This film is anti white

Thanks for gassing my last thread mods, anyway I just saw this shorty film and it’s kike propaganda on full auto

Devon Stack has made a very good breakdown on it here:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its unoriginal as well, they pretty much took the plot of the happening.

white single woman in her 50's is pregnant with a child she doesnt want and fucks a buff black dude 20 years younger than her. /end of movie.

>last thread hurr dis movie bad pol
>this thread, let me at least some source to back up my shit instead of looking like the typical Netflix shill who posts once
Is this too much to ask Toby

Why are American flicks so shit Jow Forums?

CIA propaganda.

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>kike propaganda
>only goyim characters

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God this movie looks like shit.

Well my first thread lacked any txt just a subject so it was a bit weak, I saw the Devon Stack video and decided to see for myself, it’s true though leaf the film is shitty! Also who the fuck is Toby???

Isn't this copy of a film were people wouldn't make loud noises or the monster will get them?

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Because Hollywood is run by nepotistic Jews and they're out of touch and out of ideas.

I didn't watch the movie but I assume the plot is these democrats can't remove the blindfold or else the "evil" aka the truth about hillary's crimes will get them

nice to see Devon's grown up a bit, used to be a giant faggot, now he's just a faggot. some day he'll be a man.

Check out Humanity Bureau for maximum holohoax keks

Nigger (((hero)))

They end up at a school for the blind at the end.
Many loose ends.
Bad movie.

Most movies are made in a formulaic manner as opposed to unique artistic interpretation. Most barely even use simple angles to accent the mood or set the tone anymore. It's all about the money and pushing an agenda these days.

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Many such cases

Nah, that one was alien critters that hated sound, so they killed anyone making noise. This one is invisible things that don't even try and attack. You see them and want to kill yourself. The biggest actual threat in the movie are psychos who aren't affected like normal people. They see the things and want to forcefully make other people see them.

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Just started watching it bro, I’ll let you know what I think if the thread is still up in and hour or so

not knowing a god damn thing about the premise beyond the name and poster (about to watch ) yeah, it instantly struck me as reminiscent of A Quiet Place. I think it's the art direction, along with the theme. society collapsed, and one of the five main senses of the survivors is severely restricted.

Update: I’m 1:46 in and I’m already laughing, I can picture the faggot who pitched the idea for this film

US education is marxists indoctrination massproducing SJWs
they flood all the companies and push their propaganda on the masses, its inevitable, every American company is tainted, and massmedia is the worse since all the lefties go to the humanities/media

education needs to be saved from marxists, this is the route of all the problems

>they have to put 'academy award winner' next to sandra bullock's name because millennials don't remember who she is
still hot though, damn

>anything produced by Netflix
>not anti-white propaganda

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*the root of all problems

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>White boyfriend abandons white girlfriend when she gets pregnant
>Alpha level headed black man with only her protection and best interest in mind wins her
Every fucking Netflix movie now

Pozzed messages in the film for any NPCs out there that were too blind to see them:
>"We think that it may be a bio weapon manufactured in IRAN or NORTH KOREA (hmm predictive programming trying to prepare us for hostile foreign relations in the future with these countries which retain central banks)
>When John Malkovich shouts "let's make the end of the world great again" In fact, John Malkovich's whole character
>Both black characters self-sacrifice and have no discernible character flaws
>Obviously the interracial sex scenes
>gay chink
>le racist white man opposed to progressive modern architecture
>the scene where le racist white man doesn't want the outsider to come into the house "all contact we've had with the outside has been bad!"
>Where the black guy goes on a rampage at the end and singlehandedly takes out all the crazy white people who have come to kill him
>crazy white people trying to wake everyone up and see the truth - just like in real life with these Alex Jones conspiritards am I right????

>Sandra Bullock incapable of making the hard choice of choosing the girl to see for her when they get to the rapids. She puts emotions over logic and endangers them all in the process. Typical leftist mentality
>multicultural "race blind" utopia at the end

The only true to life part was that the black guy leaves Sandra Bullock as a single mother at the end.

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Probably the only film ever made where a black man has to raise the WIFES SON that is white.

Left her because he died defending her. The white father abandoned her from.thr beginning. It's like backwards world on Netflix.

>It's all about the money and pushing an agenda these days.
and this is the worst part, there used to be pure entertainment for the masses
but now its all about inserting leftie politics, its foul indoctrination which ruins everything - the story, the lore, the characters, see how they turned Starwars into shitfest in the name of diversity

The father didn't abandon her, she pushed him away. The entire beginning established her character as being a shut in and incapable of connecting with people. The painting she was making displayed that. Her sister even called her on it. She couldn't even name the children, calling them boy and girl, because she didn't want to form attachments with them. Also, John Malkovich' character was right about everything. He even saves Bullocks character by going after the psycho with the shotgun.

>tfw we'll never see the human holocaust again

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I started watching it but I'm not going to finish. Tired of the constant social engineering. Its all the left has is divide and conquer.

Those concrete cheeks tho

Ah, looks like they needed to counter the accidental pro-white, pro-family movie "A Quiet Place". Don't take my word for it though, read this review by this kike about it. The only people who recognize how films are just propaganda, one way or the other, are us, and (((them))).

I was making a joke about the black guy but yeah outside the narrative point about him being correct about everything he was still an achingly obvious parody of MAGApedes. No subtlety

I've never used netflix once in my life and I haven't seen a TV show or movie since 2004.

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It was produced by Bluegrass Films which gets it's money from the ChiComs, not kikes. The Hollywood kikes and ChiComs hate eachother. It's no secret in Hollywood that there's a sort of civil bidding war going on between the kikes and Chinese

>Written by (((David Schultz)))
Every. Fucking. Time.

The real question here is why are you watching Netflix propaganda?

feel the need to reiterate what was said earlier; this movie is literally just A Quiet Place: Blacked Edition. It's like they saw that movie's potential to become a cultural icon and rushed to subvert it. this movie had barely applicable low effort memes popping up on the big normie meme pages at the instant of it's release. I saw them before I'd heard of the movie.

Netflix streams the most pig disgusting shit ever filmed/animated and just wait til you hear them say "that's a good thing"

I recently watched that "slasher" series thinking i'd be watching some 90's scream like cheese. It was all niggers and homosexuals, every episode from beginning to end, I somewhat like or should i say tolerate netflix because i travel alot abroad for my work and it's easy to watch some movies in the hotel but i'm seriously considering letting this aids fly.


Am I the only one that noticed?...

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I liked the movie

Just goes to show how much netflix controls what people actually watch.

Yeah i noticed that and immediately said it to my gf who fucking conned me in to watching a movie with her. I fucking hate watching movies nowadays. She rolled her eyes. But she knows im right. Its the little things i like pointing out to her that get her to realize how fucked everything is.

It's gotten bad.
I've stopped seeing (((current-year))) shows/movies regularly back in 2013. Like no more following the lastest episodes of current big shows, like GoT or TWD. No more going to see, or torrenting movies that had many commercials and big hype.

Everytime I watch a new release on netflix with someone, or go and see a movie in theatres, I cant stop noticing how much worse its gotten and how much propaganda is pushed. You can notice the difference between a movie made by netflix and a non-netflix current year movie.
Both are full of pushed-in propaganda but the netflix one doubles down on it more than any other.

I tried watching but sandra bullocks weird face put me off

Is your gf based?

Wait, I thought you couldn't get pregnant in your 50s due to menopause?

Black man taking responsibility for someone elses children when ? What?

Try yourself, you'll notice the difference.

Watch a show/movie from the 80s. Then the 90's. Then go to mid 2000s. Then one from 2012-ish then now.

you'll notice the jews progressively push more and more of the agenda into their movies. Nowadays, they are so accepted/in power that they dont worry about being noticed or caught.
>The strong woman who has a troubled past but 0 charactler flaws except not treating herself good enough
>the goofy incompetent white man
>the mean rude white man
>the rich evil bald old white man
>the blonde bully or villian
>the hateable popular girl/guy with blonde/aryan features
>villains with german names or names modeled after ww2 nazis
>the honest, selfless, heroic black man
>the black woman who is more honest and good than anyone else
>the super smart black nerd

God I hate jewish media

As based as a woman can get I suppose. She isnt going to be on 4chins anytime soon posting demographic shifts or jew numbers for hollywood execs. But she knows about it.

>Is your gf based?

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Their audience is mostly NPCs and all you gotta do to have a Special on there is to suck the boss' stinky cock

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Watched it with my boom-mom the other night. It's a bad movie fortunately.

Lillyhammer quite suprised me tho, it's a scandinavian and netflix production so you'd expect it to be double cucked, instead the maincharacter puts a paki on his place and calls him a towelhead, encourages the son of his love interest to write a nationalistic speech putting down welfare leeches and goes bring order into an asylum center because they've been harrasing a old Norwegian guy. Ofcourse they had to push in some cucked shit with te balotelli dude etc but still quite suprising.

link related

I want to know more about that picture

i thought it was strange that the black grocery store clerk instantly knew what was going on because he was so schooled in several ancient cultures end of times prophecies.

just fucking lazy writing, "Oh I'm writing a novel about the apocalypse"

bullock more like bollocks

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The final place is full of blind people....what was the point of the movie, they were blind to evil racism? LOL!

I remember when films were interesting. People like PT Anderson would take risks. To the director it wasn't about making money. It was about making an amazing movie.
Nowadays a movie as simple as Fargo would be considered too much of a risk to make.

Greedy fuckin unions

Since humans are followers and mimic others, I don’t see why having a based, smart black man as main character is a bad thing...
unless you’re just a pussy and are scared of anyone non-white.

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What's this movie about? I'm never going to watch it because I will not fall for the streaming jew but it's being shilled all over the place

You watch your fucking mouth about Devon. Don’t you ever say anything like that about him again. Devon Stack is pure Jow Forums. Consider yourself warned faggot.

China is getting into Hollywood too, they basically admire the Jews and are going to copy their strategy.

sounds like propaganda to keep women childless and locked into the consumer hamster wheel.


unfortunately this is true
as i was watching it i couldnt help but notice:
All non-whites are good characters
All whites are evil or flawed characters
Main White woman gets with black guy - because.

It's all the foreskin facials

The director is a Jew. Imagine that.

Male niggers are disgusting.

>What's this movie about?
Some black guy being a cuck and sacrificing himself to save two white children

>> women
>> white women

Yet you still chase the lost brainless destructive baron white woman. You have shit for brains

Every director is a jew

vee destroyed this idiot that review is your brain on /pol

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both are happy seeing whites mix with niggers tho

I considered sharing this vid on facebook but decided to check out the rest of his catalog to see if it was too Jow Forums because I have libshit acquaintances who WILL go digging for that kind of shit.
>open channel page
>title vid starts
>"hey guys it's Devon, thanks to everyone who's already bought my book Day Of The Rope, I'm going to read a passage here"
>pic related, surely it's just a provocative title
>look it up on amazon, it's literally the turner diaries

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kind of figured it was something like that. Just see a bunch of people with blindfolds on and girls on twitter tweeting shit about it

Males are just disgusting in general.

>excessive body hair
>lower, masculine voices
>lacks the refinement of a woman
>no tits

I'm glad women find us attractive.

Vee is a gimp and a you’re a flaggot

Watch his YouTube videos but do not share with friends or family. Only share them anonymously. Dude is based AF.

Of course you did, Hanz you fucking bumbling dungeon cuck

The level to which the kikes have overplayed their hand is stunning.

Well it is science fiction after all.

This is Obama's true legacy and what will be the hardest to erase or reverse.

I think thats the best way to do it, slowly show them things until they start seeing things themselves
then you can go deep with the redpills

Yes and I havent been able to find good films for over a decade. If it werent for capeshit Hollywood would be dead. They are going low end with Netflix to keep pushing the propaganda after the original model fails.

Now everything going forward has to be loaded to the tits with subversion as the eyeballs are spread between more titles. It makes the subversion both more widespread and harder for normies to notice as it becomes ubiquitous.

How long until we ironically have black male protags? Like literally just so we script that 20 black men die for a single huwhaite womyn

This low budget shit was so jewpilled. Definitely a laugher.

You mayos are a bunch of whiny little snowflakes

It's not propaganda, it's just a mediocre movie with poor editing and effects and a criminally underutilized cast.

Get raked

Was extremely disappointed with how underused Malkovich was in the movie. I mean the character was practically set up to have a solid character arc starting out as the unrepentant asshole, softening over time, and eventually coming around to be the one who convinces Bullock that the kids need to have something more to live for than just survival and ultimately sacrificing himself to give them a chance.

Instead it went to the random guy Bullock has all of two conversations with in the entire movie prior to everyone else getting offed.