We work 40+ hours a week, for 40 years, and only get a couple of weeks of vacation. This is what you call freedom...

We work 40+ hours a week, for 40 years, and only get a couple of weeks of vacation. This is what you call freedom? Medieval peasants had more free time than you ever will have. What do you even have to show for at the end of the day? A house and a couple of cars?

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what do you want to be to your name, user?
if a house and a couple of cars is not enough, than what is?

>Free and universal healthcare
Bullshit. Healthcare isn't free, but it is mandatory to have some form of health insurance and those don't have to cover everything, the ones that do are quite expensive and even then you have to pay for the first 380 euros of your total annual healthcare costs.

Cancer threat, We pay 125 EU a month for a health insurance, We pay the medicines or care out of our own pockets... Trust me, Life here is more expensive then where you live, And wtf move out of your county to a state with great cost of living.

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It you work any sort of job beyond entry level you, on average, get vacation comparable to the rest of the western world. If you don't like the vacation you get, the onus is on you to improve your situation.

I suspect that's an old map from before they commercialized healthcare here.

You earn more money and pay less taxes than the other western countries especially in Professional Jobs like software engineering health care

That’s the tradeoff

Truth. We also pay €20.000 for a new 1.4L engine car and €1.56 per litre gas.

40 hour work week? I work more that double that. I average 81-82 hours a week. And I get plenty of vacation time.

No one is forcing you to work a 40+ hour work week for 40 Straight years. Save money and you can retire in another country, or buy a small house and do something part time. Don't spend 20k a year on College. Don't spend 20k on a car.

Just because 90% of the population falls for Jewish debt tricks doesn't mean you are forced.

My WAJONG uitkering (N33TBUX) brother actually is +50 EU ahead of me ( working 40 hours) a month since i pay schlomo monthly for a car and dont get rent subsidising (I did not do the mortgage meme, Its for Americans only)

I hope the system bleeds dry soon!

I earn too much for "social rent" but not enough to earn mote than a maxxed out "social rent" person, the system is a joke.

>Free™ and Universal™ healthcare
Yes I enjoy paying for "Free" healthcare so I can have extensive waiting lists and immigrants "cutting lines" to get first priority.

This was posted yesterday.
Shows how little extra money you get from having a higher paying job.

Only the top earners get to benefit from high wages, because they pay little or no taxes.
And you need investments to make any kind of real money.

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Ok, I’m a young guy working my ass of making very good money. But I want to make the best decisions for my future, I almost have my car paid off and I have some money in savings. I’m considering either outright investing my money into a business or going to college to get a degree to further my career. Why shouldn’t I go to college? I’m not a faggot liberal that’s going to get a degree is English or fucking Marxism.

40 hours a MONTH? What the fuck? How do you even survive?

College works out for some people. Don't be a jack off that goes there just to party like the majority. Explore scholarships, use community college, and go to an in state school. Know how completely fucked student loans are and stay away from them. They can not be discharged ever.

Starting a business is a good idea. You get alot of tax advantages if you are smart. You get to play around in pre-tax money. learn about deductions and tax credits. It's hard at first when you don't have enough money to be creative with you money. The taxes in the early years are real ball kickers. As soon as you have money for buying property and vehicles, retirement accounts, it starts to pay off.

I only work 24 hours a week and it's ok this way. people mostly work 40hours a week because everyone does it and they think they have to do it, or because they have a female leech to feed. But seriously you don't need to work this hard.
also this. nothing is free. I don't know what you are trying to say with that picture.

>Why shouldn’t I go to college?

Because you are very unlikely to ever earn back the investment.

Say you make 50k per year and tuition is 20k.
Over 4 years that's 280k.
Plus you will lack 4 years of work experience, putting a serious dent in your C.V. - remember nobody will hire you past age 35 unless you have tons and tons of work experience.

Go live innawoods, faggot.

It's that or live life like the families on the frontier. Toiling the soil, raising live stock. One way or another, your going to work your ass off.

Forgot to mention you will either be paying interest or losing out on investments over that 280k.
So in reality it will cost you closer to half a million.

I refuse to take our loans, id rather not fuck myself over so early in life when I have a good thing going. Right now I’m saving up as much money as possible and making small safe investments until I have enough to pay my entire tuition for a state Uni. But I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of the gullible college girls to the full extent. Girls flock to you when they know you have money, I can only imagine what it would be like to have money surrounded by college girls.

Loser. i always tell my boss i have to visit dying family overseas and then leave for 3 weeks.

I already work in my career field so I’m already gaining the experience I need, but in order to move up significantly more quickly and have access to the highest paying positions I need a college degree. A years salary with a college degree would be enough to pay off any loans in full. And that’s not counting the money I already have saved up.

do you not realize what egypt is yet.

Attached: fake jews are egypt.jpg (1550x1050, 784K)

What field?
What uni and degree are you aiming for? (Just a bachelors or going to grad school)

Engineering, just a bachelors, it’s all that’s necessary. Real life experience is much more important. I haven’t decided on any Uni in particular.

What field?

buh buh gorvernment health care is socialism!

Now excuse me whilst I do the pledge of allegiance.

Uruguay doesn’t have Universal Healthcare.

>free healthcare
oh im laffin

I’d say it’s worth. I’d say name isn’t that super important for engineering (especially undegrad) so you could go to an affordable in state school?

Could you be entitled to any scholarships? Anything to lower that debt

>hurr durr I’m a retarded loser that doesn’t take responsibility for himself, I’m worse off than medieval peasants and all I have to show for it are incredible feats of technology that make my life infinitely better

Define Universal health care and why that little african nation is the only one with it.

Commie shill bots out tonight

Reminder that the quality of UK healthcare is the same as its worth

Thank god for people being wising around here.

Attached: KillsMoloch.png (740x600, 131K)

Might be a good note

My brother is on N33TBUX unironically, It is from the same gibs bag where the refugees get the money from, they even ate 5% from them last year and taxed us harder and i am sick and fucking TIRED of this, Golden horns when!? I am patient ofcourse and i am so happy that i am alive, But man this Ride gets me thrilled! its the adrenaline talking!

So you work about 10 hours and 50 minutes a day, everday? What job?