Why are Christians so insufferable? How can a logical human being actually believe in Christianity. I'm just flabbergasted.
Why are Christians so insufferable? How can a logical human being actually believe in Christianity...
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that was a pretty good movie
Mainly because of a historic text which people glibly call the Bible which is actually 60 books penned by around 40 authors over thousands of years with hundreds of prophecies fulfilled and many more projected to happen thus proving that the origin of the text comes from outside our dimension of time.
>implying a matter of opinion is fact
oh it's this thread again
How can a logical human being believe the holocaust? It’s all about programming the mind
Only mutts and shitskins believe in that jew now.
>Why are the religious so insufferable? How can a logical human being actually believe in a religion? I'm just flabbergasted.
This. Daniel Day-Lewis is a phenomenal actor.
Shame his mother is Jewish.
I can understand why a low IQ person would believe in something like Judaism, Islam or Buddhism. But Christianity? There's absolutely no excuse. It's literally been created by a kike that never even met Jesus.
i never see a christian behead someone
Tbh I think that's our problem
That is because they are cucked, just like Amerimutts in general.
That is not relevant to this discussion at all, you brainless mongo. We are discussing theology here. Christianity is the most theologically unsound religion.
>Muh mass killings.
That's why people think Europe is doomed, not because of the cucking but because of their lack of realistic solutions.
>We are discussing
I know Schlomo I know.
Christ is not revealed through flesh and blood, but by revelation through our heavenly father. Pray to Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, and in time, He will be revealed to you too.
Paul did not create true Christianity. Repent and ask Jesus to enter your heart and be your lord and savior. His kingdom is coming at a time when no-one will expect it.
Maybe If they did Europe wouldnt be having a problem with muslims now
How jewish you need to be to prefer islam or judaism to christianity ?
we've been struggling with these retards for generations
it's pretty clear there is a genetic tendency for humans to be religious, this is the world of lies we are forced to live in
It's pretty shocking how many "whites" still "believe" in that shit. All it does is divide whites further. They alone will stop you from genociding all non-whites. Are catholics "Christian?" Are Protestants? Do pagans deserve to die at the stake? Atheists? The "hardcore" "Christians" that cropped up here are just as reactionary as their atheist brethren, so convinced that their mode of thinking is the correct one that they shut down all discussion with "muh faith"
The predominant dogmatic form of Christianity, Catholicism, is the front-facing representation of Christianity in most people's minds. Catholicism, like the synagogues of the New Testament, has been perverted by wickedness from the inside out. All systems founded in unquestionable dogmatism are subject to subversion via the parties enabled in these systems to alter interpretation of the dogmatism. No longer do Christians feel the fury of God flow within them when they see wickedness. Instead they have been taught to temper their fury. No longer are Christians taught to care for themselves as the fallible and damaged creatures they are, prompting them to promote their own growth towards the Father through the cultivation of a valuable character. Instead, they have been taught that all ways of live are acceptable, and even things which are unquestionable sin can be permitted if only you claim you were "born that way".
No longer are we meant to ask the Christ for guidance in protection from the temptations of ourselves and this material world, instead we ask for blessings on our food and repeat the truth handed down to us with blank eyes and cotton filled ears. Cursed are the eyes of the sheep of Christ who follow blindly the Church, for they do not see the wolves which lead them into eternal death. Cursed are the ears of the sheep of Christ who listen apathetically to the perversion of the Word, for they cannot hear the cries of God as they discard all that the Son taught us.
Wow OP hasnt posted in this thread again, I wonder why
Because you fear doctrine when you should really fear God.
>this again
I got one. Why do fedoras seem more hung up on Christianity than actual Christians?
>Why are Christians so insufferable?
>I'm just flabbergasted.
>thinks others are insufferable
>is an insufferable twat