In Christianity suicide is a massive sin and you go straight to hell.
What if you take a poison that takes at least 10 minutes to work and confess your sins and ask for forgiveness?
In Christianity suicide is a massive sin and you go straight to hell.
What if you take a poison that takes at least 10 minutes to work and confess your sins and ask for forgiveness?
what if you engage in a lifestyle that you know will lead to your death?
>suicide is a massive sin
suicide is not a sin like you think, let me set the record straight
suicide is a trick made by ((())) to get you to take your life and enter the afterlife (realm of metaphysics) while having a soul heavy with selfish thoughts and wicked behavior
the ones who go to Hell after being tricked by suicide were mind you tricked from whatever point the ((())) starting fucking their mind to the point they killed themselves, it's a racket for your soul we are talking about
if you're just some gay kid and you're depressed as fuck and you love your mother while doing everything you can to support her and sincerely meant to be a good boy but the confusion got the best of you and you killed yourself, you will go to purgatory where God can show you exactly how you were tricked by the ((())) and give you what it takes for another shot at life as a normal human, but with extra protection afforded by planned circumstance to make sure your next go at life is not such bullshit because God hates the ((())) and doesn't want it to keep getting people
the samurai who kills himself to preserve his honor, or after failing in battle, or who throws his life away to protect his friends, he goes to Heaven because he got the whole point of the thing itself and sacrificed his life to make the lives of others, you feel?
it's complicated, it isn't one thing, but the ((())) tricks you into going to Hell by claiming you as the sinner they made you into via thought control and deception
You dont go to hell if you suicide though...
You can't fake repentance. Either you genuinely repent or you don't. Faking it accomplishes nothing.
That aside, it can't be said that suicide automatically leads to hell because we know some people who've survived a suicide attempt have expressed having tremendous regret right after initiating the irreversible, like jumpers off the Golden Gate Bridge. Suicide is an extremely serious sin because it implies total and adamant rejection of hope and the Holy Spirit.
But you wouldn't mean it. You aren't actually repenting, you're just trying to pull one over on God. Honestly this seems worse.
Sinful only insomuch as it is killing another.
Doesn't necessarily land you in hell though.
Hell was invented to stop martyrs from doing their thing.
Mental and logical cartwheeling ensues
What if you just bought one of those get out of sin free caeds
>god places you in a hell on earth
>hey! dont throw that life away that's really precious to me
This statement in ambiguous.
Do you mean that suicide somehow protects you from going to Hell?
Is getting morbidly obese and dying at 35 considered suicide?
Probably just: it's never explicitly said that suicides go to hell, nor is hell even explicitly said to be a thing.
Killing is in the 10 commandments.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 2283
Ty, realistically only the 10 commandments is needed. The other one is an interesting footnote, but not canon.
Pagans are so advanced, they sacrifice goats and jump over campfire.
Its being called American.
I don't think most christian churches teach this, and I am not aware of scripture that does either. Catholics may though.
Scripture does not teach that because it's false. If you believe OP, you're going to hell anyway.
When you suicide you end the test God made for you and you are not going to heaven.
Stop spreading lies.
Oke then you do a test, but instead you rip it apart and walk away . Did you pass the test?
No matter what, you don't know what happens after death.
> inb4 muh jewish LARP
Old testament rules aren't canon.
Another loophole is suicide by cigarettes.
Where does it state that suicide is instantaneous? What if you smoke cigarettes and kill yourself from lung cancer.
Same with alcohol poisning or accidentally dying on your own vomit?
Do you still go to hell? Who set the boundaries and the exact rules? Also why is it ok for an entire religion to be transfored and made based off a king that wasnt allowed to divorce , so he made up his own religion allowing for divorce? also how come religion is used to control people but it doesnt work anymore so they use media companies to have the same effect
Suicide is a mortal sin for two reasons. First being that you don’t have ownership over your body. Your body is on loan from God and only he gets to decide what happens to it. You don’t have that right. Second reason being that it destroys the lives of the people who love and depend on you and thus is not in keeping with the Christian concept of charity.
God gives us life and love, and when we commit suicide we both reject life and reject god‘s command that we love ourselves, and by extension we reject God in so doing.
In short, Suicide is not compatible with Christian doctrine. Period.
Base jumping and running with the bulls is not a sin
yeah, gluttony
hanging out with lepers is definitely not a sin
speaking the truth until your crucified is the best suicide loophole
Why not just take a trip to Brazilian favelas with expensive jewelry on?
Technically Jesus did not suicide because he resurrected