

Attached: 1525515225719.png (839x790, 1.07M)

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pic related is the real one

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Ol' Bathhouse Barry.

I always knew Sal was a fruit

i thought he was meant to be a muslim?

You can tell man. His body language, all of it. If hes not gsy..hes extremely close to the line if not standing on it.

Obama best president.
Didnt ban bumpstocks
Builds wall
Makes honduran kids suffer
Makes mudslimes suffer
Shot skeet
Rode a bike
Invaded 116 of 180 countries
Didnt sell reactors to Saudi Arabia
First and only president to have clinton investigated
Ensured mad conservative tears
Earned fuming liberal tears
Went on the world stage and swung that nigger cock down and forced NATO to pay up

Attached: 1546.png (986x978, 538K)

I would take a fag in the white house before a gun grabber

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Trust the plan, Sal.

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you want to see Michael Obama's nutsack? Search " Michelle Obama bikini" or "Michelle Obama Pregnant"

Ever notice how these papers make outrageous claims, but never seem to end up in court for slander?

The guy actually went before congress to testify Obama sucked him off for cocaine.

He then mysteriously wound up dead. Quite the coincidence huh?

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How is being married to a man hiding it?

nigger lover

Just like the clinton foundation leakers?

>for tonights punishment...

Top kek

It just keeps getting better.
Unfortunately it was only his professor.

can we see the pictures of Mike before and after he became michelle please?

muslims are gay as fuck, why do you think they're willing to blow themselves up? to stop the imam from raping their boipucci

yeh there's definitely something off

i like him nevertheless

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yup killed her too for calling out michelle for being a tranny

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Is this real?

i wonder if angel domeh(obama) misses
larrys lips and o ring.

Attached: obamahomolegacy1.jpg (579x325, 133K)


so real they had to kill her 2 weeks after she said that

Didn't even know she was dead KEK

Sal is gay confirmed.