I called out my father's girlfriend for being a gold-digger trying to get my father's inheritance...

I called out my father's girlfriend for being a gold-digger trying to get my father's inheritance.. She responded by smearing me in my father's eyes and now I can only visit him when she isn't around. I've already apologized to her numerous times and I've tried to convey to her that family is more important to me, but she is unwilling to let any of it go. She's gone completely frigid and acts as if she's been horribly victimized whenever she's around me. She's been isolating my father and she's already gotten him to will her the house, and I get the feeling that the rest of my father's investments and holdings will follow. I don't even know if I've lost it yet, or if I just haven't been told because he hasn't wanted to rock the boat.

My family is one that has been cursed with wealth and people all screwing each other over for it. My great-grandfather inherited a large Spanish land purchase. Everyone in my family is wealthy as fuck, and they've been plagued with petty inheritance disputes and people giving each other the cold shoulder. My brother got so caught up in a dispute over his own money that he inherited, that he lost his life and it went to my grandparents (its a long story) My father's last marriage was to a gold digger who convinced him to move to California, where she divorced him and was awarded 700k. Somehow he hasn't learned his lesson, or maybe it just comes with being wealthy.

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How the fuck should I even act in this situation? I can't reason with the woman - she's got her claws around my father's heart and she's going to do everything she can to push me away. It's so stupid, too, because they're aging and married - what the hell is she going to do with the money or inheritance, even if she gets it? She doesn't have any kids, I'm my father's only child. Would she just run off, buy a big house and live alone? What's the point of having all that money if you're bitter and alone? I don't fucking get it. Doesn't she want a loving family?

>I called out my father's girlfriend for being a gold-digger trying to get my father's inheritance
In what manner? Details
>She responded by smearing me in my father's eyes
In what manner? Details
>now I can only visit him when she isn't around.

I am definitely not the guy with experience to help.

IMO gold-diggers are like parasites moving from one victim to the next. Not always the case though, certainly not in yours.

The moral thing to do would probably be trying to reason with your father with seemingly ignorant love. This will most likely not work and you'll have wasted a lot of time and mental health.

Alternatively you could try and have her "permanently removed." Though with the risk involved and your father's history it might not be worth it either,

Bonus option is to take what you can and let the damn ship sink. You might be happier without the future wealth or you might make some of your own.

Every decision a person makes has repercussions. Some carry greater weight than others. You will have to live with your decision, so try and decide if one appeals to you more. If none of them feel right, roll the dice. The game is not rigged, just complex.

I got angry at her and I told her that the only reason she was dating my father was because she wanted his money.

She talked a bunch of shit about me after that to my dad, saying things like how she feels attacked by me and how she just can't stand to be in the room with me anymore. She also is trying to convince my dad that my boyfriend is a criminal. He's not, he's a very nice white christian boy who works and goes to church every Sunday.

She's insisted that I not be allowed over to visit except for when she's not around. (So I usually visit when she's at work.)

My father's ex-wife WAS a serial parasite. She was cheating on him the entire time with her ex-boyfriend, this guy who lived in Salem. She moved in with him and married him after she divorced my dad, but divorced HIM after that. Last I heard she gained a bunch of weight and was fucking some farmer in Washington.

I can't kill her, I'd be the only suspect. There has to be a better way of dealing with it.

What do you mean, take what I can? I like my dad, I don't want to burn my bridge with him.

I guess, you know, I snapped at her and now I'm dealing with the fallout. I'm sure if it hadn't been over this, it would have been over something else, though. I'm certain that her intent was to find some way to play victim and try to force my father.

Why would you apologize to her?

I thought she might let it go. How naive of me, right?

>I got angry at her and I told her
In what context? What was happening prior to you saying that? Who else was present? What were the implications of your proclamation?
>She talked a bunch of shit about me after that to my dad
And how did your father respond?
>She also is trying to convince my dad that my boyfriend is a criminal.

Also, why do you think you is just out for your dad's money in the first place?

banker here
money isn’t everything

we got trump elected and the suckers think hes a conservative who will make them piss off libs
but truth is there is only one orwelian construct
so basically we will make money off the chinese made maga merch
grt him relected in 20/20 and human sacrifice in 2nd term
same as always
anericans Probably should’ve voted Bernie but them be greedy
and them don’t know when they’ve been placed in a dogfight


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>My family is one that has been cursed with wealth
Awww sooo sad. Do you think if your family was poor they would not fight each other over a pack of beers?

they would probably claw each others eyeballs at like that sand nigger did his sand nigger grandfather somewhere in new jersey
just go to drudgereport

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It was just me and her in the kitchen. I had just gotten the news that my father was willing her the house, and I was upset, because initially, it was going to me.

My boyfriend does cybersecurity tutoring and consulting. Girlfriend thinks he's a hacker criminal because he knows how to use bitcoin. Dad doesn't understand it.

Fuck you, my boyfriend's parents are actually kind to him and enjoy having him around. Everyone in my family is an elitist, and all the men have a history of committing suicide, usually when their wives left him, even though they were all filthy rich. One of them blew all his money in vegas and then shot himself in the head

Sounds like you were more interested in the money than you were with having a relationship with her and by extension your farther. If you are truly reformed then pay your penance and ignore the money going forward as its really none of your business.

That's what I've been doing, it's just been almost a year since it happened and she still won't even talk to me. I left the country for a few months and she wouldn't even see me off. She's so frigid to me.

Your reply completely unrelated to what I said

You made it seem like she was in the right, exactly what she wanted.

Then clearly you haven't paid enough penance. You wronged her, its for her to decide how much is enough. It may never be enough. But if you care you'll keep at it.

That's bullshit.
Like I said, it was naive of me.

I think my dad even empathizes with me at this point, especially when I was leaving the country and she wouldn't see me off and I just didn't even say anything and left. But I doubt he'd confront her about any of it because she's the scary type of woman who will raise drama and my dad's kind of a cuck who instinctively doesn't want to start drama.

>That's bullshit.

Because she hasn't reciprocated at all and she makes shit up about my boyfriend and every time I see my dad he parrots some shit about how I must be waiting for him to die so I can live off his inheritance money even though my boyfriend and I run our own business together and make decent money and we're already self-sustainable. My dad wouldn't be saying that on his own, I know she's talking shit and I know she's not planning on making up.

Then there is nothing to be done. Your father is an adult and his own person and you have no control over him or the choices he makes.

I think your best bet is to just try to improve your relationship with your dad. Just leave her out of it, ignore her as she ignores you. Hopefully he'll see through her schemes eventually.

It's so sad though. They married afterwards and I learned later that it's a common thing for guys to give their wives the house. I mentioned that in an email I sent her, saying it was fine, I understood. But that one off comment has spiraled out of control, temptation of the coin has once again fucked my family over. She could have chosen to be a happy stepmother. She could have shared in my victories and lived a happier life, and she would have enjoyed my father's wealth just the same. Why instead, did she choose to be bitter? Why can't just just fucking own up to what she's doing? It's so stupid and childish.
I feel that way, too. Thanks user.

>Why instead, did she choose to be bitter? Why can't just just fucking own up to what she's doing? It's so stupid and childish.
Irony Alert

Dude I've already made a patsy of myself, I really don't give a shit about where the inheritance ends up, I'm just tired of my family making the same mistake over and over.

My brother was set to receive a bunch of money from the court case surrounding the death of my biological mother. It was about 150k. The rest of the extended family started whispering in his ear trying to turn him against my father, and he burned his bridges with him and ended up moving in with my grandparents where they compelled him to will his money to them in order to stay there. He was then kicked out and he had to live with his biological dad who was a drunk who also wanted a piece of the pie. He was bullied until he committed suicide, and my grandparents received the pot.

I have a good reason to not care for money all that much. I'm not fixated on getting the inheritance, it's just a part of the interaction that I can't separate myself from. I kind of wish it'd just disappear.

> It's so stupid, too, because they're aging and married - what the hell is she going to do with the money or inheritance, even if she gets it?

She will marry a young guy and leave everything to him, and once the old hag die he will find a 20-something bimbo, she will have babies and just like that people that are not even related to you end up with the cash.

Honestly you're in a fucked up situation and unless you secure something for yourself right now.

What a fucking joke.