Daily reminder that MGTOW is the male equivalent of feminism. Anybody who promotes that """movement""" can fit into one of the following categories: closeted gay, neckbeard who does not know what fitness/hygiene are, and/or has a terrible relationship with their mother.

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Women are better than men at sex. Trust me ive had sex with a lot of women and theyre great. Men not so much. They dont even have a place for my penis to go.

It's male identity politics. It's gay as fuck and reeks of victim complex. Work on yourselves instead of blaming others you fat male equivalent of sjws. Mgtows and mras have communist mentality.

mgtow makes the right repeat the exact same things that feminists say, which is weird to say the least of it

MGTOW is the logical conclusion to women being terrible.
Nothing wrong with men practising abstinence and in fact it's a very old tradition in many religions. Buddhists, Jews and Christians all agree women are the cause of men's sins.

>Men not so much.
is that so, Lance? fucking fagget, kys

I can make one with a good enema you know.

This. MGTOW is an actual solution to all the problems that plague men in this day and age.

It's not a movement, stop trying to build something up just to attack it roastie

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Somewhat this shitpost
Most people that ascribe to it weren’t in the dating market anyway so I don’t see why it matters if they decide it’s more hassle than it’s worth to attract a female mate.

1. Nope.
2. Nope.
3. Nope
4. I have a decent relationship with my mother.

MGTOW is a response to the destructiveness of the western woman.
Go through a divorce or two because your wife let her whore genes out of the bag. Have her take your shit, your money, and your kids and then come back with your stupid declarations.

The difference is that MGTOW doesn't ruin a man.
Yes, a man can waste his time whining about women on the net for a few years, I agree that's degenerate.
However, if a man spends a few years on self-improvement, he's only become a better man.
People seem to have this idea that MGTOW is like getting yourself castrated.

>he fell for the hygiene/exercise jew

Horseshoe theory is not a meme

Yeah everything op stated is wrong

you misunderstand, you are saying the same things as feminists say when they see mgtow

Spoken like the women wanting to ban sex dolls. Who is MGTOW hurting other than you not getting to rape men with divorce and alimony? Until you bring back REAL EQUALITY to marriage and divorce, fuck yourself and die a lonely death with 20 cats. And fuck your jewish divorce lawyer that will make a killing off of it too.

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>Gender identity politics
>The other gender is irredeemable
>We are the victims of the other gender
The two have quite a bit in common

it means less competition so it's a win win for everybody

why are you complaining?

Makes you think, doesn't it?
It's the same damn thing.

it's true, im not going to argue with you there. There is only one contingent of Feminism that argues for Wgtow though, and it is a fringe group of radfems. The rest want the state to give them shit

Daily reminder men don't give a shit what you cry about, they're not going to throw themselves on the sacrificial altar for vagina.

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To clarify I think women and media in general oppose it because it sets a dangerous precedent. Men can have kids all their life, and when the men that ARE in the dating market start deciding they don’t want to put up with bullshit and wage a reproductive war of attrition they are biologically designed to win (I.e “if you’re going to be a fuckup I’ll just look for a younger woman who isn’t” ) seriously threatens the idea that women deserve a AAA provider and they shouldn’t settle for anything less than someone who doesn’t demand they improve or mature/they can wait it out and try settling in their 30’s and older.

It’s like the women that want to ban sex robots; they were never going to be offering themselves up to type of men looking to buy them. They don’t want those men. What they do want is a monopoly on sexual pleasure, primarily because enough undesirable men opting out of it leaves the market flipped, so to speak, and women don’t want to have to compete against one another and end up both not with their dream partner AND incapable of settling with someone else who, if there is no way for him to be sexually relieved without shame otherwise, would be desperate.

Obviously not all men and not all women are playing this game, but a noticeable amount are.

you must be trying really hard to make maximum retarded statement for a bait

sage this bullshit

>MGTOW are beta incel fagets
What if true? More huwite waman for you to impregnate. Be grateful.

>but muh family
Women killed it, not MGTOW.

>but muh huwite babies
Women killed them too, or turned into literal faggots.

Stale meme. My 2 day stubble with red and grays looks pretty hot desu.

What is the "OWN WAY" part of MGTOW? Sitting in your chair all day fapping to tranny porn? Why do you need a new name for that, thats just a loser.
True MGTOWs are men who get wemen get them pregnant without marrying them, and still have a family and a successful job.
Its like saying "men who don't play football" as an excuse not to bulking up. Why do you need to specify what you don't do.

>A street thug punching you is literally the same as you if you punch him back, because punching is bad regardless of context
literally every retarded horseshoe argument

wtf... autocorrect - HOW?

>now let's hope nobody wonders why I feel compelled to spend valuable time posting this every day

Not true. It's actually quite simple...

... relationships have always been a deal between two parties. Each bring something to the table, and both enjoy the mutual benefits.

As long as the deal was equal, or even somewhat equal, both sides are motivated to enter and maintain a relationship. But when the terms of the deal are overturned, and one side is expected to pay the entire price while the other demands all of the benefits, it is no longer worthwhile to enter into such an arrangement.

Some might demand that a man has a duty to enter into a losing bargain, but the people usually saying this are the ones who (coincidentally) would benefit from such a lopsided arrangement.

In the past, generations of young men have sacrificed their lives on the battlefield so that our nation might live. This is roughly the same; only this time the battle is for the soul of the nation and the world.

Your viewpoints of the world are identical, the only difference is whether you blame a male of female.

I know lots of 5/10 men who are married to something upper, and sometimes the sole reason is, that there wasn't any other material there around the village. There isn't one thing that sucks in modern relationships and you can set precendent way before even moving in. If she skips paying for icecream in the second date, then thats the cue
>women that want to ban sex robots
They can't and they know they can't. And they want to keep the door open for sex manbots. Because there are lots of unshaved, unshowered woodcreatures out there, that really can't.

MGTOW is an incel movement created by men who won't accept they are incels.

>tis now women who don't want to fuck me but I who chooses not to fuck women. It is an early incel grief stage.

One is supported by the government and the media, the other is an individual choice.

Allegedly you can use a man's asshole but that seems so disgusting.

go get a divorce, it will make sense then. neckbeards just inherently knew it was a better path from the jump

Did it ever occur to you that truth is never in the middle? Between two opposing sides, one is usually mostly right and the other is mostly wrong.

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I don’t fit into any of those categories, is there a fourth?

>let her whore genes out of the bag.
You wife was a whore because you let her be one

yes, we know it captain obvious. it literally is anwser to feminism... more antisocial shit like this will keep happening because guess what. you broke our perfect christian society and it's all downhill from there

No that sounds like something that stupid assholes usually think desu. ZOGpilled, even.

Ideologies are subjective. The fringe movements share a similar worldview, just swap who is causing the problems. Just like the mainstream parties are not that different

beta males that let women walk all over them

So, who made you stop going to church? Society isn't at fault. it consists of many individuals who individually seem often to suck.

>self-awareness = 0

>MGTOW just blame women for their own problems
Also WNs
>Jews are the cause of all white problems!

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mgtow and feminism put gender above family
that is specific to both of these groups

I agree, fuck the incels. They are scum who should be forbidden to be in the ethnostate.

Gender is a made up word. GTFO with this shit.

no its not
it is just defined at birth
the word gender existed long before all of this tranny bullshit

Not really. Feminism is a movement to force others into following their rules. MGTOW is more of a movement to remove themselves from the equation.

And as far as "duty to family" goes, MGTOW is probably a lesser version of the "Francisco d'Anconia" character in Atlas Shrugged.

I won't recommend to any man that he enter a MGTOW life, but I also can't object when a man decides that he also won't enter a life where his is viewed as nothing more than a slave whose only purpose is to fund the lifestyle of those who don't appreciate his work and effort.

Yeah but it meant sex when used to describe animals and was primarily used for language conjugation instead. Gender as a identity independent of biological sex is an idea pushed entirely by an abusive pedophile doctor who tried making to children fuck each other to push his tranny ideology and both kids committed suicide later in life from the abuse. Look up dr. John Money

I'm fully aware fagget, I'm just post-ironic.

mgtow strikes me as the hard libertarianism of gender politics



>, but I also can't object when a man decides that he also won't enter a life where his is viewed as nothing more than a slave whose only purpose is to fund the lifestyle of those who don't appreciate his work and effort.
Dont be with a woman that does not respect you

Not to mention that the modern idea of "gender" is nothing more that the perpetuation of gender-normative bias.

So if a boy likes pink does that make him a "girl? or if a girl likes to play sports does that make her a "boy"?

Nope, it simply means that they have different interests. And any attempt to claim that "I've always FELT like a boy" or "I've always FELT like a girl" is simply to buy into the very gender stereotypes that they claim to be fighting against.

MGTOW and INCEL are Subversive to White National. They are pushed on Jow Forums and other illuminated webpages to make the White Male stop breeding.

please, no more redpills
mgtow incels will erupt

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And what do you call people who seek them out on a daily basis when they specifically asked to be left alone ?

If they wanted to be left alone, I would have no knowledge about them.

> they specifically asked
I dont care

>don't be with a woman that has XX


I agree. The best option is to find a man and woman who love each other, and can remain faithful and dedicated to each other. And then, they can walk together through life knowing that they have made the right decision being together.

But I think we're talking about something else. Short of a mutually beneficial relationship, a mutually loving relationship; it becomes a question as to whether (lacking that) men (or women for that matter) should settle for less, or much less in some cases.

I would ague that even though the MGTOW life isn't all fun and games, that in the long run a man is better off being alone than being in the wrong relationship.

And this is especially true today. I'm older than probably everyone here, and I can't even imagine trying to date or have a relationship in today's world.

>can remain faithful
> And then,
how can you be faithful to someone you are not married to

And so you chose to be confrontational and seek reactions as validation ? Maybe you should check your own insecurity issues before throwing stone at passerby.

its necessary for the inept to take themselves out of the gene pool

Or he picked the wrong one.
Or because he was never there for her.
Or because he didn't make enough money.
Or because he didn't put enough work into being tall or having better bone development.

Clearly he should've lifted more frames.
Clearly he should've just 'manned the fuck up'.

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Marriage was implied in what I said. (or should have been).

One man + one woman, married for life, remaining in love = the best option.

And so you chose to be confrontational and seek reactions as validation ? Maybe you should check your own insecurity issues before throwing stone at passerby.

>replying to myself, kek

>man better being alone than being in the wrong relationship
Just gotta be alpha, bro. Give her that dick, bro. Bitches love dick! #1488 #ChadNationalism

>Or he picked the wrong one.
that is his fault
>Or because he was never there for her.
family should be your number one priority
>Or because he didn't make enough money.
dont marry a materialistic woman


Taking the blackpill is always better, gotta laugh on the incels that follow the "redpilled" chad that says to avoid women when he's good looking and have sex like every week.
But I have to say, atleast those incels are trying to find something better, I'd rather go MGTOW than being the "just be confident/take a shower bro" bluepilled dude.

To many whores in burgerland and they all have black kids they want guys with a study income to be cucked

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>Daily reminder that MGTOW is the male equivalent of feminism.

proof ? proof?

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You probably know that this isn't how it works. Good sex is essential, but sex alone won't save a relationship.

Imagine that it's the middle of the night and you're driving home. You come to a stop light. There is no one around, and you can run the red light without ever getting caught and without endangering yourself or anyone else.

Do you run the red light? There are some who would never, there are some who would always, and there are some who would or would not depending on the circumstances.

It's the same thing with women (and men). Some value themselves so little that they would risk their entire future for some passing piece of ass. And others would not cheat under any circumstance.

But in the end, it's not the sex (or lack of or too much) that really determines cheating. Because cheating happens in the mind first.

Is there more of her?

tru tru

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damn, this looks familiar

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both put gender above family
both are anti marriage

>his fault
>his fault
>his fault

Yeah, we know, I don't know why you tradcon retards even bother opening your mouths when you've got no arguments but an appeal to instincts that have long been betrayed to the point where it all sounds like a cheap joke.

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>A chad with Stacy. Stacy probably has herpes from sucking two black guys dicks in collage because she has daddy issues.

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Have the rest of them too, I don't care.

But it is his fault
Also another similarity between feminism and mgtow is they are both anti victim blaming

MGTOW is a haven for men who gave up on improving themselves and get women. while i understand it can be extremely difficult, id rather be an incel than join these MGTOW retards. but that's just me.

i personally think it starts with a dude who had his life ruined by the system after being with a shady female. then he just plays the victim card, and finds other victims where they all yell and scream WAH WAH WAAAAAAAH! but whatever. you will attract the exact level you vibrate on.

>Daily reminder that MGTOW is the male equivalent of feminism
Feminism consistently gets up in everyone's business, MGTOW is about turning your back on everyone. They're diametric opposites.

>MGTOW is the male equivalent of feminism.
Support this claim

I didn't say anything about cheating. To me it's a minor issue in the big picture. You probably meant to address this to someone else.

TERF's and MGTOW should join forces, but you TERF whores are just out to destroy all men


yeah, im sure

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they will

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weak men are destined for genetic death
its the natural way

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Agreed. Women are garbage, but removing yourself from the gene pool by not pursuing any women just means you're a loser

Remember Dads advice:
Pump and dump the Western hags or marry an East European and keep the white race going!
Don't over think it!

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>Not playing the game is the exact same as having it systematically rigged in your favor.

What was it like being born retarded?

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ive browsed incel and mgtow forums and the incels are way more psychotic. Regardless of if it's just a big cope, it is at least promoting a better mindset

fine by me.
especially that creature - it just gave me reverse erection.

>Pump and dump