To former leftists, what brought you to the right?

Since it is so often the case that there is usually no singular moment that turns a person into waking up from the slumber, I find that many have a hard time remembering, and I think it's because they are trying to remember a singular moment for some sort of paradigm shift, when the reality is that it happens in....sort of like "modules" for most people.
I think of being "redpilled" on something now as more like just learning about another forbidden truth and they seem to be endless.

For me so far it went something like in this order of "modules",
>Ulterior motives driving all governments
>Not antisemitism but nevertheless the JQ
>My own strengths and weaknesses and the source of them
>To be honest.. Trump's truth telling. Yes he lies, but he tells a lot of the truth too. He just talks a lot. Whereas you can't get a straight answer from any politician left or right.

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Other urls found in this thread: pumpkin

I wanna fuck the pumpkin

Link to pumpkin source?

Jews did 9/11

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Stay away from my blumpkin GF she's mine.


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Fuck you cunt it’s my pumpkin now


9/12/2001: Tom Brokaw declares the terrorist attack yesterday was really America's fault for angering Muslims with our excessive freedoms.

Fuck any liberals that agree with that.

Too late I've already gotten to her first she's spreading her wet pumpkin flaps for me right now.

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Damn that pumpkin has really.., juicy thighs

Oh fuck the bitch is pregnant I'm running

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Here it comes

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Push her down the stairs to avoid child support

>appeals to former leftists
>Hands out red roofies
OP is a faggot and so are (You)

Itt: Just Australian things

That’s a very nice squash, OP. I too keep a squash, sitting in a precarious position to remind myself of the precarious and fickle nature of life.

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Listening to my white female college professor defend the Benghazi attacks by showing the video that Hillary claimed caused it to happen.
She even had the nerve to say "now if somebody mocked Jesus like this you'd see men complaining for weeks on Fox!" and I still regret not replying with "bitch, these muslims murdered innocent people"

Good plan

I literally used to identify as an SJW, and for me the tipping point was an article sighting a very dodgy scientific study that declared there are no differences between men and women's brains and that this therefore proved gender didn't exist, which most of my peers lapped up and regurgitated everywhere.

But all I could think was: doesn't this contradict everything we've ever been told before, and a huge part of the justification for why transgender people should be accepted and supported? If there's no biological difference between the sexes, then aren't trans people just insane?

So then I stepped back and started looking at everything I was accepting as fact and realised the left had slowly gone absolutely fucking insane over the last 10 years or more.

I'd still consider myself left wing, but the identitarian, far left nut jobs that are the vocal minority driving all left wing politics have absolutely meant the left has left me.

What about the precarious nature of my big cock thrusting deep inside the pumpkins brains ?

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You push that pumpkin down the stairs yet?

being a degenerate troll and respecting the public candidate trump and his twitter trolling vs the old whore the dem party wanted to shove down my throat. but to be fair i got the bernie bug first cuz im poor white folk that wants the same gibs the nigs get. still easier living as a nig and family man getting state medical care than paying the insurance jew.

I was always right wing, even before knowing the basics of politics. I recall unsubconsciously refusing marxist bullshit at school and unsubscribing from Youtubers I used to like because of them dropping bluepills. It's almost like I have "right-wing" genes.

My dad is a lefty italian/portuguese descendant, his whole family tends towards the left, they're shitty persons in my opinion.
My mother's family on the other side is germanic, and they're all right wing and redpilled, no exceptions. They hate niggers, sjw, feminism and they always vote on the right.

Based on my anecdotal evidence, you are born with your own political bias.

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I'll bet this thread wen't a little differently than you thought ay mate.

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Getting a job. Working out. The George Zimmerman media circus. The 2016 election. Watching all of my hobbies be taken over by batshit insane social justice warriors.

Well I couldn't find any stairs but I had to improvise I'm sure this pumpkin bitch won't be claiming child support any time soon.

Forgot to post improvisation

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Fuck yes mate, quality fapping material

>white hate
>unfair advantages based on immutable traits
>leftist corruption (and they still get elected for life)
>a lifetime of experiences with blacks and illegals that I ignored till I made excuses for until my mid twenties
>a rigged election of the nominee for the democratic party
>an endlessly deceptive media
>being taught to hate my ancestors and internalize unearned guilt

I dance I dance I dance around the shitposting hat I dance I dance i dance around the shitposting hat. Australia cannot be stopped.

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I am a former leftist. What brought me to the right was when I realized that I was going to die alone as a left wing incel and women hate corny ass white sjw’s. Being a sjw white male you can’t even get into the friend zone let alone a girlfriend. I had women throwing themselves at me once I switched. Now I’m married with white children.

> That’s a very nice squash, OP. I too keep a squash, sitting in a precarious position to remind myself of the precarious and fickle nature of life.

Legit, it was seeing bernie get cucked by those 2 niggers at that rally. Ever since then its been a continual shift right for me

Are the children half pumpkins did you get cucked by a big black Pumpkin ?

What kind of pumpkin, do you believe, gives the best sex?

Definitely the rotten ones but failing that you can't dismiss old fleshy

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For me it was the basic economics red pill. Found this wonderful Youtube channel Learn Liberty and was never the same. Now I can't stand to listen to lefties discussing economics without cringing. I'm talking to you, Tim Pool.

I remember reading an article about the Treyvon Martin shooting. Then looked at the comment section. Lots of Jow Forums-tier comments. Laughed at some of the nigger jokes. My journey began that day.


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Lol you will never reconvert us faggot so keep up these futile datamining threads

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> have diversity admit black as college roommate with predictable results
> mexican activist friend literally funded by jewish politician friend
> leftist dating advice set me up to get absolutely eviscerated by women for 10 years
> secular jew who makes marxist shock movies talks leftist cousin into getting a divorce and living with him on her alimony (paid by a white chad-tier guy) instead of having children, ending my uncle's line

Warhammer 40,000 had the right idea

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That's a tight ass for a stripper

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>America's fault for angering Muslims with our excessive freedoms
hes not wrong he just failed to mention the specific (((Freedoms))) the muzrats hate us for.

Don't get the jannies involved

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Political correctness and my growing anti Semitism through the years

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Red Rohypnol smelled, OP is a massive faggot.

When Obama did a school speech and said "they'll warn of tyranny we must reject these voices" while having secret prisons kn Chicago and Poland.

exposure to the real world

>08732 (OP)
>I'll bet this thread wen't a little differently than you thought ay mate.

At first I thought you were shitposting, but now it is clear, you are actually salty.... You are actually trying to derail this thread.

Why? Are you /leftypol/?

Jow Forums tier story inc
>be me
>Jow Forums lurker but still bluepilled and happy
>been in several relationships with different kinds of girls. Sluts, nerds, emos, nymphs, whatever
>none of them really worked out for me
>finally find a "good girl" qt3.14 with a funtional brain and good ambitions
>very shy and very cute, traditional and submissive
>didn't let me fuck her for several weeks after meeting her, unlike the other girls I've met that let me hit on 1st, 2nd or 3rd date
>was with her for a year thinking she was a rare find
>one day tells me she had gotten black out drunk one night a few years ago after breaking off with her ex and had a devil's 3some
>my gf's old school good girl value was literally reduced to a fucking bottle of vodka
>all that bluepilled and innocent joy ripped straight from my heart
>could never look at her the same way again
>she always gave me a sad and shameful look and I would look away
>decided to leave eachother a week later because the spark was gone
>that was 3 years ago
>haven't been in love ever since
>no girls catch my attention anymore
>all NPCs just dumb trash that doesn't interest me
>later learned that the jews are behind the promotion of this excessive drinking culture and that they are the ones ruining the nuclear family and the beauty that is love.
I'm a guy, I can always cope with shit like this. But her.. I feel so bad for her Jow Forums. The shame in her eyes when I left her. Fuck.

I might check out some religious communities to see if I can find what I'm looking for there, eventually. I don't know.

Never forget what they took from us.

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Fuck Lefty Jow Forums I know what's up I am merely a humble Aussie shitposter doing what he does best.

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Getting my first job out of college and seeing how much money the government took from me to piss away on stuff I mostly don't agree with.

molyneux and aspiration

I went through the classical progression, from leftist to radical centrism to lolbertarian to whatever weird frankenstein ideology I am now. It was probably having been raised Catholic and going to Catholic schools from K-8 that kept the rightward inertia going but radical centrism came from realizing the unreasonable economic stance of the far left and lolbertarianism from realizing the importance of constitutional rights and individual freedoms, and that the best way to move society forward and what made America great is an environment of healthy competition and the genius of our political system. I became far right having realized the threat all those previous groups pose to those things, their hatred for and desire to destroy them, and the nature of their power base. That started with wanting to sharply restrict Hispanic immigration and has has expanded from there. All this happened from ~age 19 to 23 and held steady since then.

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>checked and kek'd
straya best bantz

Former leftist faggot here.
For the most part, I just grew up. As I got a bit older and experienced more of the real world I gradually stopped thinking like a leftist. I left mamas house and felt the reality of success, failure, taxes, paychecks, bureaucracy, love, niggers, spics, gooks, kikes and everything in between.
I was never an SJW, I always liked offensive jokes & despised any attempts at restricting speech. All this was enough to at least get me to stop being as much of a faggot, but I was still a civcuck, pro-israel, Dave-rubinesque type with some left leaning stances.

Then I returned to Jow Forums for the first time since I was quite a bit younger browsing /b/, so I could come and see what pol was all about. This was maybe late 2015 early 2016 iirc. I read a ton of “redpill” threads or whatever, and began researching some of it. I found that while some things were bullshit as far as I could tell, a lot of the stuff about the Jews, etc. is more or less demonstrably true. I read Culture of Critique and the bell curve, and I gradually began to swallow the pill that much of what I had been told growing up is a lie.

Sometimes I read something particularly retarded on pol and it makes me question whether I’m a dummy for believing this shit. I do occasionally think it would be easier to be a normalfag
But then one day I was shooting some bball outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good started making trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my moms got scared she said “you’re moving with your uncle and auntie in bel air”
I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had a dice in the mirror. If anything you could say that this cab was rare but I thought man forget it to homes the belair!
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabbie to homes smell ya later! Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air!

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What does jq stand for?

Jewish question

Ok Jow Forums I'll share my story. Kind of long but you might find it interesting, as it happened over several years

>be me young teen
>feel something off with the world
>put back in GT classes after being with the normies for a couple years
>discuss various world topics, thirst for more
>discover Communist Manifesto in school library
>quick read, makes sense at the time
>have idealized version of utopia where everyone is guaranteed what they need, and everyone can be themselves
>thirst for more
>think of all the ways to implement Communism
>obsessed with creating perfect world
>can't get it right, always too many flaws
>keep playing it out in my head, asking thoughts from classmates and GT teachers
>continue to research
>after a certain point, it begins to dawn on me: system malfunction
>it's flawed. It's wrong.
>it will not function as intended. Slave class required for best outcome, therefore not classless
>the more I learned, the more I realized this is bullshit
>had enough. Full hedon/nihilist. Fuck the world. People don't deserve it.
>ff couple years
>hedonism/nihilism didn't work out either
>start lifting
>health in check, higher quantity and quality of females interested, stronger, consistent weight lifting taught me discipline
>slowly realize in order to help others, you must be in a position to help them, not a weak faggot
that part, I believe, is what began my journey to the right: iron temple
>come to realize I have the power to help those around me, and everyone else does too. They just have to lift (themselves)
>best system is one where everyone has the opportunity to become strong, wealthy, educated, to help those below them become the same way; NOT encouraging weakness, gov handouts, ignorance
>discover Jow Forums
>discover nationalism
>nationalism promotes unity of individual nations, full rich lives of its people, helping your neighbor, developing culture, incentivizing innovation and prosperity, strength.

The conspiracies came true and all the left wing policies turned out to be ``their`` ``illuminati`` agenda, which has something to do with killing the masses and creating a mixed master race or something, and naturally, i dont support such a diabolical agenda

Jews, Masons, Tavistock , elite Anglo faggots, NGO`s , glow in the dark niggers, and other criminal groups, you all fucking die , im awake now, i can see you guys everywhere in society now, Hitler was right, these things need to be shut down

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I was in high school reading news sites comments and facebook comments and everything was anti-white.
I didn't go along with it, but I also didn't challenge it. I felt that those anti-white comments were justified, given the amount of damage white people had done. I was, at that time, essentially a liberal catholic.

I was a product of a christian household and public schools, neither of which teach critical thinking in the slightest; rather they openly and strictly reject it.

I swear to fucking allah/yaweh/monad that my first introduction to critical thinking was literally fucking Jow Forums.

When I came here, everything fell into place. At last, I knew why people pull the shit that they do. Everyone. Blacks, whites, chritians, etc. Everything was open to me. Because this is the only place on the planet where people are allowed to be honest. Despite this, 50% of posts on this board are anons lying. But that's magnitudes greater than irl.

And then the 2016 election happened, and all of the smart people left, and the board is full of retard phoneposters, literal christcucks, actual conservatives, republican dicksuckers, schizo conspiratards whose theories aren't even funny or interesting like they used to be, and people who havent even read a word of moldbug.

One day I will find the time and requisite autism to educate all of you fat fucks. I will spam threads of redpills and shove the goddamn shit down your nigger-throats while you gag like the niggers you are.

National Socialism and white libertarianism is the only viable political solution. Women should not have the right to vote and globalist capitalists should be thrown out.

I still hold a lot of leftist/liberal beliefs. But I'm apologetically racist now, and that's all that matters, honestly. Racism is actually the greatest ideology of our time. I hope all of you anons identify (at least in secret) as racist. It's the scientifically correct and proper master-morality position.

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its a squash you silly geese

Ty mah nigger

>Not AN Orange
Nah it's a pumpkin

dude i made such an abhorrent post here.
i am genuinely sorry for posting such a bad comment

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Similar experience with critical thinking here. It’s not only not encouraged, it’s actively suppressed. The American education system teaches you to only memorize, never question and attempt to understand. But if anything is critically analyzed, the only trusted source is an authority figure, a professor. But you’re only supposed to memorize his version, his critical analysis. You’re never challenged or taught to develop your own ideas and defend them. pumpkin

Are national socialism and white libertarianism not opposing ideologies? One involves a powerful state, in classical fascism the state supercedes all individuality etc.. am I wrong to think that is diametrically opposed to any traditional definition of libertarianism?
I’ve read moldbug, he’s alright. But the “dark enlightenment” thing comes off a bit niggardly to me

The whole Rodney King bullshit showed me that niggers are savage animals and can't be trained to act even remotely human. Before that I actually believed that whole "we're one race: the human race" and colorblind nonsense.

where i come from they're called butternut squash not even being contrarian, that's what they're called my dudes

I was leftist when I was young because my parents were.
When I started to make and form my own opinions my Dad beat me for not agreeing with him.
That ingrained in my mind that they're all terrible, illogical human beings.
The meme about traditional family scares the literal shit out of me, because that's what I came from and my Mother and Father abused me. So that's why.

I’m sorry you had to go through that user. I hope you’re doing okay now and I sincerely wish you the best, fren

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My father is a leftist and wrote letters to the editor about helping Syrian refugees and immoral it would be not to meanwhile he rips off his clients and steals money from relatives. So I started doing my own research into leftism

Im in the same boat, I used to agree with many of the left wing sentiments, because I thought they were just sentiments and nobody would seriously think of applying them to real world situations.

>Now I’m married with white children.
why don't you have a seat over there

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I've only ever heard them be called butternut squash and I worked in a grocery store when I was younger.

>be me, broke white kid in mexican neighborhood during bush years
>fuck the war man fuck that reptilian bush and all his friends
>yay obama, finally some change!
>w-wait why are you drone striking American children
>w-wait why are you calling trayvon your son
>w-wait where did all the jobs go
>w-what do you mean i have to get two part time jobs because of obamacare
>w-what do you mean my opinion doesnt mean shit because im a white male
>w-what do you mean men who chop their dicks off can compete against actual women
And then i found Jow Forums

I see. You realized the insanity. Welcome home user.

thank, fren
Because of the bullshit I had to go through when I was younger it's been hard for me to settle down in a relationship because I don't want to get burned.
I'll figure out my shit sooner or later. I'm just worried about becoming my Dad. His father did the same shit he did to me. I don't want to repeat that shit.


>Why? No one can remember
No offense but this reads like a psyop. I'll share my thoughts anyways, could end up being printed in an opinion piece!

I left the Left because I was lied to and abused constantly. I realized they don't actually care about humanity but more about control and deception in order to maintain that power.
Deception such as use of words like "minority" and "oppressive", constantly asserting underdog status, despite having almost total control.
The right often shames people but not to the extent of the Left. The Left would legitimately lynch someone over an opinion whereas the Right would nudge you to correct your degenerate behavior. And rightfully so. The Right honestly cares about the preservation of human rights, efficient use of resources (neocons, lobbyists, and bankers [aka JEWS] are Not right wing), and the continuation of positive human culture - despite leftist rhetoric, of ALL races.

Explanation: even total niggers are celebrated for being self sufficient and productive, if they can stop acting like greedy grabbling animals.

I graduated seventh grade and learned that socialism isn't all happy funtime "sharing is caring" bullshit like my teacher said.

basically. I never would have thought of voting republican ever in my life because of the rhinos but Trump is not that bad and i still havent regretted voting for him yet. And the left currently pushing themselves to censor all free thought just solidifies my position that the democrat party needs to be destroyed

>Be me age 9
>Ask why can't we live in a society where everyone gets given what he needs and those with ability do the jobs requiring ability
>Have father ask "Why would anyone bust their ass to do anything difficult in life? Why would a doctor work insane hours and study difficult topics for years on end without reward for it when you can just be a lazy ass? Why would anyone paid standard money to manage good or service production bother to ensure that input costs are lower than the value of what is produced?"
>Become capitalist
>Watch (((media)))
>Read (((World's Smallest Political Quiz)))
>Become libertarian with anti-racist tendencies
>Read Koran
>Ask why not block Muslim migration or entry into country as part of anti-terrorism strategy
>Do lots of research. IQ vs race. Color of crime. Discover Frankfurt School origins of PC and go on to read KMac.
>Become fascist

>Are national socialism and white libertarianism not opposing ideologies
yeah maybe. but i like them both. lets try both and see which one works lmao

better yet, let's combine them.
american libertarianism + restrictions: nationalism, whites only, tax rich people

done. very nice.

1) liberal catholic
2) catholic
3) illiberal atheist
4) fascist atheist

hail satan and heil hitler

and then i realized fascism might be a bit much, so i mellowed out to just ethnonationalism

white people are lame, but everyone else is worse. how nonwhites manage to be such shit im not exactly sure, but they do. they need to fuck off. and christcuck universalist faggot whites need to be beaten with sticks

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i'm somehow okay with that

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im 100% sure Libertarian Fascism is quite literally the ideology of the alt-right, unofficially.
but of course, no one is alt-right anymore. and those that are, are either libertarians or fascists.

we can build a better ideology. we have the technology.
if we can combine the two, i know we can create a better monster than either of them on their own

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I used to be a normal average leftist. However, one morning after being awoken to the screams of pleasure of my wife as she was getting plowed by Jamal, (as is the norm in the average leftist household) I thought to my self

>"Huh, is this really what I want to do every single day?"

And I decided no, fuck that! So now I sleep on the right side of the bed.

Monarchism. May God forgive us for straying from the path.

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Moving to Spain for three years was enough to turn me libertarian. Spending time there and reading Hoppe made me realize we can't just ignore the social side of politics and focus on economics. Ancaps are one step (determinism) from becoming fascist.
Now I'm somewhat of a natsoc.

I never did. Seeing the right push retarded shit like climate change denial, pizzagate, meme magic and Qanon pushed me in the exact opposite direction.

>conspiracy theories on a chinese basket weaving forum have made me realize that leftists are right
Sounds like you had no real interest in politics in the first place lol

>meme magic
dude meme magic was hilarious though
everything else you listed is shit, true.
the facts that niggers are dumb, kikes are nepotistic subversives, and globalism sold out american workers, still stand

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Yes, the modern right is absolutely obsessed with conspiracy theories and it really did drive me away from them. I'm not saying there isn't leftist retardation either but the narrative that the right were somehow super rational and unemotional is just crap, this place is perpetually angry and paranoid. But I was honestly into earlier "neoreactionary" stuff like ANUS more than Jow Forums.

I understand the meme itself in an ironic sense, but what I meant more broadly was the far right being susceptible to esoteric magical thinking and occultist LARP, like AWD. Many right wingers are not like that but it's incredible to see the 80s satanic panic mentality among people who otherwise recognize SJWs having moral hysteria.