No good Christian can be antisemitic

Read the Bible. Romans 15:27 “For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” Repent now sinners.

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Different Jews

> Jesus spergs out how sinful Jews are
> Literally getting a whip and driving out people from his temple.

Can't be antisemitic, baka. That would be considered a hate crime and antisemitic these days.

He's talking to Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians.

>uses the term anti-semetic but never uses "anti-japhethic" nor "anti-hametic"
Found the useful idiot.

Hmm, these days anyone who doesn't agree with the ADL is antisemitic. Thus logically if you're christians and believe in Jesus you by default disagree with the ADL and be called antisemitic. Thus, you're whole aregument falls apart.

> says verse actually means Christians
> verse clearly says Jews
> the absolute level of Christcuck cope

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>No good Christian can be antisemitic

then I'm a bad Christian. Fuck Israel.
In reality though, we both know that's not right.

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suck that hebrew dick christcuck. ull always be 2nd to the heeb and the people u worship and larp after. rope urself for being a hebrew slave and racetraitor.

The Jew is deceit in human form for they are the children of the Devil, the Father of Lies, and they will burn on the Day of the Lord.

no surprise christcucks literally base the foundation of their larp on hebrew history, hebrew larping, hebrew apostles and a hebrew saviour. enjoy your hebrew mutilated dick and neverending servitude to the heeb. such good goyim.

Hell is for ever!

Are you an idiot? That is literally who the verse is referring to. The church of Jerusalem. ffs, look at Christian history. If there were commands to love and give money to Jews, don't you think things would look a little different?

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You're delusional. The need for circumcision and following the law was explicitly repudiated at the council of Jerusalem in the book of Acts. Throughout Christian history, Jews have been called out, expelled, and oppressed. The blessings of the family of Abraham is found NOT in the modern Jewish people, but in the Church of Jesus Christ! Christianity is the religion that makes Judaism obsolete, that obliterates the Jewish sense of identity and superiority.

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Good thing I’m a Hermetic.

This thread is dreadful bait by some gaytheist or paganlarper. This verse was about helping poor Jewish CHRISTIANS. It was a sign of goodwill by Christians from other jurisdictions. 9/10 verses exploited by these kinds of posts are taken out of context on purpose to mislead. True Jewish tactics. Beware, friends.

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Kike faggots trying to push scofield bible garbage, with zero understanding of christianity. Go read this book

Jews killed my homie though, so while I don't need to kill them, I can walk away from their lies.

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We love the sinner but hate the sin.
Loving your enemy doesn't mean suffering them to live.
To be a loving and christian warrior merely means you will send your enemy to judgement with as little undo pain and suffering as possible.
Except for witches/feminists who must burn at the stake.

Nothing connects the Jews of the Bible to today's "Jews" who reject God and literally worship black cock instead.

The Isrealites of the Old Testament are long gone, the Christians are the people of the New Covenant.

Imagine being this close minded.

He’s talking about the original Jews.

The Bible also warns us about the fake Jews who worship Satan.

>Even the son of God hated the treachery of the Jews.

Daily reminder that the Jews recognized Jesus as the son of God but did not worship him as the Messiah because he was not the conquerer they desired, and thus had him killed.

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I have questions about the Jewish trial of Jesus. Why wasn't Jesus condemned for beating up the moneylenders? Why couldn't the Jews find testimonies that Jesus blasphemed (saying you are the son of god is blasphemy for the Jews). In the end of the trial, the Jews had nothing on him, so Jesus told himself that he was son of god so he could get condemned for blasphemy.

Israelites. Not Jews. Not Israelis. Israelites. And anyone who is a believer and follower of Christ, baptized in the Holy Spirit is an Israelite.

There is racial Israelites and still some prophecies to come true and hidden content as well.

Synaogogue of Satan is within the book of Revelations; Christ -however- said "you are from your father, the devil"

Get to the point. I don't get it. :P

I simply don't understand the Jewish trial of Jesus, and why Jesus was not prosecuted for beating up moneylenders. I thought exegetes would have the answer to these questions, but Google does not give me answers.

from a historic perspective if it weren't for antisemites jews wouldn't be as powerful as they are today, food for thought

god damned war mongering zionist boomers
>pull out from Syria bad!
>pull out from Afghanistan bad!
>B-because Drumpf lied! ISIS ISIS ISIS ISIS
>we have to destroy ISIS ONe HUNDRED PERCENT
>which history shows you can’t destroy an ideology 100%
>HOLY WAR!!!!!!!
What the fuck is their end game?
A war far away that is never ending that all the politicians and investors make money from?
fuck fox and every news station for saying this shit


maybe this source helps you for some bit.
i started to read it just right now, since I never looked tooo deep into it either.

The idea that they didn't catch him at the temple, but Judas got arrested and was forced to testify against him, is somehow very interesting, I must say.

Also Interesting that Flavius Josephus calls Christians a tribe.

>Saul the Pharisee becomes apostle of the Gentiles
>"b-but Jesus totally hated the Pharisees. He totally cursed them and called them sons of the devil."

Dear people of Judah; (and the other tribes)
There has been many splits, eeks, trouble, dishonest, fight, dispute and whatelse. You can name it. At least the ones of you who still know.
Spirituality and Judaism is on a brink. Many have fallen for bad and evil. For sin.
Many have already gone that way and passed that (a)way.
I know many of you long for something, something more. Something more alive, that makes them and their spirit more alive again.
For they feel lifeless, drained, empty. Caught in rituals and tradition but nothing else.
The doors to the kingdom are open for you.
Don't forget about that.
This invitation is valid for more than 2000years and it will stay valid.
The doors are not only open; but WIDE open.
You are expected!
For as much as before the end all children of Israel, even those you consider to be MIA or even KIA; Who left the tradition long ago or haven't really been part of it for much.
Will be expected in the holyland; before the end comes.
The last shall be the first and the first shall be the last.

Rabbi we know you are still butthurt, because he turned against you and found christ instead.

When he repent and came in Christ, he stopped being a pharisee.
Christ is not the eternal butthurt. But forgiving.

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Jesus was an anti semite

>implying you can simply stop being a kike by changing your religion

i want 2012 back

Consider this: Tax collectors were despised as an arm of the government and as they were presumed to be skimming off the top for their own enrichment
Moneychangers worked in the same way, allowing individuals to exchange their local currency for one that could be used for offerings. Like the tax collectors, they're quite capable of skimming off the top, but the difference is that they are doing it 'for God'.
I should't need to remind of this, but the Temple is a huge deal, bigger even than the government. The moneychangers are robbing the people blind, in the name of God. Your average Mesopotamian dirt farmer isn't that bright, but most people can tell when they're getting a raw deal. But they can't do anything because they're going up against those who know God better than anyone, so clearly it must be okay, despite every prophet railing against it. The laws too warn against extorting kin/neighbor.
To accuse Jesus of his actions in the temple would draw light to the moneychanging scam. Undoubtedly the priests would have already known about it, but having to face the results of their decision would be to acknowledge their sinfulness. Their passivity, or outright encouragement, on this matter would at the very least throw the trial into question, if not their legitimacy as Temple leaders.

The state of Israel will be destroyed.

This is about belief!

You simply can stop to sin, also... Only because you are a kike, doesn't mean you have to stay one forever.
Christ is the exit.
You rather don't stop being a kike but more likely START to be in Christ.
You rather don't stop to sin but realize that it is better to stop your sin.

For if you have in mind Christ is a religion, or a label, you didn't understand too much.
By their fruits you shall notice them.

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If I recall correctly, the law did not allow the moneylenders in the temple, but bribery to officials had made them look the other way so, they could not bring that up without incriminating themselves.

>No good Christian can be antisemitic
"Good Jews left for the Holy Land when Israel was founded, those that stayed behind are the Synagogue of Satan pushing degeneracy and communism in Christian counties." - that wasn't even hard.

Not at all. Correction of mistranslations done on purpose by past spiritual leaders.

Sorry, but no. The bible states that they must come back to God before inheriting the Holy Land, and the only way to the Father is through the Son. They have not fulfilled that and they persecute the Christians who live there. Tel Aviv is the middle east's San Francisco. They shouldn't be there.

>Only because you are a kike, doesn't mean you have to stay one forever.
Cringe and bluepilled.
Kikes are kikes by their nature. Christianity is bluepilled because they think believing in another kike will change anything.

>Be italian
>Don't know christian history

Tell us the truth, you are an african monkey

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

On the contrary, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart—by the Spirit, not the letter.[a] That man’s praise[b] is not from men but from God.
Praise Christ jesus

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

fake jew kike amalekites are the gentiles.

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you read the bible yet you don't comprehend
anything at all in it.

fake jew kikes are shemites / semites
the torah was edited by their parents
lilith satan and gabriel. this is why
they edit wiklipedia to hide who they

in bereshit or genesis the renown
are killed by god in the flood.
shem or sem means renown
so, god killed the renown ie
shem, but allowed noahs son
shem, ie renown to live?

LOL. amalekites are stupid
and cannot create anything
but problems because they
are liars. not creators. see
the problem here with wikipedia?

Strong's Concordance
shem: a name
Original Word: ????

NASB Translation
byword (1), defamed* (1), defames* (1),
fame (8), famous (3), famous* (1), memorial
(1), Name (3), name (654), name's (11),
name* (4), named (7), named* (66), names
(80), renown (6), renowned (1), report (1),
repute (1), same names (1).

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those who today call themselves 'jews' are NOT of the tribe of Judah, and are not Israelites.. they are edomites, subversives from the start.
When posts take a faulty premise like this, and want you to argue in the branches and ignore the root, you're being fucked with

>share with them
No, bitch. Read Romans again. We get our share and your share until you give up your evil ways. We are commanded to not be haughty about it because our share could just as easily be taken away, but that doesn't mean we bend over for you.

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if by antisemitic you mean going after the pedophiles for what they are and who they are no matter what then actually yes Christians can be extremely antisemitic

if by antisemitic you mean blindly hating Jews, even the normal ones, I would have to say that pushes it, but it is still true that like 90% of the Jewish creed abide by the 6-point star

This is Paul asking for aid for the Church of Jerusalem. Fuck off with your disingenuous theologizing infidel.