Are Eastern European women worth marrying?

Are Eastern European women worth marrying?

White American here.

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Are women worth marrying?

That depends on a woman. Most mail-order brides from Russia and Ukraine seem to be money-oriented, so maybe try to establish contact with EE girls organically, not via some sketchy matching website.
t. an Eastern European femanon

Like in every country, it depends on the woman.

Eastern European here, most of them are hypocritical whores, but some of them are a catch. They're really good a being hypocrites, so be attentive if you try.

>t. an Eastern European femanon

Give me the run down on Eastern European women. Are they really that bad?

What makes you think one wants to marry you?

I am Trump supporting American. That's enough reason.

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It honestly depends. I mean, if you're going for a girl whose main hobby is make-up and undergoing plastic surgeries and who spends her free time uploading semi-nudes on her social media... you'll inevitably end up with a vapid slut. But most girls I know - from my country anyway - are chill, relatively traditional and non-slutty. Some of them are quite religious and proper too.

>getting married

What exactly do you expect from "Eastern European women", amerimutt?

>if you're going for a girl whose main hobby is make-up and undergoing plastic surgeries and who spends her free time uploading semi-nudes on her social media...

What is your opinion on such women?

Fuck you race traitor

I think they are dumbasses. But on the other hand they can be very clever and cunning too, and make good bucks thanks to their looks. That's something I'm jealous of, not gonna lie.

>That's something I'm jealous of, not gonna lie.

You want to make good bucks thanks to your looks?

>t. an Eastern European femanon

What traits in men are you attracted towards the most?

A lot of the people when I was in the military married foreign women and they always seemed to have the best marriages. They were much more loyal and family oriented. You wouldn't see them with their wedding rings off as soon as their husband deployed but that was a normal thing to see with American women.

No, I just wish I could make big money just as effortlessly. It's not something I find very upsetting because in general I don't care much about wealth or luxury, but sometimes when times are tough and I see some insta-thot travelling the world and enjoying herself, I feel jelly.

>that was a normal thing to see with American women.

Why is that a normal thing to see with American women?

I always fall for wickedly brilliant men who are more intelligent than I am, and therefore motivate me to work on myself and learn new things. I love it when a guy is really passionate about something, even if it's something weird and/or obscure and has (healthy) ambitions and goals. Nerdy/cringy sense of humour is another thing I value in my partner because I enjoy it and can relate to it. I like men who are masculine but trust me enough to reveal their more emotional side and seek my support when they need it, but also support me when I need it. I can get very neurotic, so I like being around calm, rational, caring and well-organised guys.

>race traitor

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Ay bb, wanna marry an Australian beekeeper?

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>Some of them are quite religious and proper too.

what do you mean by this?

I don't know. It was pretty obvious though being in 29 palms because there are 0 women there besides dependants like wives and their kids but if you went to a bar after a unit deployed, it would be full of women. A lot of them you would recognize too plus you could literally see the tan line on their hand because it's in the desert. It was never the foreign wives though. All ditzy American women. It didn't make sense to me because being married to a service member means you literally have it made.

Ever wanted to be taken away to western Europe by a man who will show you a world you could only have dreamed of?

Why are euros so thirsty?

>who will show you a world you could only have dreamed of?

What can you show me?

She means they're quite religious and proper.

I could take you on an adventure where we will go to a country/city/place completely new to you, explore the sights, enjoy the food and culture, and do something adventurous like bungee jumping before retiring to a nice quality hotel and fancy dinner.

Consider us engaged bby

Many religious girls won't have premarital sex - and not in "put it in the pooper instead so I can remain a virgin" way. They want to have a traditional family with (sometimes many) children and a bread-winner husband, while dedicating themselves to the kids and housework. They don't drink, don't smoke, don't party hard, don't do drugs, don't date casually, don't swear. Note that a typical religious girl won't have all these traits, but some mixture of them for sure.

Yes and no; I love my country and wouldn't mind staying there forever, but I want to see the world and I enjoy travelling and living in different countries, so having a bf who wants to travel and see new places would be super nice.

Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking.

>amerimutt fever for white women

>so having a bf who wants to travel and see new places would be super nice.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go?

How would you treat me on the first date?

>Note that a typical religious girl won't have all these traits, but some mixture of them for sure.

Are you like this, too? What do you think of liberal western women?

The first date is just something easy and casual to get to know each other. So I'd drop by wherever you live, and we can meet for something like a lunch or coffee or dinner if you feel like it. We'll both get an idea of what we're like and see if there's mutual interest.

Need some advice.

What are some must-see cities and places of Eastern Europe?

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I'd rather not say

Switzerland, Canada, France, the States, Hong Kong, Ireland

I'm not like this, no. I have some traits of a proper religious girl as I don't date casually, don't smoke, try to keep my language proper and believe in traditional gender roles. But I'm not a very religious person, nor a dedicated homemaker. As for western women, I think some of them are too focused on hedonistic yolo lifestyle and external values, and then to make up for that try to infuse their lives with depth by embracing far-left ideology and skewed version of feminism. Not my cup of tea, but stilln I don't believe that western women, or women in general, are as vile, vapid and ruthless as some people portray them.

>the States
>don't believe that western women, or women in general, are as vile, vapid and ruthless as some people portray them
2 birds with one stone right there.

>Most mail-order brides from Russia and Ukraine seem to be money-oriented, so maybe try to establish contact with EE girls organically,

What is the best way to get to know a woman and start a relationship organically?

Prague, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Cracow, Gdansk and probably many, many more

What is wrong with women from the States? Give me the run down.


why is it called a porn producing nation?

I can take you to Switzerland and we'll do the famous James Bond bungee jump together. Then I'll take you to a beautiful lakeside mountain hut for the night.

Jow Forums has a site they go to called culture pals or something like that. I never used it but it seemed legit from the thread I lurked.
I'd rather not derail the thread but one of my posts itt sums it up pretty good. There are good women but it's a pretty rare thing.

Interact with many people on daily basis. Attend language courses, dance lessons, book clubs, film clubs, kayaking clubs - whatever sparks your interest. If you're a student and your school or uni participates in student exchange program, you can either go abroad yourself, and hopefully meet there new people, or act as a guide/mental supporter of incoming students. And it goes without saying that most unis have various clubs, organisations and sport teams.

Dunno, but Prague is beautiful and definitely worth seeing

Sounds great (:

>implying you could handle an EE woman
Eastern European women expect actual men, not pampered American snowflakes. She will eat you alive if you don't meet her expectations.

You're adventurous. That's good. If a girl is ready to do a bungee jump that's always a plus. But naturally, it will take a lot more than just a few posts on Jow Forums to determine if we have some compatibility. I assume you like a good dinner in a nice restaurant with good wine? While just as easily as having a casual beer in a pub?

>Eastern European women expect actual men, not pampered American snowflakes
>oh god Americans please save us from big bad Russia

This is why you're getting cut off.

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I enjoy causal setting and wouldn't mind downing a pint in local pub. But I don't think we're meant to be, user.

Probably not. But it never hurts to just talk about dreams and what may be.