How am I supposed to get into the dating market?

How am I supposed to get into the dating market?

>complain about the imbalance of men in higher positions
>as women reach these higher positions they still expect to date men of equal or higher status even though they themselves have taken these spots ergo...
>refuse to date down ergo....
>still expect men to have higher positions
>men will still strive to reach these positions just to be considered eligible for these women
>will still complain about the imbalance of men in these higher positions.

huh? am I missing something? reminds me of how at work when we needed to hire a new receptionist and all the women were mocking and shitting on the idea of hiring a male receptionist and how it's weird.

do femanons here ever date down?

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Other urls found in this thread:

survival of the fittest, my son
this is the natural order of things

Women are logic less creatures

>do femanons here ever date down?
People are all different, but on average they tend not to. That's not a "no." But you shouldn't expect it to be the norm.

Stop living your life according to shit you read online. I'm an ugly retard with no money and I've been with over a dozen girls.

Does this mean I will soon be able to be a male escort?

I thought this meme was true.
There is a site where you need a degree to sign up (male restriction), it was expensive too. But career women who want a man with a good education and high paying job can't find a man because of those restrictions. They are also all 30+ as very few people get their career settled before that.
And even then, they are just as picky as on other sites even when their selection pool is smaller.

>all the women were mocking and shitting on the idea of hiring a male receptionist and how it's weird
I have a female lawyer cousin who thinks its weird and off-putting if men wash toilets and the bathroom. And not for a living, but just in general, at home, their own toilet. Don't take feminism seriously, OP, most women don't even buy into it, even if they pretend they do. It's a game of pretend.

This should blow to hell the inaccurate assumption men have that at some point a woman will settle. If I work hard to become successful the last thing I will do is reach down and grab some dead weight to drag.

Even finding a guy that tries is nearly impossible. I'm ok with a guy on my same level and on the way up to partner with but no manchild is getting a free ride while expecting to wear the pants in the relationship.

If or when I want children I can visit a fertility clinic and hire a nanny not some stay at home guy with a Phd in masterbation, that doesn't bathe, plays video all day and feeds the baby twice.

Who pays for sex. I have guys lining up for sex and get to choose who, when and frequency FOR FREE.

These women are not worth it. Let them age, and die without children. If they can't respect you, good riddance.


I dont care if you are bait or not, have an upvote for hard truth. And make sure your kids will have very good psychologist because otherwise they will suicide before 18th birthday.

Attached: man up frog poster.png (1200x800, 523K)

Oh you don't have to worry about me, I don't want children but only mused if I did there are options without marrying some dead weight.

There is a mindset a successful person has, male or female, and in this case opposites do not attract.

However, I work with a few women that married in their early twenties with men they thought had potential or appeared to be on the rise only to discover they are lazy and contribute little more than fertilizer for their eggs. Some even love the guys but they don't respect them totally and frequently take lovers but remain married. You know the kind of thing men formerly did a few generations ago. Me, thats not my style but it seems to work for them and the kept husband.

I come from a pretty wealthy family and I just graduated from med school (no debt), I own property and could live off that. Literally every guy I dated was poorer than me.
The only one who is as rich as me is my boyfriend, but I didn't know he had money till we were a few months in.

Plebbit be gone.

>There is a mindset a successful person has, male or female, and in this case opposites do not attract

Oh, you're so wrong about that. Successful men enjoy having an unambitious spouse to depend on them. That makes them feel great and important. It just doesn't work the other way around.

>Some even love the guys but they don't respect them totally and frequently take lovers but remain married
If they love them, they don't keep lovers. They just keep them around as convenient tools.

So you're the perfect example of the statistic. It wasn't about dating, it was about marriage.

How am I a perfect example of the statistic?

I was engaged to a guy who was really broke, but he also cheated on me. We dated for 5 years. I would have married him otherwise.
I'm not married to my boyfriend, we've been going out for about 10 months.

It's not only about wealth, it's about social standing. A female CEO won't marry someone in middle management.

Sure is Jow Forums in this thread. You're not even asking for advice, you're whining that women don't want to date basement-dwelling losers such as you.

The guy I dated long term was a data analyst towards the end of our relationship, the only other guy I dated worked in a factory.

Not a huge deal for me, desu.

Then you're either a special exception, or you didn't date them long enough for peer pressure to get back to you.

Factory guy was short term, the other one for 5 years and we were engaged.

>Kissless virgin NEET who thinks he understands women better than anyone else: the post

This is healthy, it will take us back to one man many wives, which is not only the best family structure but also better evolutionarily

>the inaccurate assumption men have that at some point a woman will settle.
What a sad life it must be that your greatest hope is that a girl will settle for you in a panic do not be alone. Maybe your issues are due to your percieved low self worth.

So you say, OP, might have a chance? What did you find attractive in them?

They were cool people.

Long term boyfriend - was with him for 5 years. 6.5/10 physically. He was... the good guy your grandma would love you to date. Polite, charming, decently smart, extroverted, put together. Ended up cheating on me.

Other guy - dated him for a couple of months. 8/10 physically. Interesting, fun, decently smart, a bit of an edgy boi. Shared a lot of my interests, talking to him was amazing. Moved to another country.

Current bf - been dating him for a few months. He's my personal 10/10 physically, really my type. Smartest guy I've ever met, funny as fuck, interesting to talk to, really similar to me personality wise, introverted as shit.
He is pretty rich tho, I didn't know he was till we were together for months.

No, why should I? Maybe it's different in the US but here men are fighting over professional women. Especially if they actually studied something useful instead of future freelancing careers (aka unemployed or barely paid).

Why won't you date in your league, user?

>saves a hundred memes about single parents whose kids turn out badly
>doesn't care about the context, aka those single parents being poor, drug addicts etc.

Funny, the only two people I know who have been severely depressed since early puberty are those whose parents can't divorce because neither of them can afford moving out of the house they wrecked their whole lives working for. But hey, at least it's a 2-parent-household, even if it's just background yelling and fighting most of the time. :v)

Of course it is. Spending any actual time with normal people gives you a pretty good idea how much extreme feminism, the whole "red pill" movement, and most other forms of cultural bullshit are products of the internet. Seriously, just ask a normal person about any of it, and you find out most of them don't have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

>independent successful career women

Not always, but maybe 75% of the time when I see this I find that their level of success/accomplishment isn't really about them being better than their male counterparts, just that they have considerably more help and leniency in their journey.

I'm in my early 30s now, and I've just seen it a lot in my adult life. Whether it was in school and the small number of girls in my engineering classes and how much male classmates/professors fell over themselves to help them, or how they could (and would) cry themselves out of exam scores the rest of us would just have to eat. The way it was treated as endearing when my female friends went to live with their parents after grad school and comfortably saved up money (rent free) for houses/condos whereas male classmates in the same position always felt the pressure to "man up" and get out from under mommy and daddy's roof. The way almost every girl I knew in her early mid-20s was dating freely or in a relationship and "struggling" with how to balance the demands of all that attention with their desire to just focus on their career, whereas most of my guy friends weren't being taken seriously in the dating market because they weren't considered established and they had no choice but to focus entirely on work and usually go home to an empty apartment. Shit like that.

tl;dr We're in this strange social gynocracy/patriarchy limbo. Women enjoy almost all the freedoms of men, whilst simultaneously cherry-picking the elements of the old-world "women are weak and inferior to men, thus they need to be taken care of" mindset that are still beneficial to them.

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I "dated down" once. He was nearing obese (and I work out 4/5 times a week), but he was really nice, which is why I asked him out. He was working full time at Home Depot and failed out of college, and I'm a computer engineer with a degree. He was great at first, he'd call me pretty and I'd call him handsome. We'd take each other out on dates and play video games together, and buy each other little gifts. But then he started trying to get me to move in with him and his parents and demanded that I cut off my own family, and asked me to marry him after only a month of dating, Then he threatened suicide when I broke up with him. I'm not doing it again.

Women who never settled for someone and are in their late 30s/40s like half of my apartment complex?

I see so many women who think they just don't age. If the kool aid they're drinking lasts until their death bed, good for them.

You are aware that dating down doesn't mean dating at the very bottom, right?

Yeah, I learned to have standards beyond "he compliments me on my appearance" after that.

This is my gf. She makes twice as much as I do, but her dad still pays half her bills and her grandpa paid her student loans.

It's always amazing to me that she touts being a "daddy's girl" with such pride at age 29.

Just saying, on behalf of my fellow fat guys, we aren't all that bad. Dating down a little bit isn't all that disastrous. My wife was way out of my league, and we had a great relationship that lasted for 12 years.

Why did you break up?

He worked outside, in the summer, and only showered every three days at most. It was less about him being fat and more about him not caring about his appearance at all. He really cared that I wasn't fat, though. He hated fat women, which was kind of ironic, considering he thought he was a catch.

One of my friends is in the exact same situation. She's married to him for seven years though. I just can't get what she sees in him. She's a doctor, he's an electrician. The worst of it is that since they're married he looks almost like a ball, and she's even thinner than she began with.

I'd say it was mostly due to her dying.

Not that Femanon but man I'm sorry for your loss... I can't imagine how that felt.

Just become successful. If you're looking for some kind of short cut or cheat to getting a successful woman, you won't find it. You should probably start by eliminating cesspools such as Jow Forums from your life

No, they don't. You need to wait for things to play out. In the meantime, build your career, and try to become more and more valuable and attractive.

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Thanks. It's about the worst thing in the world outside losing a child (or at least I imagine so, thank God I haven't had to go through that). But I was lucky to have her while I did. She was the most beautiful, amazing women I have ever met. And I am just an average dude, with a talent for making people laugh. Sometimes that, and a fucking shitload of luck is all you need to land someone better than you.

user, I am fucking crying. You sound like a good man, I hope you can get lucky again.
I'm really sorry. Feel hugged.

The only thing I want is enough money for reconstructive facial surgery. Life is too short to go through it ugly.

I like how the picture ends up blaming the men