What if world really did end in 2012 and we are now living in Hell which could explain why the world is so absurd as it...

What if world really did end in 2012 and we are now living in Hell which could explain why the world is so absurd as it is?

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He never had a monocle.
The mandela effect is a fucking meme

Yeah OP, there was never a monocle. Try this thread with something more obvious

Mandela effect is just people misremembering shit or never being exposed to the truth in the first place

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this, but the monocle would fit perfectly

The womb is the gateway by which we enter purgatory. We can either exist in purgatory until our material forms die, our souls have never breathed their first breaths, or we can choose a side. We can either be for or again life, the truth, and everything which is good. If you choose for and are diligent in your pursuit of these things, then your soul will be elevated to such a state that you realize you are a disciple of the Christ. If you choose against, and are diligent in your destruction of these things, then your soul will be dragged down to such a state that you realize you are a disciple of Satan.
Hell is not a place you will see with your senses, it is a place you will feel in your soul. Likewise for heaven. What happens after death will not be sensory in nature, it will be more perfect than our senses are. Either perfect suffering or perfect bliss. Your choice, your soul.

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No OP, we're not dead. But there are multiple dimensions/realities/timelines.
The one where Hillary won has had a thermo nuclear war, and the ripple effects of that cause some weird things in our timeline. But nothing to worry about.

This, whoever made this was either trolling or mixing mr. peanut in his memories

Why do you fags always pick 2012 for this shit? I

>all those anons living in singular reality

what if I told you I actually thought the other way around and laughed at the idea of the mandela effect in this case?

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That actress is actuality burning hot in real life.

My dick fits perfectly in your mom's ass

everyone assumes its false memories until it effects them personally

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The Mandela effect is a disinformation campaign created by the CIA. The goal is to get people who suggest the past has been altered instantly dismissed as crazy.
>Hey user, didnt the monopoly man used to have a monacle?
>No, stop reading retarded internet conspiracies.
This way, they can start actively altering historical facts. The general public will attribute the changes to “flawed human memory”, and anyone astute enough to recognize changes made will be dismissed as crazy.
>Hey user, didnt the United States agree to destroy their nuclear arsenal in exchange for Russia doing the same?
>No, a cursory Google search shows you are wrong. Why would you bother asking such an easily verified question?
>Well I distinctly remember this happening. Im sure its not just my memory because this agreement resulted in-
It has actually already started. They HAVE made subtle changes to things. If you look closely enough, you can find them. You need a reference from an earlier publication though. Owning a physical encyclopedia would be a wise move for anyone seeking to preserve the truth. Hitsory books would be smart too. Once all of this data is made digital, and paper books are phased out under the guise of environmental impact, there will be a handful of people who literally control the past. The changes they make will be(and are) very small, and incremental. With enough small incremental changes, though, eventually two plus two could equal five.

“He who controls the past, controls the present. He who controls the present, controls the future”
~George Orwell’s 1984

There are many people who insist that Nelson Mandela died in the 1990s in prison. Now the common knowledge is that he died in 2013.

Something is definitely fucked and most people have no idea what it is, including me.

It could be the hadron collider, universal energy shifts, fucking time traveling people changing the past. Who fucking knows. What I do know is that there is definitely some fuckery going on. There is too much evidence that shows it.

The mandela effect is a psyop to add to the conditioning of people to distrust everything, so in turn they just ignore most things whether factual or not. this in turn leads people to become more content with inane stuff and continue to be fodder for propaganda and manipulation.

That scene doesn't even make sense without the braces

Understanding the Mandela effect is one of the keys to control of reality.

rich fags wear a monocle its just your brain playing tricks on you

>Mandela effect is a psy-op
Wrong nigger, I know for a fact that kidneys used to be down by the bladder, and that the blonde bitch in Moonraker had braces. I watched that movie 10 times when I was a kid.

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I asked my girlfriend to describe the monopoly man to me, she said monocle. I didn't hint at anything and that's what she said. Cope harder that we have shifted

kidneys moved?

Fucking scary, user. Thanks for the advice. I'll be downloading all of Wikipedia to my hard drive this weekend.

>not 80HP
I already know you are going to say its supposed to be the name.

The line from Forrest Gump, "life is/was a box of chocolates" one pushed me over the edge. I clearly remember it being "is" rather than "was", which it is now. I duno how the fuck they did it but they changed that damn line.

He never had a monocle. You're thinking of the peanuts guy

Attached: mr.peanut.gif (242x286, 361K)

Didnt someone already tie this into the quantum computers? They changed some verses in the bible to say that Jesus wanted to "behead them" or some shit. Doesn't sound right thats for sure. Some berenstien bears shit.

only a retard would confuse the monopoly guy with mr peanut.

Tower of Babel has been built

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The world was no less absurd in 2012 and before. It just wasn't quite this gay faggotry.

is that the new lie you will tell yourselves now? "they" changed the bible? Your bible has been plagiarism from the very start and you have been following lies. But you'll explain the fact that the plagiarism exists as "they just changed things to make me not follow the mythical king kike."

you are just mixing up the planter's peanut mascot with the monopoly man because those are the only two major marketing images that use a top hat.

so did the heart, the small intestines, and the rib cage looks different.

t. effected

"if you build it, he will come."

My crazy flat earthers brother was on about it. I'm open minded and read the verse and it doesn't sound right that Jesus would want you to behead someone. I'll try to find the verse here.

i havent ever heard these ME. any more info? sauce?

Notice that the people who think Mandella died in prison usually know jackshit about history and are 99% of the time total normies

Well fuck me, this makes a lot of sense. Fucken saved

eat shit i remember the monocle, you really think so many anons would remember such a detail and be wrong? what about "luke, i am your father" not existing?

ford logo?

everybody I know have pick the "mandela ford logo" over the real, but probably because it's more pleasant

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this most likely, i remember the monocle, but i also remember mr peanut being around the same period as monopoly was at its peak advertisement wise. Also the fact that greedy banks trope is having a monocle cause "high status" or whatever probably plays into it as well

The mandingo effect. In my parallel universe Sweden is a white country.

notice how the mandela effect is always towards smth you would expect to have. that means it's most likely false memories. Give me one example of a mandela effect where the reality is what you expect

well, the nature of MEs means there is no sauce. But just google anatomy MEs and you'll find it all


I've experienced massive geography MEs too. Those were the scariest as I've always loved maps as a kid. When South America shifted 1000 miles east i nearly had a heart attack.

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wait what?


It's from retards misquoting it all the damn time

IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN IS WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?~!!~?!?~!?!

yeah but that's because life is like a box of chocolates is an aphorism so that's why that became a fad for people to say. I stopped believing in this shit because every example is a memory of something expected, stereotyped, or useful to remember. For example tank man people think he died, that's because the video stops before it shows anything. Berenstein is remembered because stein is a common name while stain is not. it's like that for every example

mandela effect is what happens when you bombard low IQs with useless information for decades
they become schizophrenic and remember things wrong

life was like a box of chocolates

The same as "No, I am your father" from Space Wars The Musical.

This is not really news that people have faulty memories.

That's why we keep physical records of things.

That's why eyewitness accounts in trials are not even 100% reliable.

Mandela was a kaffir anyway, who literally killed people at the Church Str. bombing, but the Jewsmedia praised him as a saint because kikes are the enemy of all Whites, and were happy to see White people's blood flow in the streets.

If you watch Forrest Gump now the line is "My mom always said life *was* like a box of chocolates".

GTFO. Holy shit. Im legit scared now.

I was a invited to a private reddit sub (yeah I know I know) dedicated to sharing experiences of the Mandela Effect. I can tell you right now these people are not right in the head.

"luke i am your father' references star wars so thats why people repeated that. "No I am your father' would not become a fad because it doesn''t have anything in it that references star wars other than the memory of the scene


Nah I remember it vividly because I watched it with my brother, and later that we were quoting that line over and over. It makes less sense for it to be "was" than "is" too, and on the back of the original VHS it says "life is like a box of chocolates".

I've also experienced a flip flop. Some people online were discussing how Chic-fil-a used to be Chick-fil-a. And they were saying it is stupid because Chic would make the store name sound like "Sheek-fil-a"
I had no opinion on it as there aren't any restaurants in my area, but I googled it and all images came up "Chic-fil-a." Ok, so I thought it was a ME for some people maybe and it is a weird way to spell the name.

A few weeks later I had read the name "changed back" I googled Chic-fil-a. Every image I had just seen were the same but the spelling had changed.

What is odd, is that the original VHS copy says "is", not 'was'.

Attached: Is-was?.jpg (542x999, 215K)

it's because your mind wants it to be that because it's something useful to say. Life was like a box of chocolates references the movie itself, while "is" makes it something useful for your brain to remember


>evidence for both truths
>your just misremembering things
select uno

That's because the scene where his mother is on her deathbed, she says is. When he is recounting the line to the lady on the bus bench, Forrest said was.

Sarah Palin never said she could see Alaska from her backyard, that was implanted into the collective memory by a Saturday Night Live skit.

"Rich Corinthian Leather" was not in any advertisement with Ricardo M.

In Starship Troopers Michael Ironsides never says, "I'll kill you myself".

However, in these mis-quotes the gist of the message is correct.


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No, that was some out of context parable.



I watch this move every year with polish lector while visiting my grandma. He always says "jest" ("is"), not "było" ("was"). Both words sounds completely different.

Oh yeah. And he's recalling his life. So past tense. End Forest Gump discussion, thanks user.

Your post gave me the biggest pseudo-intellectual vibe I've gotten from Jow Forums in a long time.

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Like I said in the other thread I agree with you OP we are living in somekind of simulated hell reality tailored for each one of us. That's why nothing ever happens.

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Gets even crazier. Some have said stars and constellations have changed. Apparently the "old earth" was in the Sagittarius arm of our galaxy. Some claim our sun is more white now and used to be more yellow. Many people even believe time itself has changed, and seconds on the clock are just a bit too fast then they remember.

The popular theory is those of us that are effected have somehow "shifted" to this timeline, or reality.

Perhaps it was brought about by our meddling with particle accelerators opening a gateway.
Are (((they))) worshiping demons and bringing about destruction?


did curious fag have tail?

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This is why I still occasionally test whether my psychic powers have developed yet.

He's a monkey, of course he has a tail


>read comments
>reportedly parts of the video itself have changed
mistakes have been made

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Rich uncle pennybags never had a monocle you idiot.
And there is no "your reality" you're just gullible and have bad memory.

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Checked toothpaste flag.

The quote was "No, I am your father." but people misquoted it so that's how you remember it: through misquotes
How about you eat shit you fucking retarded gypsy
Yeah having a top hat on and a tuxedo like the style of the Gilded age (1870s to 1910s) industrialists (J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Hopkins, literally any other 'Robber Baron') which also had monocles on. Also, ask your girlfriend to describe how it felt when she cucked you for the first time.

well black people don't have tails and they're monkeys

Does it matter at all? These are insignificant differences. If you don't know the history of Mandela the terrorist, you can look it up.

No one is saying everyone's memory is 100% correct.

So, if anything it's all a sort of strawman... "Everyone is claiming their memories are always 100% perfect. Here is the proof they are wrong."

That video..I just fucking don’t understand.

The terrible thing about Hell
Is that when you're there you can't even tell
As you move through this life you love so
You could be there and not even know

Uncle Sam's hat with red stripes on this poster. No more.

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Wish I was in a better parallel universe. Where spics aren’t invading and someone other than kikes controls their money supply and occultism

Shit was I wrong. He has no tail, but according to Wiki he's a chimp, but another part says monkey.

Technically, monkeys have tails, apes do not.

This is why Spain is still a failing economic power.

I watched Curious George for the late part of my childhood. I know that there's no tail because i remember an episode where he goes to his country house and the country kid makes fun of him because hes a monkey and doesnt have a tail

Which situation has evidence for both sides?

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Would explain why everybody is so sad

Who is wrong though? There’s virtually only ever one of two specific recollections from a huge amount of people. It’s not the retelling of a long saga of experience that’s getting misremembered in a multitude of ways.

He never had a monocle. You're confusing him with Mr. Peanut, you fag

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Oh fugg, toothpaste beat me to it

The interesting part is that many have the SAME faulty memory.

What if someone figures out how to shape the details of our memories that the mass have the same faulty memory.

The Forest Gump line "life IS like a box of chocolates" and "life WAS like a box of chocolates".
see Most of the people who remembered it wrong probably didn't see the original VHS package.

Never had red stripes