115 IQ

>115 IQ


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Getting tested irl is a lot different from your masturbatory online tests cuck

anybody who couldn't tell by his shitty teeth that he's a con man is a brainlet and deserves to be cheated out of money

Goes to show what you can accomplish with slightly above Avg IQ


They are both meaningless.
A test created by psychologists can yield nothing more than trash.

It's another no context post on Jow Forums that assumes everyone knows what op is talking about

Apparently you can con a lot of low IQ people into thinking you're a genius, lol. Everything suddenly makes sense... People above 125 IQ had been calling out this guy from day 1. Everything he had ever produced was objective garbage, yet he was pushed by the mainstream media like crazy and low-IQ losers were cheering him on saying he "saved" them. LOOOOOOOOL

I'm a 115. I guess I'm a midwit. noice

Source faggot


Source faggot

tfw 121 IQ minimum wage worker

and what percentile is 115?

Complete con job.

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He did an IQ test? Link?

Of course what can you except from non-STEM """intellectuals"""


quick run-down:
>juden peterstein slips up and reveals too much information about his IQ
>it is revealed that he has an IQ of around 115
>he's a narcissistic habitual liar who CLAIMED he was in the 99th percentile (150+ IQ)
>in reality he's a low-end midwit beta charlatan

Around 82-85th percentile.

>115 IQ
What's the source of that. Anyway, most IQ tests are designed for abstract thinking, so they would be universal, no matter, who you are and what education you have. 115 is ok, but nothing to write home about. His verbal IQ is definitely way higher. While my IQ is 130 I can't express myself verbally nearly as well as he can.

He's doing something right. You're here shilling against him.

Well his real worth it's his bravery and his capacity to move against the current academic flow.

If he was smarter he would do dumb things in order to become more popular instead of defending his particular point of view.

115 is one standard deviation from the mean so if it's true then he's in the 32 percentile

Source, otherwise this thread is another shitty hitjob by leftypol.

A man with 115 IQ can easily con people with less than 100IQ, so like 90% of the population.

it probably is

>Online test said I was 152

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It’s the 87th percentile dumb cuck


I knew he was a retard.

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>so like 90% of the population
lul, by definition it's roughly 50%

>t. retard
The only way to tell someones IQ is their cranial circumference or brain volume.

For all you retarded niggers whining about DERRR JERRRRRSSSS I find it hilarious that you buy into IQ as a metric for intelligence.


Calculated using pre-90's LSAT scores, CRE score, failed law school application to the University of ALBERTA among other things.

Juden Peterstein is openly a lefty

What is it with Swedes and having 0 knowledge of statistics

Smarter than you Muhammad

you would know

blow it out your ass kike

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what did you expect, would a truly high IQ genius major in psychology and become a psychologist?

Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

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115 is ridiculously high.
Most of those online IQ test were people can rank 150+ are retarded and are probably disguised self-esteem helpers for depressed introverts.

100 of IQ is ok
110 of IQ is outstanding
120 of IQ is peak humanity

And the gap between 110 and 120 is much higher than 100 and 110.

Immimagining a bunch of fat NEETS laughing at Peterson’s iq because they took an online test that swears their geniuses.

Guess what! Having a high iq means nothing if you don’t use it

aren't they all? none of these fuckers present
any solutions. just babble.

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That’s because you’re a moron

Yeah especially if you're part of the tribe.

oh, look. it's fucking NOTHING.

He said his iq was "north of 150"

Midwits btfo!!!

I was tested twice as a kid, 131 and 132.

IQ isn't everything but it certainly helps. It'd be useless if I was not also ambitious and motivated.

What this guy does is turn what established psychologists like Jung produced into a consumable for everyday living. I do not see what is so wrong with that? If some kid needs to be told, because his shit parents never knew how to parent, to proverbially clean his room, then there yeah go.

Looks like something.

After all he is an academic and this are the meassure tools of academy.

he's probably taking all the shitskins worldwide into account

Gonna need source for this. He's said on a couple of streams that his IQ is in the "150s range"

Oh wow a YouTube video said so. I don't even like peterstein but this is just sad.

140 IQ neet reporting in
unironically you faggots quit be jealous

Their handlers use statistics to constantly lie to them so they are consistently turned about when provided with them.

Tfw much to intelligent too get a job or be involved with making money

He said “115 range”

>Some one with a 115 IQ is smarter than 95% of the population
The absolute state of humanity.

For those who haven’t yet, listen to thar Louis cknset. His team is obviously shilling it here because it’s obvious that he’s browsing here. He hits points in a very Jow Forums way.

Same IQ. I thought I was dumb all along. Nice

>115 iq
So basically around the average for Jow Forums and not even close to the upper end. An average Saturday goy.

What is a good/real IQ test I can take? I'm willing to pay

>random youtuber says someting

Holy fuck this board is beyond saving.

IQ really is just pattern recognition though. It's not a measurement of creativity or understanding, even if it often does help.

But he supports Israel and loves kikes, so he's a resounding success/published author/famous online etc.

Medicine school.

You can't, that means you aren't high iq enough.

He appeals to the average college graduate so it makes sense that his IQ would be in their same range.

People who've been tested post iq

>IQ only pattern recognition

No. It depends on test in a big way.

My IQ is 125 and I could'nt understand a single thing he ever said. I guess that means I'm smart and worked out he was a phony before I needed to comprehend how.

Is this image trying to indicate that all those men were cons? Trying to lump hitler and William pierce in the same bucket as peterstein?
Or is it trying to show the differences in their core message?

By your logic, elephant should fucking walk around in spaceships right?

>how do percentiles work
Get your shit together, Sven.

It's not that high.

Maybe in your weak humanity.
>t. Medically tested at age 8 for 130

What does that say about all the leftists he BTFOs?

Peterson worked for the United Nations for three years and has ties to some serious globalist think tanks, specifically George Soros' INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking), and CIGI (Centre for International Governance Innovation). He was a UN adviser to Jim Balsillie (ex-CEO of RIM/Blackberry), who was working on a UN panel called 'The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability'. This UN panel produced a document that is essentially a Marxist NWO blueprint, and this document was later built upon and referenced by a UN panel that John Podesta sat on called 'The United Nations High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons On the Post-2015 Development Agenda'. Both of these panels laid the groundwork for the 'United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'.

Jim Balsillie is the founder of CIGI and co-founded INET with George Soros. CIGI is in fact partnered with and receives funding from INET, as well as from the Clinton Foundation. CIGI is a major Marxist globalist NWO think tank, involved with the G20, and it even appears to have some sort of ties to the CIA. Balsillie had two additional UN advisers (Paul Jenkins, Simon Zadek) and a UN "sherpa" (David Runnalls) in addition to Peterson while working at the UN, and all three of them were from CIGI.

Now listen to this, the founder of the 'Intellectual Dark Web' is none other than Eric Weinstein, and he's listed as an official "expert" at INET. So not only is Peterson tied to INET through Balsillie, this 'Intellectual Dark Web' garbage he's a part of is the spawn of a Soros INET think tank expert.

The two extra lobes make them think about the consequences of their actions and they don't create technology.

Anyone who gesticulates so purposefully in every clip of him speaking is a cuck


only brainlets care about iq

I was young when I took the tests but I remember it being proctored by a professional one on one. I remember having to align a lot of things for patterns. Like put blocks together properly with designs on them. I don't know what test that is called.

Here is where things start to get really weird. Last year when Peterson testified at the Bill C-16 senate hearing, he had a brief debate with a senator named Ratna Omidvar, a woman who was arguing in favor of Bill C-16. It just so turns out that Ratna Omidvar is involved with CIGI and another globalist enterprise of Jim Balsillie's called 'Balsillie School of International Affairs'. Omidvar is a hardcore Marxist who runs something called the 'Maytree Foundation'.

A Jewish psychologist by the name of Norman Doidge, a personal colleague of Peterson's who he's sometimes given talks with, wrote the foreword to Peterson's new book '12 Rules for Life'. He too is involved with CIGI, and just as recently as February of this year did an interview in The Globe and Mail with Jim Balsillie (about smart phone addiction). In that very foreword, Doidge wrote that a Jewish TV producer named Wodek Szemberg who was "always on the lookout for potential public intellectuals" met Peterson in 2004. Szemberg worked at TV Ontario for a man named Steve Paikin producing a show called 'The Agenda' which has more than once been involved with CIGI, including once in 2009 when CIGI hosted the show.

Are you beginning to see the bigger picture? Peterson is deeply involved with powerful globalist oligarchs, Marxsits, and Jews, while pretending to be against the very plans that those same people and their think tanks and foundations are working towards. Peterson has sort of tried to minimize his work done for the UN by stating that he rewrote the document they produced to "remove the ideological clap trap", but the document is nevertheless a Marxist globalist NWO artifact. In reality, Peterson proudly lists working for the UN with Jim Balsillie under his credentials, and his colleagues and network to this day are directly tied to Jim Balsillie's and George Soros' globalist think tanks.

not an argument beta

not an argument bro

Why was he crying again?

Humans have the highest density of neurons per volume, so no.
They are extremely intelligent animals, probably smarter than you seeing as you cant understand simple biology.

Those childhood IQ tests are super-inflated. They are about as worthless as the online ones.

the latter. peterstein is all about muh individual don't look at the melting away of your group goyim.

>>Goes to show what you can accomplish with slightly above Avg IQ
And being pushed by the (((globalists))).

He tries to close the gate at him....

Post them if you got 'em.

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what about pilot-whales faggot?

OP gave a credible source. i.e a youtube video where some beta faggot talks very monotonously for an hour.


I don't know what time stamp because OP didn't post it and I'm not sitting through this crap.

I campaigned for something called the Frente Amplio here in Chile George Soros paid around $70.000 to Giorgio Jackson during that campaign, meaning that I have ties to George Soros.

All while being on Jow Forums all day, figure that out.

Wrong. Birds have even more neurons per square inch

>Having a high iq means nothing if you don’t use it

>LSAT scores
so if he slacked at studying, would it lower his "IQ"? Then the OP's claim makes no sense. IQ is mostly independent of your knowledge.

Pretty much. There's nothing to understand. People with 150+ IQ have been unpacking his baffle-garble for over a year now and there's LITERALLY nothing there. He's a mentally ill lunatic and pathological liar ("I was awake for 25 days straight after drinking cider").

he really does talk absolute horse shit, i struggle to decipher what the fuck hes actually trying to say most of the time. hes a con man retard. sadly my dimwitted older brother has completely bought into his garbage. he has a tendancy to fall for all sorts of nonsensical trash.

Isn't there a 30 IQ communication range?
That is a person with a 115 IQ would be able to best communicate to people within 85 IQ and 145 IQ?

>he didn't took the IQ test in an hospital with a psychiatrist to pass and validate it
Might be disappointed bro. Internet said I was 156 IQ when hospital turned it out to be 131.