How do I distance myself from politics?

When ever I read news headlines about politics I get pretty down. Anyone know how I can avoid politics things?

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Do other activities

This is actually a super important self-care thing. Good on your for doing it. I don't recommend cutting it out forever, but take breaks.

But as for your actual question - can't you just, like, stop reading the news for a while? When your friends bring up politics, just say "Sorry, I'm taking a break from that, tell me in a week." Don't go on Facebook. Doesn't have to be forever, just for a while.

Thing is, whenever I'm on youtube, the algorithm keeps recommending me politics, even though I know I'll feel sad after it, I just can't resist the urge to watch it since I want to know what's going on. It's becoming a serious problem, as I've noticed that I've become more cynical these past few weeks.

Ctrl+shift+p before going to youtube.
Then search after what you were looking for as the default recommendations are terrible.
If you don't have anything specific to search for, just don't go to youtube.

Focus on local politics instead

thank you for the suggestion mate, will try

You do naturally care less about it the older you get, and this is coming from a former anarchist.

In the meantime you should like stay away from Jow Forums obviously and unfollow or unsub or whatever from any sorts of world news service or media.

If you do come accross something that does usually make you blood boil and draw a line in the sand, just ask yourself - does this actually affect your daily life? Is there something proactive you can do besides just be upset about it? Or is it something that will stop existing in your reality when you walk away from the computer?

I don't care about what happens in some other country accross the world, I don't care about what happens in neighbouring countries, I don't care what happens in some faraway part of my own country, I at most sometimes care about what happens in my own city. Sometimes.

I couldn't care less, and I've never been happier

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I do it with music as I like to listen to trashy music when I need to get pumped up/concentrate on other things, but I would not have it recommended at other times.

>Thing is, whenever I'm on youtube, the algorithm keeps recommending me politics

haha that shit is so gay

I watch like one "epic streamer fail" video and suddenly all of my recommendation are Jordan Peterson and like MALE COMEDIAN EPICLY DESTROYS DUMB SJW ROASTIE FEMINAZI USING FACTS

It's a problem.
It can actually be a deterrent to people trying to learn about opposing views.

Well I have unsubbed from all news related subreddits (pls no bulli for reddit) and I never visit /b/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums since it's just constant shitposting, low quality posts, race baiting and that sort of bullshit.

>does this actually affect your daily life?
This is very good point.
I love to follow american politics because it is so much fun, but I know nothing about how things are going in my own country.
None of it affects me.
We don't have political activism at our universities and we don't have the left vs right wing disaster that the US faces.
My country is fucking great. I can just take a glance at our headlines and fall asleep knowing that nothing happened here.

>Well I have unsubbed from all news related subreddits (pls no bulli for reddit)

unsub from all the default subs as well. I unsubbed on day one of joining with my most recent account so I don't know what the default subs are anymore but like r/videos or even just like r/funny often gets raided or just something naturally floats up to the surface like someone who ripped ass in the pool and it's just a thinly-veiled political message about whatever.

tryhardfags will reee at reddit all they want but if there's one saving grace about reddit it is that it's entirely customizable as far was what forums show up in your main feed.

user you could try listening to audio books that aren't about politics , or play a game just to relax( not in the obsesive way) and distract you or something else that you know it might distract you and have fun in same time.

Might try that, occasionaly see vids of protest and the sort on r/videos

I'm Canadian and being next door and everything we do have a bit of an echo of the alt-right vs SJW circus of retards that is US politics within our own country, but yeah a lot of people around the world just look at the US and pick a side because it's more interesting than sports. I would spend hours and hours just arguing about gun control in America and I'm not even American lol.

I guess it is a bit of an issue cause like there is Canadian gun violence done with American weapons that were smuggled but that really happens in Toronto and I don't live there so I don't care.

exactly, and you're not missing out on anything that gets posted to default subs it's all just reposts.

Even like r/gaming still gets like gamergate shit and whatever pumped into it once in a while so I unsubbed and instead subbed to the subs of specific games I'm into. problem solved

I think that's kinda why I'm so obsessed with politics, it's like sports just with more butthurt and nationalism

Obviously, I can see how the US politics bleed into our conversation as well.
If you want a fun read, try visit our news site and just glance over the headlines.

It is our "main" news media everyone is forced to pay for through google translate.
There was a news story about some woman turned feminist and an article about how we could fuck up biology, so I suppose it is a left leaning media, but there is nothing happening in our country.
The biggest story is about a jailbreak that happened because visitors aren't currently required to show photo ID, so a guy just walked out as if he was a visitor.
If that doesn't scream how relaxed we are, I don't know what will.


>Swedish police shot and killed young autist with Down's syndrome

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I swear, it is not a parody site.
This is what our news looks like.

yeah I know I actually heard about that story earlier in an edgy comedy subreddit. Like how cruell god must be to give someone autism AND Down's Syndrome and then a toy gun with his last thoughts being like "haha pew pew bang bang I'ma reel cowboy police come play wif me"

Well that kind of thing happens.
When I was a kid, there were a lot of rage about softguns because they don't look like toy guns and a cop had to shoot a kid for threatening a bunch of people with one.
Parents need to understand that this is not cute behavior when the police show up and this could have been prevented if someone paid attention.