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How do we stop the fucking boombers from recruiting members of gens y and z?
Mason Clark
Kayden Allen
Recruiting them for what
Evan Garcia
to counitue the fucking up of the world
Brandon Bailey
Recruit them to be cucks.
William Long
Leo Howard
Either convert the boomers to the one true path of Hoppean anarcho-capitalism... or just make fun of them. The latter is easier and will easily scare off the youngsters.
Camden Rodriguez
I don't think Boomer-esque self-hatred is going to resonate very well with the first generation to really suffer under the yoke of Judeo-Marxism and mass-immigration.
Joseph White
(YOU) are fucking up YOUR World.
Ryan Walker
Nathan Bennett
>seething boomer makes boomer memes
Fuck off boomer. You better stay at home and hope you never cross me in a place with stairs, because they will be the last thing you see
Ethan Turner
I'm gen X.
I was out to dinner with a REAL Boomer, a WW2 Vet who was a Tank Captain in The European Theater.
His only weapon during the entire War was a .38 snub nose, which he carries to this day.
TLDR - we were at dinner at a Denny's in Prescott Valley, Arizona. 3 snot nose punks like (YOU) started giving his 96 year old wife shit.
He fucked all three of them up so badly, one of them had a compound fracture of the right arms.
The bones were sticking out.
The story is reference-able, unlike (YOU) who are just a fake keyboard badass and a waste of skin.
Stop breathing my air.
Aaron Perez
Baby boomers refers to the generation born after the war.
John Bailey
Whatever, these punks were calling him a Boomer.
Lucas Nguyen
No thanks, we’re not newfags.
Ryan Thompson
It’s not, but neither is anything else but an actual serious movement/ideology with serious convictions and the ability to actually cause change. I’m an 18 year old zoomer so I’m as old as you can be while still being classified as Gen Z, and imo our generation isn’t going to go the boomer route but we’re not going to really go all out there for any politician or political party either because our generation is blackpilled to hell. Regardless of the number of MIGApede zoomers, most zoomers I know who have any sort of thoughts on politics doesn’t trust either party regardless of whether or not they’re awake to the JQ.
Isaac Martinez
>Boomerposting unironically
Based and redpilled
Andrew Kelly
Asher Wilson
You're newer than new.
Matthew Ortiz
If think if there's anything we can say decisively about young people it's that the only thing old people are good at recruiting them for is war, and they have to do that by force.
Ideologically Zoomers are a radicalized generation who don't understand hope or care about anything that the Boomers valued. We don't HAVE to stop them from being recruited, we just have to hope that they act like every other generation in the history of the human race has acted: Rebellious as youths, conformists to their newly established ideas as adults.
Levi Russell
Since you were one off on the generations, that would mean that (you) are in fact a fucking boomer.
Elijah Morris
Sebastian Bennett
You have /new/ and Jow Forums the wrong way round. /new/ was far more Nazi than Jow Forums has ever been. When m00t gave us Jow Forums he specifically said if it because as stormfront-tier as /new/ then it would be deleted and the bulk of the ron paul memes were on Jow Forums not on /new/.
Luke Myers
do us all a favor and off yourself before you retire and put monumental strain on the economic system you dim witted old fuck
Christopher Watson
>being a thumbnailfag