America should tax the world

We do the work, they reap the benefits.
The world lives in relative safety and stability
because of our efforts, and they do not pay a cent for it.
We should eliminate all taxes on Americans
and immediately begin taxing the world.

This could provide:

Healthcare for all Americans
College education for all Americans
Extra money in American pockets
Pay for our infrastructure

This should be done quickly, one of the consequences of us doing all the work
is that the majority of the world has become dependent on us and have
made themselves completely defenseless. We should expect resistance and that
resistance should be dealt with militarily to set an example for anyone who tries to resist later.
We should act now, while it is
to our greatest advantage.

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Taxation without representation! Sound familiar?

We really should just ignore them. As much as they cannot stand it, that is the very thing that will render them irrelevant.

If anything, the world should tax America because those fat fucks have the largest ecological footprint. Plus without the world's recourses (like oil and gold) the entire USA would look like a trailer park in Arizona.

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Withdrawing your forces will create a power vacuum that will likely be filled by China or Russia in the best case scenario. Sure, it sucks that your force projection is being funded by your own people instead of those overseas who directly benefit from it, but think about the consequences for American global supremacy if you stopped

america should just aim all it's nuculear WMDs at itself and off itself as a means to hard reset

Then it's the world's fault for being too weak to resist. It's simply survival of the fittest. We can lament America's effect on the world but at the end of the day they did technically earn it.

The US needs to stop all foreign aid and spend it on Americans

I support this sentiment.

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I'll fucking nuke you, blacky.


We can't be a jewish empire and a constitutional republic at the same time. Time to pick a side.

and by ((americans)) we mean israel. :^)

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Stealing is not equal to earning.

Since I'm actually not black, I fully support this statement. I'll even give you a list of targets

True, and I didn't say they were fair about it. But neither was any other empire or superpower in human history

You sound like a weak bitter faggot. Someone who thinks laws apply themselves and if you whine like a rat things will be given to you. We should tax your piece of shit people first.

Yes it does sound familiar and we fought a War over it and won.
Whether or not you want a War with my country is your business, but
get used to the idea of being taxed by us.


Enjoy economic crisis. The USA is done in the next two decades lol.


What would we be getting in return? You have no military presence here, and what sphere of influence you do have here extends only into the private sector. I'm not being salty, I'm just genuinely curious

You print money for free thanks to international trade like petrol, so this was already done, burger.

Good, I hope our economy crashes, I hope it comes! The worse off my country gets the more angry resentful and bitter it becomes. It will be much easier to convince my country to tax you when we are suffering than if we are doing well.

Fuck you
Thats what you get bitch

>It will be much easier to convince my country to tax you when we are suffering than if we are doing well.
Topkek keep on dreaming buddy, that's never going to happen. You're still 21 trillion in debt including to us you dipshit.


Technically the US is taxing the world, since the dollar is the world's currency and printing more dollars devalues foreign-hold currency.

Try avoiding this by not conducting international trade in dollars and see where it gets you.

Okay then, good talk lol

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Your economy is going to implode very soon from your debt kek. I'll be here enjoying the fall of the USA.

>thinking the US government being bigger, more invasive, and having more money is a good thing

>American thinks he has any control over America
Yor nation is controlled by kikes.

This is precisely (((their))) attitude. Bergsteinski spotted

So you're saying you want the USA to be the tyrannical thieves of the world?

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the Rotschilds are fucking Americans in the ass on a daily basis, yet they believe they have power kek.

>Implying they haven't already assumed this status

>Let's Jew the world even more than we are already doing
You got zero understanding about how the world works. You got all those troops everywhere in order to control the world's money supply. hence you get infinitely more back than you put in. It's not the the rest of the world's fault that all that wealth does not reach your general public.

I would appreciate if you all fucked off though, you have done enough harm

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>Jews run America
>Jews won't take money from the world in taxes

Which is it you Canadian faggot?

(I know. I want to see OP admit it or try to weasel his way out of it.)

OP is literally retarded and has never heard of the petrodollar

>medical research costs bank
>Americans pay out the ass for medical to fund it
>diseased fucks in the rest of the world get new wonder drugs and medicine for next to nothing

I’m sick and tried of the rest of the world getting a free ride on our backs!

This is literally what MAGApedes believe. It's my main problem with Trump, he does good things, but he exploits the absolute retardedness of his voter base to get it done.

Well in that case, it's high time foooorrrr

This is exactly it, it is that simple. The OP doesn't understand that the US technically got infinite money this way, but that will only work as long as most people, including own citizens, are kept poor and economcially helpless

Republicans/Conservatives have deluded themselves into thinking that voting for Republicans/Conservatives will solve all their problems. They don't understand that they won't be allowed to save/free themselves via voting.

If voting made any difference they would not let us do it

America does tax the world - it's called the federal budget deficit, funded directly by everyone who uses US dollars (required for most international transactions, especially energy). Why do you think that the US government is so butthurt when someone comes up with a competing currency?

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>If voting made any difference they would not let us do it
Correct. Additionally, the purpose of democracy is to prevent change.

Literally no one in the US gives a fuck about muh "Global Supremacy" except for the Military Industrial Complex. We elected Trump specifically as a giant "Fuck You" to the world. We welcome the day we stop being the World Police and tell everyone to go fuck themselves. By all means, let China fill the void, who gives a fuck.

Redpilled. OP needs to lurk moar and become at least 20 y/o before ever posting again unless someone is requesting zoomer input

I don't see the diseased fucks shipping all that medicine to their own countries though... It's your own bleeding heart policies willingly doing that

>Correct. Additionally, the purpose of democracy is to prevent change.
More specifically: to transfer power from people of worth to people of wealth

Yeah he's probably somewhere between "we do it for democracy" and "we are doing it for the oil", he a long way to go if he isn't even out of normiedom yet

>Redpilled. OP needs to lurk moar and become at least 20 y/o before ever posting again unless someone is requesting zoomer input
Unfortunately, for Conservatives, Republican and Capitalists like the OP, things must get much much worse before they get off their asses and wake up.

Problem is, by then, it might already be too late.

We can, we just need a separate governing arm for the colonials

With all respect, it is your global supremacy that is a big "fuck you" to the world. Trump is more of a non-interaction

>More specifically: to transfer power from people of worth to people of wealth
Yep. That's why only the super rich are politicians, the politicians only listen to the super rich and the super rich are the only ones who can afford "justice."

You just willingly gave over the planet to communists, good job memeflag

>We elected Trump specifically as a giant "Fuck You" to the world.
And the world is saying to you "You don't get to change anything, we do."

>We welcome the day we stop being the World Police and tell everyone to go fuck themselves.
Something Trump has never said he would do and even if he did, won't do it.

Maybe you don't care, but how will you stop it?
It's already been running rampant for decades

I’m not talking about the cuck behavior of subsidizing 3rd world fucks pills, but the actual cost for the R&D to develop new medicine
For example the treatment for Ebola. How much African money do you think went into that? How much money from Europe or Asia? It was all America!

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And again, you didn't have to fucking do it. In fact, wouldn't you agree it would've been better if you just let the disease run it's course in East Africa? But nooooo, just like with AIDS research you guys just have to thwart mother nature's population control

You know, sometimes I wish you could pm certain anons that you connect to.
But we're all going to flow away in the big sea that is Jow Forums
Makes you appreciate stuff like that

Gr8 b8 m8.

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you fucking dimwit, the world already pays the fucking tax, it's called the petrol dollar - the entire world finance your ability to print yourselves out of any financial fuck up, you incur with imbalanced budgets and bullshit spending - the thing is, you are too incompetent to keep it much more

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here, a free (You) out of pity.

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