The chad protestants vs. the virgin catholicucks

>the chad protestants vs. the virgin catholicucks

Protestantism has ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity for true believers. Looks like denouncing a corrupt, satanic creed like Catholicism really pays off.

Attached: lmao.jpg (1200x960, 387K)

>thinking Germany's GPD has got anything to do with Protestantism and not Germany's autistic obsession with Arbeit

>Germany's autistic obsession with Arbeit

Germans don't work.

Attached: hours worked per country.jpg (960x684, 91K)

That's because they work really hard and efficiently so they can go home and play work simulator games.

>Greece is even registered on that list
I'm gonna go ahead and ignore those stats now

>thinking germans work instead of being ashkenazi jews and jewing who they can by creating cultural marxism or frankfurt school or threatening people with tanks or nukes

Polacken are disgusting subhuman

>denounce the faith
>get worldly, materialistic rewards Christ preached against
Really makes you think

Uhhhhhm Sven Maria Uwe, i hate to correct you (again) but the Money is made in the Catholic Parts of Germoney

>SEETHING catholicucks wallowing in self-pity and abject poverty

I love you too, bby

Are...are you him?

Attached: polish anthem verse 1.png (743x217, 127K)

So Bavaria and BW are Protestcucks?

We really should tear down the Danube-Bridges.

Bavaria was a 3rd world SHITHOLE until giga-chad and ultra-protestant Bismarck came along and lifted them from their pool of mud.

OP is a idiot, Bavaria made that $$$

it needed an Austrian Hobo to build up your forsaken Industry :)

>Austrian Hobo


>polish anthem verse 1
But nah, that's not me. I'm not into rape, I just want a German bf :333 ;3333

Isn't Poland a bit lacking because it was full commie until recently, and not half commie like Germany?

wait, we have $500b gdp? thats not half bad

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>I just want a German bf

Are you cute tho


stop it, you fags, and repent


>tfw no German bf to steal my bike and Jews


Short and cute, just *a little* thick

I go for runs 3 - 4 times a week, I will take you with me until you're presentable again and afterwards we'll shower together

I'm in, honeybuns :3

How soon can you be in Munich

Attached: Munich sunset.jpg (1024x715, 373K)

Somewhere in February, I'm afraid :c



>the chad protestants vs. the virgin catholicucks
Fuck off, JIDF.

Attached: jew gaslighting.jpg (811x777, 205K)

We are Catholic tho, thanks.

GDP is HEAVILY inflated in countries with a large welfare system (including gov "workers"). Only the initial welfare payments don't count in the GDP calculations.

>Juan receives $1 from welfare
>Juan spends that $1 at Walmart
>Walmart pays wagecuck Richard that $1
>Richard spends that $1 at Wafflehouse
>Wafflehouse pays meth addict Alice that $1
>GDP = $4 based on that $1 of welfare

GDP is a worthless calculation, Our whole economy is based on welfare seed money being bounced around.

Attached: 70657065.png (590x545, 485K)

Italy and Spain have longer life expectancies. Money isn't everything Hans

>Italy and Spain have longer life expectancies.

Oh, so protestant countries get to enter the kingdom of heaven sooner? God must really HATE catholicucks.

He loves us(Italians) enough that he gave us the responsibilty of building European civilization

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