JonTron thread

>stammers through an online debate where he drops a ton of redpilled talking points
>gets BTFO and labelled as racist afterwards
>still makes hugely succesfull videos and goes viral on youtube

How did he do it guys? How did he manage to slip through the cracks?

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I wonder how many of the top youtubers are here anyway.
Everybody knows pewdiepie is on here. Guy even shows /gif/ in his videos and pretty much confirmed his posts on here with moving figures etc.
JonTron pretty much obvious as well.

It really is mindblowing how close we are to trump actually. His fucking son for crists sake followed Jow Forums on twitter until it got deleted. The acc dropped some nice reddpills for the normie. Liked the creator and how he listened to advice from here, hope he is fine. Last I heard people broke and destroyed his home.

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Cuz his debate partner was of no significant association with either side of the spectrum and was generally disliked.
People commonly thought that JonTron wasn't prepared or that the other d00d was 'bad' (misrepresenting/ aggressive etc).

another one

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and another

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another one

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what car is that

i'm sure with the state the west is in now, Jow Forums would be mainstream if the media wouldnt go full SHUT IT DOWN MODE.
We already influence people in the WH, military etc.
Remember the threads and pictures of people in the WH for example who got/are close to trump as well. etc.

Too much rambling though, sorry OP.

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Even less people like destiny.

Charisma. It works like a charm.

he took advantage of the modern day man's goldfish memory and went below the radar until it blew over.
Smart move desu

So thats the only thing that matters? If Jon wasn't as likeable and if the streamer guy wasn't such a raging autist, the tables would be flipped?

who gives a shit

I don't know how and why but for a normie centric website its general audience is pretty redpilled.
You have people like Jontron and Pewdiepie being successful and beloved by the masses, most virtue signalling garbage Youtube puts out gets massively disliked and most left wing leaning political channels pale in comparison to their more right wing counter part. And this is all despite Google's continues attempts to neuter the site into a sanitizes TV 2.0.
It's honestly a wonder that Youtube didn't turn out like Twitter.

people like to shit on e-celebreties a lot but they are only going to be more relevant in the future. The man can make a comedy video about a glue commercial and it gets over 30 million views. Old media fags can't compete.

Bad press will never damage you if millions of people already know you. They might disagree with your views, but they don't believe that you're an unironic genocidal nahtzee because of them. This is why Notch, PDP, and JonTron are unaffected by it.

Bad press harmed figures like Mike Enoch since no one knew about him at all, so people didn't bother looking into his case since they believed that he was a fringe nut.

Tl;dr Build a good reputation with everyone, including your family. No amount of fake information can ever damage you if everyone knows about the real you. Don't be fringe, be normal.

they gonna do it, they going for jon again

I do user, I do.

its because the character limit of twitter newspeak balances the playing field. Leftist ideas and memes simply can't compete in long form content.

more people like him and hate destiny than the other way around so he was shielded from the start

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Also this

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Leftist media is really just a vehicle for corporate approved, heavily censored soulless garbage.

Most good, creative content producers aren't even right wing. But according to leftism if you don't buy into literally every facet of it, you're an evil racist misogynist etc

He's a Jew.

>Last I heard people broke and destroyed his home

Based nigger

>shill: every public right winger is a kike shill

That, and JonTron understood the art of "laying low". He disappeared for a year then quietly came back. Libtards have a whole new pile of pointless things to be angry about since then and anyone that liked his content is just happy to see more.

Notice also that every video jontron made since the drama has shamelessly included the fact that he now hires a "le diverse cast" of cameramen and lighting people and costume designers or whatever else. So if people were to run Jontron out of business, a bunch of nonwhites would lose their jobs.

Which by default gives him a defense against the leftist self-hating hordes

When he went on the H3H3 podcast his jew "friend" Ethan stabbed him in the back by trying to get him to talk about it even though he was visibly uncomfortable about it, kept saying it was in the past and he didn't want to talk about it.

He knows what he's doing, he's also proving that all this manufactured rage is exactly that, people getting mad because it's the "cool" thing to do. The moment the rest of the entertainment industry understands this the sooner things will get better.

I think jontrons saving grace is that he only talked about crime statistics and the warrior gene. Both which are exactly true.

So if the media slandered him, they would be accidentally redpilling people. So no major news ever broke about it, it was just angry shitlibs on twitter. But if jontron happened to discuss any other verboten topic, I think he wouldve been screwed

Actually, there were a few hitpieces about him from irrelevant sites

>How did he do it guys

This, anyone who shits on ecelebs are just Plebbit NPCs, or a failed one themselves, bitter from losing out on the shekels during the IBS era. Keep your mind on the prize faggots.

Not enough subs for the media to care lul

Probably, Don't ever underestimate charisma.

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>The man can make a comedy video about a glue commercial and it gets over 30 million views
it was a good video.

you can have edgy political views and get away with it as long as you have talent, see: Kanye West

All but the most brainwashed people now realize that the media will call you a racist and sexist just because you don't worship the ground that women and other races walk on, and the people that get labeled these things usually didn't even say anything bad.

I will tell you exactly what happened. The left likes Jontron so much they got mad but ultimately gave him a pass and just decided to have cognitive dissonance about it like when Mommy says something racist.