Holy fuck, why is no one talking about black mirror dropping massive redpills in its newest installment?

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Because its not a red-pill. It's a shitty packaging of drug culture + le matrix w/ cheap horror twists. It was unironically shit on delivery. Horror has become such a shitty drama that cuts itself on its own edge...
> lets think of a perfectly normal concept but turn it into a convoluted pile of shit in order to be edgy and scary.

2/10 ... the fact that this hot garbage was only viewable via a select amount of hardware because of le interactive film makes it a 1/10

le "redpill" used to actual mean something. Normies fucking destroy everything.

Maybe so but I decide what my thoughts are and how I act accordingly, this is babby first pill.

>Paying Netflix money

You people never learn

Shut the fuck up you basic bitch mutt

its not really redpill, it just shows what scenarios of a dystopian world where machines have control over us and the consequences

Black Mirror has to be the worst tv show I've ever seen. It's just senseless edgy garbage. No wonder normies eat it up.

Blacked Mirror

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>No free will
>Acid makes you a retarded schitzo retard who's one fleeting idea away from suicide
The only valuable idea it conveys is that there could be parallel universes, but it shits on it with the deterministic nonsense. I enjoyed the whole choose-your-own adventure though.

"Drugs are bad" IS a redpill, you goofs.

The guy obviously died there. Even if the world is some simulated rat race, you don't really need to play by the rules anyway.

>Dropping anything other than shitpills

This is a shill thread

>(((hollywood))) dropping redpills

I haven't been this jazzed since compact disc interactive

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I enjoyed the one about the social score system, but you're pretty right on.

You can just call it China Episode now I reckon.

You're confusing an error in politics with an error in the horror genre . Multinational corporations are modifying our foods, and our lives are pre-scripted, but this should not lead to you killing yourself, nor are our decisions futile.

epic reply

btw. good thing they are still not allowed to say nigger or faggot

I like the point and click game more.