happy with your life, user?

You're making a whole bunch of assumptions about her. You don't know the circumstances of her pregnancies or the reason why she's a single mom.

It's true that a lot of men won't commit to a single mom, but you're being a stupid cunt.

I had a 4 year old when I started dating my husband and what sealed the deal was watching him with my son

>My question is do guys really care if you aren't super toned?

Guess what, guys aren't all the same as each other!

Much like the typical male here, you need to lower your expectations A LOT. If you are not willing to date struggling guys then you're the direct equivalent of males here who aren't willing to date anything that isn't out of their league.

If you think you're still a slayer then dream on.

>eternal virgin
that's a bit of projection you have going on there
>People in this thread who can't get laid:
[__] me
[] OP

>Are you happy with your life?
No. Dissatisfaction leads to struggle and progress though, Sig Heil.

OP should focus on being a really good mom and maybe some guys will take interest.
Note: getting in shape to get random dick on tinder is not the right direction

>I wouldn't be interested in a guy that isn't ready for kids anyway
>isn't ready

haha stupid whore

i hope you die when your second kid turns 18

Are you clean? Do you know how to cook? Do you know how to keep a house in order? Do you have to be put in your place all the time?

These are the real questions.

It's more attractive if you're at least a little toned

>do guys really care if you aren't super toned?
If a man is attracted to you throughout 2 pregnancies, having seen you covered in his child's vomit at 6am after both of you were up all night, a little bit of belly fat isn't going to be a big deal.

>I wouldn't be interested in a guy that isn't ready to take care of other men's kids


There are 3 possible scenarios.
Either she was a shit wife, he was a shit husband or he died.
The death part sucks, but it is rarely the case.
In case the husband was shit, she is a bad judge of character or really impulsive, neither is good.
Obviously if she is a shit wife, nobody wants to be with her. And the whole "we just fell out of love" bullshit also means she is a bad wife.

Both my children are from one man I married him at 19 actually lol I'm guessing you have women issues you are now projecting onto me via this post I suggest you go and find a good counselor it will do wonders for you :)

Let me find out my possibilities of getting a provider. The thread.

I love thicc mum bodies! Shows their fertility.

Never thought I was a Slayer lol I expected some people answering in true Jow Forums fasion to be cruel but I have thick skin so it's okay guys lol really just asking an honest question :) plus it's the heart of a man that impresses me so if he's struggling everyone has issues I'm not bias nor judgemental

It's not going to matter how you look. One of my nextdoor neighbors is 9/10 hot af but single because she has a kid. She only has 1 too.

I would like to think I was a good wife and in all honesty I think we both tried our hardest. We married very young and unfortunately people change and have different values. That's all I'm gonna say about that. But all your theories are not correct my dear.

that's lame as fuck, you're not going to convince a smart guy

take some personal responsibility for your fuckups

Take a Xanax and chill out dude. Lol

I'm kind of curious what kind of values you have that are more important to you than "my children should grow up with a father"

you sick, disgusting excuse for a human being

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>single mum with 2 kids in her midtwenties
You can worry about your body, but your body is not the issue here.

You look like a normal woman. I wouldnt feel uncomfortable at all. This is comming from a man.

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i would advise toning up, you have enough working against you as is

Different poster, but I think I will. Thanks for reminding me I had some tucked away.

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They don't have to be correct, I am just explaining my views on why I wouldn't date a single mom.

I made my peace with being single.
My only option of having kids is to donate and hope someone shows up at my door 18 years later and want to know my story.
At least you are not alone.

For me, the only motivation for a relationship is that I want kids of my own.
But a partner needs to hold the same values as I do, and divorced people don't.
I come from a large family (7 on my fathers side, 2 on my mothers side) and only one is divorced.
Even my sister married her first boyfriend and I think they will make it too.
So commitment means a lot to me.

>2 kids
>mid 20's

Here is the honest answer.


The men willing to settle for you being a single mother won’t care that you’re chunky.
Eat less, exercise more.

I'd be willing to have sex with her, but only if I'm packing two mobile phones like a drug dealer. I need out of that shit before it latches onto me.

if op's pic looks similar to her, she is totally my type. i love the mom-bod desu

but having kids is a game changer in a relationship, it totally changes the dynamic of any relationship, and it can be a lot for the guy to have to be committed to the kids, while in early stages of a relationship with someone
and also a lot of single moms that i know, care much more about their kids and their well being, than their partner

that being said, i know some single moms that do find men that care about them and their kids, one of my friends got married to someone with one kid, and he had another with her. i saw a total transformation in him, from like a gamer dude who pretty much acted like a high schooler, to a kind and caring dad

at a certain point kids are like inevitable too, like if both of you are like 35 and dating, there's a good chance one person has at least one kid


The fact that you have kids is all the "unattractive" you can afford now. Better put down the fork and start working out/saving for surgery. If you're not an 8+/10 give up on being anything but fuckbuddies or a sugar mommy. Although if you've had two kids you probably have big saggy pancake tits with huge nipples


The hundred million single women with kids get to fight over the hundred-and-fifty divorced men with custody of their kids.

Good luck!

Id raise those bastards and give you a few more if I got to run that thing into the ground everyday.

You forgot that single moms dont like sex because they are too tired....

You don't necessarily need to lose fat, but you'll look better if you build up some muscle underneath that fat.

I'm not sure I can give this advice in a non rude way but if there is anything you can do to tighten yourself back up if you know what I mean, that would be the best bet. I've had sex with a single mother and even though she had the kid ~5 years before that, it was extremely loose. Like some wet meat barely brushing against it with a big void in the middle. I have a decent 6.5in dick too but It was still really hard to get off.

So am I after a 10 hour shift, but that’s what sex is for: stress relief. And nobody needs stress relief more than a single mom. I’d tear OPs ass up all night, she deserves it for the shit she had to put up with.


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Doesn’t work like that broski.
Op is just going to bitch about how her feet hurt and watch shitty shows on netflix and eat her magnum icecrram tubs.

Op is a pathetic person and will only become less motivated and more lazy once she lands some loser to leech off of like a god damn parasite!

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You would actually being the one doing the cucking to the dad. Take his woman and raise his kids, fuck better than he did, give his kids privileged lifes and a positive male role that he could not. That's emasculating as fuck to any father.

>raising someone else's kids is actually cucking someone else
>meanwhile they're enjoying life while you're carrying their baggage.

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It just means that both of you are fuck ups.

>>meanwhile they're enjoying life while you're carrying their baggage.
Not when there's child support in place, my friend.

lol you're not seeing any of that money and you're still sucked into having to deal with their kids at the very least.
So you're still carrying their baggage for some attention from their used goods and you're the one cucking them? Hahahahaha

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I would eat your ass out while playing with your clit

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You didn't have to kill her


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We all knew the outcome of ops thread. She just didnt see depravity in our eyes soon enough.
It was always too late.

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Hello Op,

You've had 2 kids and you look fantastic. If you want to get healthy, then do so, but generally speaking, no, guys don't care about being super toned.
What I've learned is that good men will gravitate towards women with a good attitude and straight head. They don't see the wobble or cellulite in the disgusting way we do.
My husband is fit and does mma, I'm much shorter and curvier than you, yet he loves my body. Most of all, he loves the person I am and admires the mother I am to our child. I was heavier before having a kid and got in shape to be healthy. He never once made me feel unattractive or fat, he only encouraged me by looking after our child while I was at the gym and cooked our meals when I was too tired.
Look for a man who loves you and won't judge your extra wobble.
Look at those kids and admire your body because it held them and brought them to life.

From female to female, please don't seek acceptance and feedback from the internet and before you post your body online again, think if that's the advice you'd give to your daughter or son.
>mummy am I fat?
>post a pic online and ask strangers on a board which of most have some kind of unrealistic and inexperienced opinion not to mention mental instability.

>before you post your body online again
Does your tiny brain get tired from reading a paragraph? OP clearly noted that the pic isn't her.

Ahh, thx user for reminding me why we dont suck as much as reddit. Little PC snowflakes over there would’ve censored this shit right away.

this. I've fucked some Rhinos in my time but you know what? They were all kid free so no harm done but as soon as I find out she has a kid, I don't care how toned she is, I'm out.

>I'm not fat

Yes you are

OP, Do you take it in the butt?


I am sorry for you OP but this # is the most honest answer in this thread, I used to believe there was no reason to not date a single mom, until I had to introduce my ex gf and her little son to my friends and family, and I had to struggle for a couple second before saying "this is my girlfriend son" ...
It hits you like a train, like you just lost most of your self worth and pride in just one sentence

If you tried your hardest and you two idiots fucked out two kids to a broken homes then you’re both losers, should kys, and put the kids up for adoption because wolves would do a better job.

>Picture isn't me but it's the closest I could find to myself on the internet,
this picture looks like shit. Far too much fat. If this looks like you, start dieting and exercising.

that's because you're either a closet faggot or have deep insecurities.

>If you are not willing to date struggling guys
you fucking poverty ridden beta faggot.

>this is coming from a gay man with low selt esteem

> two kids
Doesn't matter how beautiful you may be. A good percentage will point to the fact that a man simply does not want another man's baggage.

You must be 18 to post here

Having kids only matters to retarded 20 somethings. Grow up.

I'm 30 and I agree with this whole thread and no not an incel or whatever else you're going to come up with.

I'm 33 with 2 advanced degrees and a 500/year income. I don't date single moms. The payoff isn't there.

fast you stupid bitch

the kids are the issue not your body

You are just fine. You have been endowed with a vagina, and that's enough to be desireable. Ignore the incels on here. And don't ask opinions on a site riddled with fascist blowhard and whiney little bitch incels. I can tell you that personality is more important long term. A 10+ who is an evil manipulative bitch will appear ugly in a few months time. Seriously though, a woman asking for affirmatiin on Jow Forums is like a Jewish person asking for affirmation by Nazis who run a concentration camp.If you aren't a Birther, then you are beautiful enough, and probably an honest person. Look at all the Jow Forums faggots on here who have a ring of their own shit around their lips from sucking their boyfriends dick after anal sex.Never trust a fascist sporting a shit mustache and.for God's sake don't ever accept a peanut sticking in a Jow Forums faggots beard even if he is happily munching on them himself. It's not about peanut allergies, it's about shit allergies.

Is this pasta?

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you sound like a retarded faggot. Don't post here again.

Picture's blurry but you look okay to me. Bigger breasts are a plus. I'd probably do it. Then again I'm a kissless virgin 230 lb. NEET who needs to hero so I wouldn't take my advice too seriously.

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Post more pictures of your body desu

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I'd smash it

your looks are ok. But the biggest red flag is the fact you are a single mom

Pretty nasty for a mid 20 something but the boner killer is the two kids

If you were smoking hot the two kids could be overlooked so long as I didn't have to see them or hear you talk about them.

For all you guys out there. A single mother is the easiest pussy on the planet but you don't want to date them. Doesn't matter how hot they are just fuck them a couple times and disappear.

No that sounds too risky

How is this risky. Falling for them is the risky part and will suck the life out of you and when its gone she is.

No they dont care, most care if you are obesse but even then there are dudes for that too. Your pic is fine, no actual guy is expecting a woman to look like a super model or porn star or what ever.
Thats a fear women put on themselves after being rejected too many times.
You look fine to me, you even got sexy underwear.

one of my friends dated a girl with a child. She told him he’d never have to do anything for the kid because it’s not his. But months later he was the one picking the kid up from school and baby sitting when she was at work. Cleaning after the kid and everything. He even got into a confrontation between the father.

Guys will find women physically attractive provided that their tummy is slimmer than their waist and they don't have skin that resembles porridge.
Do squats at home, you have long levers being 5'10" so you can make gains from it. Work your way up to 150 before you have a shower (do a day on, day off, day on, 2 days off), make sure you get the form right otherwise you are wasting your time.


I would be more worried about your 2 little walking tumors.

mmm preggo belly

it's not that the guy isn't "ready" for kids. it's that the guy doesn't want to be raising children that are not his.