Why did Hitler consider himself and other Germans/Austrians Aryans?

Why did Hitler consider himself and other Germans/Austrians Aryans?

They really are not.

Attached: nwea.png (792x573, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Aryan Fuhrer

Attached: 180430_r31962.jpg (727x1116, 191K)

And his horde

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We didn't have DNA testing

We all have eyes though

Well they were insane

Nazis considered all Europeans to be Aryans

Attached: Rassenkarte_von_Europa.jpg (970x863, 173K)

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Looks like they considered Central-North Swedes Mongoloids

Aryan literally means "noble".
It has nothing to do with being "Nordic".

You still are

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And the EU and Merkel isnt, right?

Keep sucking German ass you faggot

>The genetic basis of a number of physical features of the Yamnaya people were ascertained by the ancient DNA studies conducted by Haak et al. (2015), Wilde et al. (2014) and Mathieson et al. (2015): they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European.[26][4] Despite their pastoral lifestyle, there was little evidence of lactase persistence.[27]

Daily reminder that the actual Aryans were superior swarthoids and not filthy n*Rds

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Do I see a cope?

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Jew tricks. He was a kike.

Ayyyy I'm insane.

So were you

Attached: Romanian brainlets.png (790x600, 695K)

You lurk Jow Forums so you most likely are

Attached: aryan.jpg (286x400, 17K)

nope, just scientific evidence that dismantles n*Rdicism.

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Keep telling yourself that you shitskin

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so you don't have any compelling counter-evidence and have to resort to baiting.

Attached: p7aD_H7o1HA08_Dlw-Gtya3oL9QH6IWzotmS1yXvg7s[1].jpg (1491x2718, 1M)

This is Aryan in Hitler's propaganda.

Attached: Prop6.jpg (425x600, 113K)

Only East Euros, Finns and N. Swedes/Norwegians are Aryan. Germans are filthy mutts.


Aryan was not a common term in the Third Reich. They referred to themselves as Germanic or Nordic.

He didn't you were lied to.

Revisionist nonsense of an amerimutt apologist.

Fuck off, you pnw hick.

19th century dude thinking about how his nation is the best nation in the world. such a novel idea. bonus points for some weird mystic rationalization.

trying to find a reason in their line of thinking is like trying to find a reason behind memes.

That's a Russian, not a German. Germans are swarthy alpinid manlets.

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I'm not watching your manlet propaganda.

Alpines built the world.
All great German composers and philosophers were predominately alpine.
The ruling class of ancient Germania was an I2 strain of Alpines

Literally historical revisionism

The ruling class of Germania was Hunnic.

>Why did Hitler consider himself and other Germans/Austrians Aryans?
It was the way to make a social construct based on race.
I'm not even joking.
It went very far. Look at the blood cult they had.

this is a question of merit, but the answer is complex.
throughout the 17th 18th and 19th centuries, western european "scholars" had been promulgating the idea that the "caucasian" race was the genesis of every civilization of note.
first, "caucasians" are from the caucasus mountains (thus anatolians, slavs and eastern europeans) NOT the peoples of northern and western europe.
second, the entire myth was created so that the perfumed princes of the aristocracy could claim to be descended from a rich history of cultural achievement (this is nonsense)
thirdly, and most important, the civilizations of the fertile crescent, egypt and asia minor had FUCK ALL to do with "caucasians" and even less to do with western europeans.
the entire exercise is an attempt to subsume all the worlds great ancient civilizations into the western aristocracy's paradigm.
the aryan race did exist, and still does. they are fucking PAJEETS and iranians.
they did not originate in the caucasus mountains, they are NOT "caucasian" and are NOT european.
hitler thought the entire pathetic grasping idea was so brilliant, he layered it up with even more retardation, like "aryans are the descendants of atlantis.... by way of tibet!" and other such twaddle.
its all bullshit.

Stop posting these meme maps; the guy making them is not even a scientist

It's based on an arbitrary definition of "northwest european" when genes don't work taht way

Literally best source there even is

Slavs aren't from Caucasus mountains you retard, only Balkaners are. Slavs are most closely related to Balts hence the 'Balto-Slav' thing.

no, pic related is actual science

Attached: Tsg3qMM[1].png (1477x836, 648K)

I don't understand who is more Northwest European from here

Germans are taller than Russians



Balkaners aren’t from Caucausus either you fucking idiot

The Führer is so fucking handsome. How does he do it?

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that's because "northwest european" is an arbitrary classification in the first place.

the geometric shapes in the pic I posted are arbitrary too, signifying regions, but the shapes show the genetic variability within that region

You can't just paint a color gradient map and be done with it

No, it’s a map created by a Slovene who didn’t want to be clustered with Serbs and Croats so he changed it to being closer to Hungarians and Slovaks which is obv bs

This is bullshit
Look up first German stat which are "Measured" instead of "Self-reported", they're 2 cm shorter than Russians

>They referred to themselves as Germanic or Nordic.
This is the clue that you're an Amerimutt who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Slavs are subhumans and snowniggers

prove me wrong

>actual science
>posts pics that was clearly edited by a Jow Forumsack to suit his agenda (ex: grouping Poles with Germans, having Hungarians separate, Slovenians being clustered with West Slavs, etc.) This is retarded and not the og pic user

Russians are manlets though so keep coping Ivan

No it's true, Slovenians aren't Serbo-Croats

Attached: Balkan.png (787x569, 209K)

A subhuman has no right calling others subhuman. And “snow nigger” doesn’t really make sense since it’s not like all Slavs are on the same land and experience same cold weather

Russians are also taller than Anglos, look this up

>edited pic with brown eyes,

Attached: Oh+yes+_312cd306adb544a36c1148167ed70884.jpg (296x435, 26K)

Slovenians speak a South Slavic language related to Croatian you fucking brainlet.

And that map is also retarded, Poles, Slovaks and Hungarians don’t have Balkan admixture. No West Slav or Hungarian does. The only non South Slavs with Balkan admixture are Ukrainains near Moldova

They’re also shorter than Poles and Serbs


I am mutt and I have the right to call you mutt.

fuck off mutilated mutt.

Ukrainians, West Slavs are all part Balkan whatever it means, I believe eupedia of course. Slovenians are just not as much as Serbo-Croats, they're West Slavs at this point

Germany measured: 178.9 cm
Russian Measured: 177.2 cm

You're not contributing to the thread

>Slovenians speak a South Slavic language related to Croatian you fucking brainlet.
No, Slovenian is a closer to Czech than Serbo-Croatian

>And that map is also retarded, Poles, Slovaks and Hungarians don’t have Balkan admixture.
Hungarians definitely do as Serbs and Croats moved north during the Austro-Hungarian empire to escape the Turks/for economic reasons. That's why you have a lot of "Horvath" surnames in Hungary (it's the most common surname or sumtin)

Not sure about Slovakians tho

>t. vatnik edukayshun

How the fuck can you be a Slav and not know Slovenian language is South Slavic and closer to Croatian and Serb than it is to West Slavic languages?

Also that map and all other maps here are retarded. There’s no Balkan influence in Central Europe. The Balkan chain is literally a barrier preventing such shit.

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Germany measured: 175.4 cm

Italians, Russians, Anglos, etc. were all considered Aryan by Hitler

I hate this board more and more every single fucking day. God damn you people are retarded

The groupings are arbitrary I agree, but that's not the point. The point is the actual x/y values that show the distance between each ethnicity

Keep sending me pics you're still a swarthy gypsoid. eupedia best source there even is

Hittites and Greeks were Indo-European, they had everything to do with the civilizations of Asia Minor

The people of northwest european ancestry are the highest caste of those descended from and who speak the aryan languages and who proliferated aryan culture, so they are the exemplary, most honorable, and nobelist humans and the rightful holders of the title of aryan

'From Sanskrit आर्य (ā́rya, “noble" or "noble one”), from Proto-Indo-Iranian *áryas (the original Indo-Iranian autonym). Borrowed into English in the 19th century, at first as a term for the Indo-Iranian languages, and later partly extended to the Indo-European languages and peoples following a theory by Friedrich Schlegel that connected the Indo-Iranian words arya / ā́rya with German Ehre (“honor”) and some older Germanic names, thus assuming that it was the original Indo-European autonym meaning "the honorable people".'

>Ukrainians, West Slavs are all part Balkan whatever it means
Sorry mate but they’re really not. Only South Slavs are Balkan. Balkan phenotypes aren’t really found in Central Europe however some are in west Ukraine so I’ll give you that one.

>Slovenians are just not as much as Serbo-Croats, they're West Slavs at this point.
Are you talking about language or genetics? Because linguistically Slovene is South Slavic with SOME West Slavic influence. Other than that it’s still closer to Serbo-Croatian than Czecho-Slovak or Polish.

Chill, just point out the facts nicely instead of being a dick

>Ukrainians, West Slavs are all part Balkan whatever it means
Sorry mate but they’re really not. Only South Slavs are Balkan. Balkan phenotypes aren’t really found in Central Europe however some are in west Ukraine so I’ll give you that one.

>Slovenians are just not as much as Serbo-Croats, they're West Slavs at this point.
Are you talking about language or genetics? Because linguistically Slovene is South Slavic with SOME West Slavic influence. Other than that it’s still closer to Serbo-Croatian than Czecho-Slovak or Polish.

Chill, just point out the facts nicely instead of being a dick

Aryans came from the steppes.

And what defines "Balkans admixture"? Is a simply question of semantics keeping Slovenia out of the "Balkan" category?

>Look up first German stat which are "Measured"


Well the distance of ethnicity between some of these groups on the map is fishy. For ex, Poles aren’t genetically related to Danes at all or close. Magyars should be next or in Poles since they cluster closest to them after/with Slovaks. Etc

Tbqh Bavarians and Austrians are based and civilised. Prussians are barbarians.

The only sources are academic journals that use large samples, not sites anyone can edit anytime

Even here it's visible that West Ukrainians, Southern Poles and other West Slavs and Hungarians and Slovenians are closer to Balkans that they're to Balts which should be related to Slavs
Except Poles from Suwalki near Konigsberg/Kaliningrad which are Polonized Prussians

Not an argument.

They aren't Northwest Europeans

No one is Aryan anymore. Hitler thought that Germanics happened to be the nearest to this noble title and at the time it was true. Germany almost achieved peak humanity. Meanwhile, Slavs who are related to the ancient Aryans the most, fell from grace long time ago and decided to wallow in self pity and alcohol. God gave them scraps and it shows, both in mentality and appearance. Germans are weaklings now, but slavs who think they have any audacity to gloat are particularly pathetic because they forgot what greatness truly is while they turned into crabs in a bucket.

How do these threads get populated?
Bunch fuckin fags
Sage and hide

Dat earlobe wtf

Literally you

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here's the source for it if you dont believe: anthrogenica.com/showthread.php?15110-DNA-and-Strontium-Isotope-Variation-Reveal-Immigration-Patterns-in-a-Viking-Age-Town/page6&styleid=2


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Looks like that faggot hawkeye on top left

He's more a chimpanzee than Aryan lmao rofl

Yes, it's completely arbitrary. Greeks are a mediterannean people so it makes no sense to group them with other "Balkans"

Find average between the two measurements and Germans are shorter than Russians, you cherry-picking faggot


You have no ideals. You have found nothing and you seek nothing. Whining is all you know and your kind will perish, one way or another.

Russians are truly the worst posters in this board.

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Except you know, Greece is at the literal tip of the Balkans
Literally if Balkan as had to be reduced to one country it would be Greece

By the way, I can see from your filename that you don't even belong here. Go away.