It was like 30°/40° C in London these past couple days and my girlfriend said it was too hot to wear a bra so she's been going bra-less about town.
Normal behaviour or is my concern just caveman tier anxiety playing up.
It was like 30°/40° C in London these past couple days and my girlfriend said it was too hot to wear a bra so she's...
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rightful instinct on your behalf, but it's not like you can do anything about it, what with your woman-loving state.
just know that islam is right and be happy knowing that a caliphate will soon come.
I type like a fucken idiot Jesus Christ.
*Is this normal behaviour for a girl and I'm just being overly anxious or are my spidey senses on point and I should be worried.
saw a chic doing the same in sweden today. she looked bothered when I failed to not look at her bouncies. your gf is doing normal stuff user.
When it's hot, bras are hell. I wouldn't go braless, but it's a fucking pain and I sweat on my tits.
Seems p normal.
Normal nigger-ass behaviour for women these days
As men have been pussified and are frightened of every criticizing women, and society is collectively roleplaying that sex doesn't exist as a constant aspect of human life, women are lacking in supervision and hard cultural norms to tell them not to show their anuses and taints and tits to strangers. It's like the adults have left for an hour and some of the kids are confused that they have no supervision and could TECHNICALLY set the house on fire, or smash the cookie jar and eat all the cookies, so a few of them start doing really dumb shit like that.
Women with actual souls, i.e., women who have developed personalities by the time they reach adulthood, naturally have an aversion to slutting around. When their brain goes
>Should I be a huge slut and show my TITS in public so everyone can see?
instead of going, like an average dumbish woman,
>I mean, I CAN do that.. So I should, right? The point of life is to do whatever you want to do, cross-referenced with whatever you CAN get away with?
Instead, smart women with real personalities tend to think
>Hmm.. But what SHOULD I do?
which often leads them to think things like
>I wonder what the nature of male and female sexuality is. I should ponder on this a bit, before I go flapping my hooters around town. I wonder if in the long run this might be a bad idea, or I might be getting positive attention for the wrong reasons, or something like that. I wonder if being a prehistoric African titty whore is some kind of atavistic hedonism that will atrophy my soul in the wrong run.
So my advice is that you smash her over the head with a brick and find a better girlfriend.
t. woman whose father actually taught her morals, and how gender relations work
$100 on this poster being XY.
however, the rest of his post is correct.
Cool my dude.
I did talk with her about it and brought up how it meant her tits were more visible/pronounced and she hit back with
"well so what? Suprise suprise I have breasts they were there before now they're just less irritating"
You don't show your tits in public. You're still wearing clothes on them.
Yeah women need to be trained to have a concept of propriety, is the thing. This is a bad sign for the rest of your time for her, because one day you will be outside her Zone of Stuff That I Feel Like Respecting, and no amount of saying "But Sandra! I'm still a human person you used to love, with rights and dignity! How can you treat me like this?" will prevent her from seeing you as level 10 filth that she can piss directly onto with no consequences because that's what she intuitively feels you are. You're dating one of the women who hasn't been trained to subordinate her instincts to her humanity.
Women innately do not care what standards exist outside them, unless those standards are imposed by force, shame, and very long custom. She literally cannot understand what it "means" that she "should not" do something, let alone that it's "not right." Women don't understand reason or morality. They understand force and shame. Even attempts at shaming that are not backed up by force and custom will still be met by a probing lashing-out, to see if she can still get away with it. The shame-matrix that used to keep women in check has been eroded in our society.
If you actually pressed the issue she would redefine you as the Bad Guy for telling her what to do, because innately, the way her mind works is
>what I want to do = what I should do
There is literally no way whatsoever for you to get her to stop flailing her breasts around the subway system even if you wanted to. You have to accept that she makes all her decisions on the basis of her emotions. The fact that you can't tell her "Stop doing that" also means she doesn't respect you, i.e., you are in the orbit of her own self-worship rather than her being in your orbit. Enjoy modern woman.
Thank you, I take that as a compliment.
Please don't talk to me.
Cheeky update to the story that might interest you
>too hot to wear a bra
it fucking is so calm down.
Oops replied to totally wrong thread thinking you were the guy trying to date that girl. I thought she was jerking that guy around talking about her tits.
>t. woman
pic related
and yes OP it is normal behavior to dress like you're at the tropical beach when the tropical beach decide to come to you. I've been wearing nothing but sweatpants and boxers and my junk has been flopping all around for everyone to see if they want to stare at my junk they can go ahead I guess.
It's not like it's cold, just the opposite, so her nipples won't be sticking out.
I'm American, I thought all women did that there. Not to worry about I don't think.
sorry, I don't believe women are capable of thinking the way your do or wright.
I agree with you but i don't believe you are female, maybe i just never met "red pilled women" bur this just doesn't fit.
Depends on how big her tits are. If she's an A or B cup she can get by with it. C cup maybe, it depends on her shape/firmness. D+ is being a whore flaunting the goods about town- her tits will naturally sag on her stomach causing even more sweat that a bra would mostly absorb and that sticky feeling she's claiming to avoid.
It undoubtedly is a move for attention to her body. It's the new fad, she wants to be just like the rest of the stupid little girls out there running around with their tits out, because women are obsessed with sexuality, as it runs much of their adult lives. For her to state any other reason is pure bullshit, and she deep down just wants to show off her tits and be considered a sexual object. She's obsessed with how her body looks in a sexual nature, it's just as much for her as it is ABOUT her. I see plenty of self-respecting women that are still very attractive but wear bras, and conversely I see far too many women who are obviously just narcissistic and flaunting their sexual figure because it's the new thing and because they can. Furthermore, they know when and when not to show off their tits; if it was such a natural thing, how come they don't do it around certain people? Think about that for a second...
It’s fuckin LONDON mate, every girl under the sun is doing it. Have you went to a gallery lately, or a coffee shop, any sort of place where young people hang out? I will look at your gf’s tits and she’ll love it, don’t worry.
>Normal behaviour or is my concern just caveman tier anxiety playing up.