Why are Germans so inferior?

Why are Germans so inferior?


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Am I supposed to be worried about them? They will self-collapse within a few decades.
> muh AfD
Yeah, no.

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They wouldn't even be able to put down a sangnog rebellion at this point.

Attached: german army.png (665x964, 613K)

Attached: insights german women.png (620x825, 129K)

Literal takeover.

Attached: future of germoney.jpg (682x653, 76K)

Embrace the new Germoney!

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With the advantage of time, we can conclusively claim that it was 100% correct to ethnically cleanse Germans from Slavic lands. Imagine how overrun Prague would be if it was still in german hands. It would be a majority-black city now.

Attached: based cleansing.jpg (1750x368, 221K)

You posted with a german flag yesterday.
Why go through all the effort to hide behind a different flag? Don't be a girlyman.

Attached: german grammar.png (848x1200, 31K)

>You posted with a german flag yesterday.
Huh? Are you schizo?

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AfD is controlled opposition


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Why would Germans look up "German", dumbass?

Germany is occupied

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Huffpost is Jewish

Japanese? What the fuck? Does Japan even produce "regular" porn?

Most non-Americans are extremely nationalistic. They tend to only jerk off to porn of their own country. If you look up the statistics for France, "french" is the most common search.

how did the ratio get so messed up?

Why cant americans understand that people want to watch their own women in porn and not plastic mutts?

They have sand niggers, we have bydło and kibole. Same fucking difference.

well, here is the real one for example.
i think i search "german" the most aswell.

but simply because of the funny dialoges

Attached: pornhub-insights-germany-gender-searches.png (620x1117, 99K)

Absolutely disgusting

Can someone tell what was going on the bideo? You see some arabs hitting a guy that's sitting on the seats, then a german girl crying comes out of the train and some sands hug her and comfort her, then the guy filming is hit.