I am a self made millionaire, but feel like shit

>20 y.o.
>shut in, no friends
>got lucky with app, got deal in few million $
>Don't know what to do with money
>Sitting at home as usual

I feel like shit complaining about my situtation, but I really don't know what to do. I was very alienated and isolated before money, now I am even more isolated from normal people. I want normal friends and cute gf. What should I do?

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You are gonna get torn apart by the harpies.

20 isn't that old to be khv. Just don't tell people you have money right off the bat and go use that money to do things you've wanted (travel) and you'll likely be happier in the long run.

How'd you think of the app idea?

use your money to buy something that generates income, and then keeping up on that will keep you busy.

most of your problems stem from not being busy. I can personally attest that having regular responsibilities and things to check on IRL changes how you see yourself, and allows you to see your actual personality and outlook. What you're seeing now is the version of you with too much time on your hands, and too much alone time. I genuinely prefer to do my own things alone in my room, but i can't because i have too much shit to do, so I am saved from believing that i am something I am not: alienated and pathetic.

seriously, buy a rental property or something. A small restaurant. anything. You dont have to commit your life to it or even a full days work but you will be leaving the house, meeting people regularly, and that will become the new normal for you. its surprising how easy it is to change when you have a responsibility to continue leaving the house. You're in trouble when you don't /need/ to do anything, because you won't do anything.

You can make friends at work. You'll run into people you like and a lot of people you don't like. The type of people that you work with might make your job more enjoyable

Save your money. You're 20, so you don't appreciate it. In 10 years you will, I promise.

Now that you're rich, all the key tools are open to you. You feel like shit because you haven't developed yourself. I recommend getting fit, honing your skills in an interest or hobby (music, writing, tech, whatever), join social groups. Basically develop yourself and craft your lifestyle, so that you can respect yourself.

absolutely this, OP. Keep yourself busy, put yourself into a "new" comfort zone. I was also feeling alienated and isolated before my career, but by getting out and meeting new people every day you're essentially forced to change for the better

Have you ever thought of going to college? I say this because college is a great way to meet new people. With your kind of money you can live wherever you want, purse whatever interests you and spend your time living the college life comfortably.

>buy a gym
>hire a manager
>workout whenever you want, after hours when it's closed, whatever
>chicks (or guys) will be into you because you're a rich gym owner getting fit
>literally profit

Venmo me your millions and we'll solve each other's problems

Buy a house and invite select 4channers to come live and shitpost with you, have fun and play video games.

I'll put in an application.

Consider an umbrella insurance policy before word gets out about your deep pockets

Seriously, enroll in a college and join some clubs or a frat. Since you don't really need the degree, focus on socializing instead of studying.

how did you become rich by an app?lol

As an app user myself, if I think an app is useful enough, I will either pay for it or willingly put up with the ads.

Imagine lacking any imagination. Fuck you, bro. Get some sane hobbies and keep yourself busy. Volunteer. Don't buy big dumb shit. Ride that cash to your grave. You're one of the few who doesn't have to be a wage slave!

would you feel better if you helped someone in extreme amounts pain help pay for a root canal/crown :)

I don't know about you but if I had money I would be doing the same thing as I do right now. Trying to work in a field that's interesting to me. Trying to become a coder. Except it would be a lot easier because I wouldn't need to worry about paying rent, paying for food, gas or a laptop so I can work.

Buy a motorcycle and tour the continental US. Do a track day in all 48 states, get on couch surfers so you always have a tour guide and a place to stay.

Get your pilots licence and a small plane, fly around and do cool shit.

Move to Hawaii for a year and be a beach bum, learn to surf and dive and spearfish.

Learn to sail and island hop the Caribbean for a while.

Become a competitive PRS shooter

Join a fight club and learn boxing or mma.

Come to southern utah and go exploring with me before school starts back up, shit man, the sky is the limit.

If you don't choose a life of adventure as mentioned above, sign up for the aviation pool program at the college of your choice, join, fraternity and sign up for the ROTC.
Boom, 3 major social groups to party your face off with.
Class to give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
And you get to fly airplanes or helicopters while you are at it.
If you end up not wanting to be a pilot, change majors, who cares? You got the time.

Should’ve brushed your teach / been more careful with what you ate user.

I come from a really wealthy family.

Don't wave your money in the air for people to see. Be you. NEVER MENTION THE MONEY.

My girlfriend's family is rich AF. Her mom waves her money around her head(her husband who passed away left her millions).

I told my girlfriend my Grandparent's have millions(true) but my dad doesn't(not true at all).

People act differently when they think you have money. It's pathetic. Be you, and act normal. No flashy cars, no flashy apartments, nothing.

Invest. Invest. Invest. That's my family does. Build up your golden egg.

Congrats on the Application. I'm going the old fashion 'get a PHD' route. Slow AF, but solid for building a family. Good luck OP.

Wait it out until commercial space travel and quantum computers are released. Until then just play games and watch movies. At least that’s what I’d do.

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Yeah, it's very ironic he managed to come up with an app these days, but doesn't have enough imagination to spend his money.

Do NOT give any of it to your family until you're safe and already turning into a billionaire
buy some real estate and rent it, enjoy yourself with rich people hobbies like music making and investing. You have the money, do both safe investing and risky investing. Go to a big even and learn to interact with people. Make friends online and offline. Buy the most expensive hookers in your area and fuck their asses. But before doing all that, send me $10,000.

do your best to help others by volunteering and whatnot. brings you friends and gets you out of the house

Bill Gates made all the money in the world and then got bored. So he decided to try to end major diseases in Africa.

Put the same energy that made you a success into doing Good Works for some cause, even a very local one, that excites you.

I love how traveling turned into an all healing best holy thing ever.

I like food, traveling, fun, wine, cats, dogs, breathing. Basic bitches even here on five chinks.

PayPal me money and I will fly out to you be your wingman and secure you a gf

Fund race war like Jews do

OP here, thank you guuys for all the responses.

For whose who asking what kind of app can bring you million of dollars the answer is really simple, even shitty apps which you have never heard of companies buy for millions. I have less than 10 mil, but it's still a lot. It was app for ios, can't say anything more than that, sorry guys.

I was tinking aboug buying a gym or a restaurant, but I am not into this things. My main problem is society, most of you said that I should keep it a secret, so basically nothing about me really changes, I am still somewhat ugly dude with poor social skills.

I am really thinking of giving most pf my money to charity and continue living as a hermit on 1$ mil, the only thing I worry about is whether charity would use this money for good.

You could donate to your fellow anons who are always here for you and give me like 4k for the downpayment on a car I desperately need :c

Post of wisdom

This is like watching a Floyd Mayweather interview where the guests keep asking him for money, thinking that they're the biggest comedian ever. This shit isn't funny, fuck off.

Maybe some people legit need help and see someone who is just planning on giving it away anyway. Maybe you should lighten up a bit and see that good Samaritabism and camraderie aren't dead ideas.

Get a car that costs no more than 10k and dress down. Then show up at normal people events and have a great time.

My parents are losing their home because they can't pay their mortgage.

My 85 year old psychiatrist (Jungian) dad is still working. He says he enjoys it, but he is so frail that I have a strong feeling that he would retire if he could.

My 72 year-old mother, who is a nurse, doesn't have fingerprints anymore. This is because over the course of nearly 50 years on the job she's washed her hands so much that her prints have disappeared.

After two lifetimes of helping other people, these two wonderful people are being kicked out of their home. I can't help them, as I am also employed yet struggling to exist.

But you... You could help. And in exchange, I think my dad could probably help you. I don't know. I'm just kind of desperate. Others have it worse, but to see them so worried and sad is making me really depressed.

In any case, you're not the only one who's alone and sad, so... Cheer up?

Their house is too big. Help them downsize , toss out shit they dont need, moveinto a cozy apartment and live off social security.

Invest. Ensure some form of passive income. And then find a passion to do something - a hobby or whatever. Have a goal and work towards it, be sure not to waste that money on vanity.

>I feel like shit complaining about my situtation
You ARE shit.
Do you know how many whore's pussies would I have been slaying right now with that money?
Get lost, sucker. Become an hero.

Keep making poorfag hate threads on r9k, they will help you to feel better, richfag.

How about hiring a bunch of coaches to help you improve yourself?

-Personal Trainer
-Dating Coach
-Fashion Advisor
-Wealth Advisor

Get to hang with quality people and learn the things you want to.

Hide your status by any means necessary until after marriage ideally, or at least 6 mo into any relationship.

Don't buy expensive cars, don't buy an expensive house, pretend you're renting.
Move somewhere else, get a normal job, make new friends.

which app ?

Can you please buy me this g-shock I have been wanting for ages?

I just lost my job and my gf broke up with me in the same week and I literally feel like aids.

I suggest investing in experiences to help you grow as a person. No offense, but you’re probably really really really fucking boring.

There’s a lot of truth to this post, but I’d take it a few steps further and say make your personal life more adventurous. Go take a race/stunt driving course. Go live in a foreign city for a few months, like Bangkok or Santiago or some shit (“travel” has become a meme because spending a week in Europe and taking a selfie with the Eiffel Tower doesn’t help you grow at all). Become a bartender on an island resort (it’ll help with your people skills). Go to strange places and just TALK to people. Do it enough and you’ll get good at it.

Do things that’ll push you out of your shell and make you more interesting, and eventually you’ll have friends and maybe a gf. Just make sure not to blow your money on the gf.

go backpacking. meet cute backpacker girls